Pert Practice Test Tips & Tricks, Study Guide & Sample Questions

Adequate preparation is indeed the secret to every exam success, but how best can one prepare for the Pert test?

The pert test is an important exam every high school student in Florida must pass before proceeding to college. Well, this test might not be as challenging as SAT, GRE, or GMAT, but many candidates get to repeat it, which costs them a $10 retake fee per section.

As a Pert Test candidate, your goal should be to pass the exam on your first attempt, and the best way to achieve that is to get a Pert test resource.

Practicing with the Pert test resource will give you an insight into what you should expect in the exams.

The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test(PERT) is an entry-level placement test required of all degree-seeking students in the Florida College System (FCS) according to Florida Statutes, Section 1008.30, Rule 6A-10.0315.

It is a college placement exam administered by Florida’s Department of Education. This test aims to ensure that Florida college students are placed into courses aligned with their skills and abilities.

Read through to gain important tips and tricks that will guide you to best prepare for your Pert exams. It will benefit you a lot.

What Is The Nature Of The Pert Test?

The Postsecondary Education Readiness test is computer-based, and the questions you get are based on how you answer the previous questions.

As you go through the exam, you will not be able to go back and change your answers, so you want to think carefully before choosing your final solution.

The exam is not timed, so that you can set your own pace. However, the average time to complete each section is 30 minutes for the math section and one hour for the reading section.

The Pert test consists of three content areas: maths, reading, and writing. These tests are Computer-Based Practice and have their respective scoring capability built into the tool.

Each Pert test typically contains about 30 questions to answer in less than 60mins. You can access the sample questions as contained in the latter part of this post.

Mathematics: In this section, you will be solving the following:

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  • Linear equations
  • Linear inequalities
  • Literal equations and quadratic equations
  • Evaluating algebraic expressions
  • Factoring
  • Simplifying
  • Multiplying
  • Dividing
  • Adding and subtracting polynomials
  • Dividing by monomial and binomials
  • Exponents
  • Percents
  • Prime numbers 

Reading: The reading section of the exam tests your ability to summarize essential details and information; determine the meaning of words and phrases in context; determine the author’s purpose and how events relate in one text to another; recognize relationships within and between sentences; distinguishing between facts and opinions.

Writing: Establishing a topic or thesis; word choice skills; sentence structure skills; conveying complex information clearly and concisely; grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation skills; accurately citing data, conclusions, and opinions of others.

How Much Does It Cost To Take The PERT Exam?

If you take the Pert test in high school, you are not required to pay any test fees but to retake the test; you may have to pay a retake fee.

The fees for taking the test at a college vary.  Most colleges charge a retake fee of between $10 and $15. However, students retaking the PERT exam in high school might be able to take the test a second time for free.

What Score Do I Need To Pass The PERT Test?

Students cannot pass or fail the PERT exam. The scores attained are used to evaluate their skill level in each of the three sections they are tested in.

Each section on the exam is scored on a scale of 50 to 150. To do well, a student must score at least a 114 in the math section, a 106 in the reading section, and a 103 in the exam’s writing section.

Pert Test– Success Tips

The following tips will guide you in preparing for the forthcoming PARCC test.

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  • Purchase the relevant materials and study guide.
  • Order Practice Tests materials: The first time you see Pert Test shouldn’t be the first time you take the test.
  • Know Your Resources.
  • Simulate the Pert Practice Test environment with Google Apps For Education.
  • Work Smart and avoid every form of distraction.

Pert Practice Test Samples

The sample practice tests for each grade level of the assessment are available below for you to use to familiarize yourself with the kinds of items and format used for the assessment.

Instructions: Attempt all questions.

Math Practice Test

  1. If a rectangle has a width of 2, a length of 8, and a height of 3, what is the volume of the rectangle?
    A. 36
    B. 24
    C. 48
  2. VideosRUs rented 6,387 videos in January, 5,871 in February, and 7,055 in March. What is the average number of videos the store rented during the 3 months?
    A. 6,438
    B. 19,313
    C. 12,258
    D. 6,348
  3. A cylinder is 12 feet high and has a diameter of 10 feet. In cubic feet, what is the approximate volume of the cylinder?
    A. 944
    B. 942
    C. 94.2
    D. 60
  4. Convert 3/5 to a decimal
    A. 1.66
    B. 0.6
    C. 1.2
    D. 0.8
  5. The product of 5 and n mean?
    A. 5 + n
    B. 5 – n
    C. 5 * n
    D. 5 ÷ n

Reading Practice Test

Coming up on stage, the speaker announced the start of the event.

  1. Which is the best way to revise this sentence?
    A. The speaker coming up on stage announced
    B. Coming up, the speaker on stage announced
    C. No revision is necessary
    D. The speaker announced, coming up on stage
  2. Most students at Hudson University enjoy their Chemistry classes.
    Which revision should be made to this sentence?
    A. insert a comma after University
    B. change Chemistry to chemistry
    C. change students to students’
    D. change class to Class
  3. Dave and Julie had to work late to finish their project on time.
    If the sentence were rewritten, to begin with “Tomorrow night,” the following words would be
    A. their project had to be on time
    B. Dave and Julie will have to
    C. their work will have been
    D. their project will have been
  4. T̲h̲e̲ ̲d̲o̲g̲’̲s̲ ̲a̲t̲t̲a̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲s̲c̲a̲r̲e̲d̲ ̲m̲e̲, I ran into the house.
    A. The dog’s attacking scared me,
    B. Afraid that the dog might attack me,
    C. The dog might attack me,
    D. I was afraid of the attack of the dog,
  5. Our training helps you find jobs in various industries, including nursing, information technology, and criminal justice.
    Which revision should be made to this sentence?
    A. insert a comma after nursing
    B. insert a comma after the job
    C. remove the comma after industries
    D. insert a comma after criminal

Check out 8 tips on how to write a statement for college


Pert is an extension of regular classroom instruction. The Pert test helps students experience and engage in real-life texts to solve meaningful problems based on high-quality classroom work. Take advantage of our success tips and study guide. It will benefit you a lot.

Pert practice Test-Frequently Asked Questions.

How many sections does the pert test have?

The pert practice test contains three sections, each containing 30 questions.

Wht else can the pert test be used for?

Local schools may use Pert results as one of several measures to determine class placement, such as in a gifted program.

What is the accepted Pert score

The Pert scale scores range from 650 to 850 for all tests.


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