NASA DEVELOP Summer Program in the USA

DEVELOP is glad to welcome new interns for the NASA DEVELOP Summer Program 2024 which will take place in the USA. So if you are looking for a place to do your internship, then NASA DEVELOP is the right place for you and the application is ongoing.

For this reason, this article will give you detail of all you need to know about the NASA DEVELOP Summer Program.

This is really grand for intern participants for the next year of their life because there is no official standard DEVELOP participant. Anyone with an interest in Earth science is welcome to apply.

Another amazing feature of the NASA DEVELOP program is that you will get paid for developing your interest in Earth Science.

Also, an international applicant is eligible to apply, however, acceptances for international applicants are conditional. All this and more information is what you will find here.

Hence, to kick off with the NASA DEVELOP application process, pay attention to every detail we have below.

You can take a brief look at the table of contents below to see all the interesting topics like the eligibility requirements, how to apply and many more.

About the DEVELOP

DEVELOP part of NASA’s applied science program, addresses environmental and public policy issues. They do this through interdisciplinary research projects that apply the lens of NASA Earth observations to the concerns of communities around the world.

By closing the gap between NASA’s Earth Science and society, DEVELOP hence builds the capacity of participants and partner organizations to better prepare them to address the challenges that face their society and future generations.

Given the competitive nature and growing social role of science and technology in today’s global workplace, DEVELOP fosters a qualified body of scientists and leaders of tomorrow.

Above all, their mission is to integrate NASA Earth observations with society. In order to foster future innovation and cultivate tomorrow’s professionals by addressing various environmental problems today.

Indeed sees shaping the future by integrating Earth’s observations into global “decision making.” And they currently achieve that, though it is a work in progress.

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How NASA DEVELOP Program Started

The foundation of the DEVELOP program began in the summer of 1998 when three intern students of the Langley Research Center co-wrote a research paper entitled The Practical Applications of Remote Sensing (Bauer et al., 1998).

At the same time, the Digital Earth Initiative, a federal interagency project dedicated to deepening human understanding of the planet, has launched an effort to increase public access to federal information about Earth and the environment.

With the common aim of these two companies, a proposal was presented to combine the mission of the NASA Digital Earth Initiative and the Langley students’ paper.

This paved the way for the creation of a new internship program for students at NASA, and in 1999 the DEVELOP program was officially created.

The initial success of DEVELOP was due to the alignment of the projects with the problems faced by local and regional communities.

DEVELOP has gradually expanded from an office of the Langley Research Center to a national program that includes more than 200 participants each year in eleven nodes.

Today, the National Program Office (DEVELOP’s Headquarters) is located in Langley and oversees activities in all DEVELOP’s nodes.

Since its inception, more than 4,900 participant positions have been created worldwide. And the DEVELOP program is looking for new opportunities to reach new communities and demonstrate the benefits of NASA’s Earth Science research.

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What will I Work on at DEVELOP as an Intern?

Basically, the DEVELOP experience focuses on both the conduct and communication of a feasibility project of applied Earth sciences. So as a participant, you are not just there for fun, there are duties and work to do.

Firstly, participants should expect to spend their time involved in the literature review on the scope, methodologies, and types of NASA remote-sensing data applicable to their project.

They will use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing data to carry out application projects. While doing this, teams will communicate with partner organizations that can benefit from the best methodologies, results and decision-making tools created by the team.

It devotes considerable time to the creation of professional products, including a poster, a presentation, a technical report, and a video. Just as the program focuses on building capacity to communicate project results to various audiences.

Above all, Participants also engage in personal development activities, such as personality typing, teamwork exercises, and networking with their team, their advisors and partner organizations.

Provided below is a tentative list of proposed projects for DEVELOP’s Summer Term.

Summer Proposed Projects

Who will I work with on these Projects?

It places participants in interdisciplinary teams that vary in size from three to six participants.

The team works under the direction of a mentor and a scientific advisor from NASA or an associated organization, the management of DEVELOP on its site and the office of the national DEVELOP program.

It schedules meetings between teams and mentors as necessary, and with academics who support teams during the creation of their results.

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Benefits of NASA DEVELOP Program

Obviously, DEVELOP participants stand to gain a lot if you are lucky enough to be among those selected.

So, if you are one of them and you get to ask questions about the benefit of the program, then this section is for you.

Here are some common questions participants ask about the benefits of the NASA DEVELOP Program.

What Can I Expect to Gain from DEVELOP?

DEVELOP is a unique opportunity and each participant benefits differently.

Participants can expect to improve their personal and professional development.

Also, participants improve their communication, presentation, research, collaboration, technical and networking skills, to name a few.

How Much Will I Be Paid?

DEVELOP participants are paid hourly. Also, rates are based on their current level of education, the classification of applicants and location.

If it selects you for an interview, you can ask your interviewer for your specific hourly rate. Otherwise, you can email the National Program Office stating your current level of education, the applicant’s classification, and the location (s) in request information on fees.

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Eligibility Requirements

Now, to enjoy these fantastic benefits of the NASA DEVELOP Summer program 2024, you must meet the following eligibility requirements. Participant must:

  • At least be 18 years of age by the start of the term for which you are applying.
  • Can provide personal transportation to and from the DEVELOP location
  • Have and maintain a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to apply. This GPA can be the cumulative and/or most recent semester.
  • Be U.S. citizens in order to apply to DEVELOP locations at NASA Centers
  • Have a strong interest in Earth science and remote sensing

Level/Field of Study

There is no standard DEVELOP participant. As an interdisciplinary program that carries out feasibility projects, anyone interested in Earth sciences is invited to apply.

DEVELOP accepts participants with skills in a variety of fields, as well as in different phases of their career (students currently enrolled, recent graduates, professionals at the beginning of their careers and professionals in transition).

Applicants with a strong interest in Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science, GIS, Technology and Environmental Policy are strongly recommended.

Note that no previous experience in these areas is required, only the enthusiasm and interest in learning.

Host Nationality

This NASA DEVELOP Summer Internship is held in the U.S.

Eligible Nationality

You must be a U.S. citizen (by birth or naturalization) to apply to a DEVELOP location at a NASA Center or the NOAA NCEI location.

However, international applicants are eligible to apply to the locations listed on the Apply page under the International Applicants section.

Permanent Resident Alien (PRA) or Legal Resident is not considered a U.S. citizen. Acceptances for international applicants are conditional upon proof of a pre-obtained visa or approved CPT/OPT that will allow them to legally work within the U.S.

DEVELOP does not sponsor visa applications or file petitions with U.S. Immigration.

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Other Eligibility Criteria

In addition to meeting the general eligibility conditions set forth above, each applicant must meet the additional requirements specific to their applicant classification:

Currently Enrolled Students

Students currently enrolled in a community college, university or accredited university in the United States. Open to all adults.

  • Proof of enrollment in an accredited American school (acceptance letter or current unofficial transcripts).
  • A minimum average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (cumulative or more recent).

Recent Graduates

People who have obtained a university or graduate degree from an accredited college or university in the United States in the past two years.

  • Proof of the success of a college or university diploma (diploma or transcript showing the graduation).
  • A minimum average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (cumulative or more recent) in the last institution of higher education.

Early/Transitioning Career Professionals

Individuals in the transition to a new professional field, seeking additional experience in Earth sciences and remote sensing (including transition veterans/recently transferred from the United States Armed Forces).

  • At least two years of work experience in a professional environment.
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale from the last institution of education.U.S. Veterans must provide evidence of service and release/discharge – DD Form 214.

How to Apply for the NASA DEVELOP Program?

The DEVELOP application and selection processes are managed on behalf of NASA by contractors. DEVELOP selectees are classified as contract employees.

Hence, important information about the application process are:

  • Applications must be submitted in the defined application window.
  • Applications can be started, saved as a draft and then completed again.
  • For new candidates, letters of recommendation will be sent directly by the recommendation to the national office of the DEVELOP program. Referrals will receive an email with instructions once the applicant has submitted their request.
  • Applicants can view the status of their application by logging into the online application system and viewing previously submitted applications.
  • Applications submitted but not complete (missing letters of recommendation) cannot be considered.
  • Applications will be examined by the OSFL, as well as by the centers to which the student has applied.
  • Interviews will be conducted in person (if possible) or by phone (if the applicant is not local).
  • Once the selection process is completed, each candidate will receive a notification about their status.

Before beginning your application, please be sure to read through our Online Application Guidelines.

For International Applicants

International applicants interested in working with the DEVELOP program must be currently enrolled or recently graduated from an accredited American school. The acceptance of international applicants is subject to proof of a previously obtained visa or an approved CPT / OPT that will allow them to work legally in the United States.

DEVELOP does not sponsor visa applications or file petitions with American Immigration. International applicants are not eligible to request NASA center locations; however, they are eligible to apply for the locations listed below.

Applicants who do not meet these conditions are not eligible to participate in the DEVELOP program.

International applicants can choose between these places:

Scholarship Link

How to Use the DEVELOP Summer Program Portal

This section of the article covers some of the questions people ask while applying for the program.

Which application should I fill out?

The New Participant Portal is for applicants who have never been accepted and participated in the DEVELOP Program before, as well as for those participants who participated in the program more than a year ago (previous 3 terms) from the current application window.

Equally, the Previous Participant Portal is for applicants who they previously selected and participated in the DEVELOP National Program at one of the locations within the last year (previous 3 terms) from the current application window.

Also, the Previous Participant Application focuses on the experience the applicant had during their time to DEVELOP.

Do I need to fill out the entire application in one sitting?

It is recommended for applicants to use the application questions on the SSAI DEVELOP application homepage to prepare your responses prior to starting your application and then copy and paste your responses into the application form.

However, applicants are able to save their applications as a draft, exit the site, and return later to continue working on it. At the bottom of each page, there are options to “Save Draft” and “Save.”

Which applicant classification should I select?

Your applicant classification should reflect your status as of the start of the term you are applying for. If you will be currently enrolled in school, select “Currently Enrolled Student.”

If you have graduated within the past two years, select “Recent Graduate.” If you graduated more than two years ago and have been working for at least two years in a professional environment, select “Early/Transitioning Career Professional.”

To return to your draft application, you will use the login information you initially created.

How do I submit my application?

New participant applicants must complete the profile section, then complete the application section and click the green “Submit” button. Once the application portion is submitted, the recommendation section appears at the top.

Once the recommendation section is completed, the applicant must click the green “Submit” button for the recommendation section. Then, the new participant application is fully submitted, and the applicant will receive a confirmation email.

Also, previous participant applicants must complete the profile and application sections and then click the green “Submit” button. Then, the previous participant application is fully submitted, and the applicant will receive a confirmation email.

What time does the application window close?

The online application will close at 11:59 pm ET on the last day of the window that is on the DEVELOP Apply page.

I submitted my application, now what?

Interviews are only scheduled after all applications have been received and reviewed. Due to the highly competitive nature of DEVELOP, not all candidates are selected for interviews.

If selected for an interview, you will be contacted by email to schedule an interview. Interviews typically take place either by phone or video and last 30-45 minutes. When selections are made, applicants will be notified of their selection status by email.

This process is done on a rolling basis, so while they will communicate a tentative timeline to applicants, it can vary.

NASA DEVELOP Summer Program Application Deadline

Spring 2024 Term:

The NASA DEVELOP Summer Program Application deadline varies. There is a specific deadline for Spring, Fall, and Summer.


Term Dates

Summer 2024 Term:



Application Window Opens



Recommendations Due



Applicant Notifications



Term Dates

Fall 2024 Term:



Application Window Opens



Recommendations Due



Applicant Notifications



Term Dates

Spring 2024 Term:



Application Window Opens



Recommendations Due



Applicant Notifications



Term Dates

In Conclusion

DEVELOP is glad to welcome new interns for the NASA DEVELOP Summer Program 2024 which will take place in the USA.

Hence, to kick off the NASA DEVELOP application process, pay attention to every detail we have above.

NASA DEVELOP Summer Program FAQs

Who are the participants of DEVELOP?

DEVELOP looks for participants that have a positive attitude, passion, and interest in Earth science and service to society. Successful participants are open-minded, interested in working with others, flexible, and eager to learn.

Participants are responsible for their own housing, living expenses, and transportation to and from the DEVELOP office. DEVELOP offers paid positions, which if selected for one, can help cover costs incurred.
Some universities may offer credit for projects with DEVELOP. Participants interested in receiving credit for the project will need to arrange this with their school to make sure the project meets any necessary requirements.
Prior to the term beginning, participants interested in pursuing school credit can outline and communicate any requirements to their Center Lead for consideration. It is the student’s responsibility to meet deadlines and ensure all paperwork is completed to fulfill the requirements.

What is the availability for participants of DEVELOP?

DEVELOP participants are expected to be present the full 10 weeks during a term. Participants not available the full 10 weeks may not be accepted due to the fast-paced nature of the program and project requirements.
DEVELOP participants are expected to commit 20-29 hours per week throughout the term. Scheduling is coordinated within office hours of the node and the participant’s availability.

Will you reapply every term for DEVELOP?

Yes, if you are interested in being considered for another term you must re-apply.
There is no limit on the number of terms a participant can re-apply as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.

How many times does DEVEOP offer projects in a year?

DEVELOP offers three project terms per year – spring, summer, and fall. Each term lasts 10 weeks, with the spring term beginning in late January, summer term beginning in early June, and the fall term beginning in mid-September. All project deliverables are created within the 10-week timeframe.

What projects can qualify to apply for DEVELOP?

Participants conduct predetermined projects that fall within at least one of the following Applied Sciences Program application areas: Agriculture & Food Security, Disasters, Ecological Forecasting, Energy, Health & Air Quality, Urban Development, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Water Resources.

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