10 Public Health Study Abroad Opportunities In 

Looking for public health study abroad opportunities? There are lots of opportunities to study public health globally, and in this article, you will find details of the latest study abroad opportunities for public health professionals and information on how to apply. 

If you are an upcoming professional in the public health field, considering public health study abroad programs can help you gain more knowledge and experience in your chosen public health field.

An interesting fact about public health study abroad opportunities is that apart from the degree or certificate, you get exposure to new environments, visit amazing places, make new friends and expand your network.

What does it look like to study public health abroad?

If you are seriously considering studying public health abroad, you will have to make some cultural and language adjustments. Depending on your field of study, you may have to work directly with communities, health educators, teachers and classmates who do not understand your primary language. Instead of seeing this as a hindrance, you can use this opportunity to learn new languages and improve your language skill set.

To successfully study public health abroad, you do not need to change your culture. However, it is important that you understand your host country or community’s culture so that you can communicate effectively with them and carry out interventions in ways that are culturally acceptable to them.

Have you considered that public health study abroad programs are great opportunities to network? You get to learn with global minds and connect with them in the course of your study.

Overall, studying public health abroad can introduce you to new sets of experiences and insights. This can be better achieved if you immerse yourself into a specific public health field. Environmental health, epidemiology and health care systems are some of the fields that might interest you.

See the table of contents here below for an overview of what to expect in this article.

What are the best countries to study public health?

There are so many countries where you can pursue a profitable career in public health but Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands are on top of the list.

The universities that offer the best Public Health programs in these countries include;

  • McGill University (Canada)
  • University of Victoria (Canada)
  • University of Toronto (Canada)
  • Oxford University (the United Kingdom)
  • University College London (the United Kingdom)
  • Utrecht University (the Netherlands)
  • The University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
  • V.U. University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
  • University of Sydney (Australia)
  • Monash University (Australia)
  • University of New South Wales (Australia)

Some of the world’s top universities in providing public health programs are in the United States, and they are;

  • John Hopkins University
  • Harvard University
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Some Public Health Scholarships Abroad

Scholarship opportunities are available for public health scholars and can be a good way to study public health abroad. Some public health scholarship opportunities abroad include;

Australia Awards Scholarships for International Students (Fully Funded)

Program: Masters

Location: Australia

Deadline: 30th April each year.

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Global Korea Scholarship _ Fully Funded by Korean Government

Program: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate

Location: Korea, South Korea

Deadline: always open.

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Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships (Fully Funded)

Program: Masters, PhD, Bachelor

Location: Germany

Deadline: 30 Nov-31 May of the next year

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New Zealand Aid Programme 2024-2024 Scholarships for international students (Fully Funded)

Program: Undergraduate, PhD, Bachelor, Masters, Postgraduate

Location: New Zealand

Deadline: 28 Feb/ 27 March (Annual)

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Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarships (Fully Funded)

Program: Masters, PhD

Location: Germany

Deadline: 1st March (annual)

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Public Health Study Abroad Opportunities You Should Consider

Just like I stated in my opening words, there are so many opportunities abroad to study public health. Some of them are in the form of internships. Some others surface in the form of full academic year opportunities like scholarships. See some of them below.

1) Spanish for Health Professionals

Are you an entry-level health scholar trying to improve your Spanish? In this program, you will learn health courses in English and Spanish language courses in health vocabulary. There are also dancing and cooking classes to help you connect with your classmates. The location is San Jose in Costa Rica. The program is offered every summer and is open to all ages.

For more information and how to apply, click here.

2) Summer in South Africa

This program focuses on community development and learning projects with a curriculum that is South African. There are lots of opportunities to go on adventures and learn from guest lecturers. The location is Stellenbosch in South Africa. The program is available every summer and is open to all ages.

Check out the cost implications and application process here.

3) USAC The Netherlands: Maastricht Undergraduate Coursework

This public health study abroad opportunity is a University Studies Abroad Consortium program that focuses on course work, field trips and hands-on experience. The location is Maastricht in the Netherlands. The program is offered year round and the available terms include every fall, spring and summer. There are cost implications and accommodation options.

Get more information here.

4) Usac Australia: Melbourne _Full Curriculum

This program is well-buttered with student life, community work, sports and recreational activities. The location is in Australia with program availability for the full academic year, in a trimester and winter. English proficiency is one of the requirements for this program.

Click here to apply.

5) USAC England: Bristol Undergraduate Courses

This is a public health study abroad program that allows you to study in one of the top universities in the world. In this program, you will learn from professors in a high research-level environment. The location is Bristol in England, and you can apply through essay submission, online application or with your transcript. The program is offered year-round.

Get more information here.

6) IES Abroad _ Study Abroad in Chile

Study public health in Santiago, Chile, in fall, spring, summer or for a full academic year. This public health study abroad opportunity will help you improve your Spanish and make new friends. You also get to customize your course schedule and learn from the best professors in the world.

Click here for more information.

7)  API at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires, Argentina

If you are excited about studying in a beautiful, dynamic city then this program is for you. The location is Buenos Aires in Argentina, and the program is open to all ages every year. Accommodation options include apartments and home-stays.

Click here to apply.

8) API at the International Center for Development Studies

Learn public health courses in English and Spanish while living in Costa Rica’s capital city. The program is offered year-round in the fall and summer. Program duration variations include; 2-4 weeks, 3-6 months, 5-8 weeks, 7-12 months.

Click here for more information on how to apply.

9) New York University London

Study public health at New York University London and take part in class trips and cultural outings. The location is London, England. The program is offered year round with different age requirements for different subjects. The terms available are summer and winter, and the only accommodation option is the dormitory.

Check out the cost implications and how to apply here.

10) New York University Buenos Aires

You can study public health at NYU Buenos Aires during the fall and spring semesters, a full academic year, during summer or in January. The age requirement varies, and you are responsible for your tuition fees and living expenses.

Click here for more information.


It is quite important for public health professionals like you to go abroad to study. This would ensure continuous diversification of knowledge and expertise in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Whether it is just for a few weeks, the whole summer or a full academic year, take all the available opportunities at your disposal to improve your capacity in the field of public health.


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