10 Best Pilate Instructor Certifications

If you’re wondering the best pilate Instructor certifications to get in 2024, this article has arrays of top-notch certifications you can take.

Pilates is currently one of the top trends in the fitness world. Its popularity has grown to be stronger over the years making Pilates instructors be on-demand in the job market.

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century that helps to improve strength, endurance, balance, stability, and flexibility in the human body.

In simple terms, a Pilates instructor is someone who uses the methodology of Joseph Pilates to help people improve their muscular endurance, balance, stability, and core strength.

Meanwhile, to become a Pilates instructor, you need to complete a Pilates certification program.
It is important to note that most Pilates Certification programs will give you a “certificate of training” that establishes your credentials as a Pilates professional.

However, you get certified only after taking an exam administered by the Pilates Method Alliance(PMA). You need to graduate from a training program first to be eligible to participate in the certification exam. 

Pilates aims to strengthen the body in an even way, with particular emphasis on core strength to improve general fitness and wellbeing. You should keep in mind that the mind when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.

What is the Best Pilates Certification? 

There is actually no definite answer because different pieces of training employ different teaching techniques, instructors, and course materials at different costs and durations.

Generally, you can narrow down your choices to the list of the best ten certifications mentioned below, but this depends on what you think is best for you.

What you plan to do with your training is also up to you.

What Qualifications Do I Need to be a Pilates Instructor? 

The entry-level qualification to become a Pilates instructor is the Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Mat Pilates.

There are no entry requirements for the level 3 diploma, other than a keen interest in, and practical experience of, mat-based Pilates. 

Where Can I Work after Getting a Pilate Certification?

Once the studies are over and your qualifications are complete, there are a number of potential employment opportunities available to you.

It’s important to remember that the following list is far exhaustive, and really only provides a summary of some of the more popular routes.

After getting your pilate certification, you can work in the following places: 

  • Teaching freelance classes in private gyms and health clubs
  • Working privately with clients on a one-to-one basis
  • Working in corporate fitness/wellbeing programmes
  • Teaching Pilates in exercise referral schemes
  • Working overseas in fitness retreats, cruise ships and/or holiday resorts
  • Working in a boutique Pilates studio
  • Teaching in local authority facilities (e.g. leisure centres)
  • Teaching Pilates in a dance school/college
  • How long does it take to become a certified Pilates instructor? 
  • Sometimes, it depends on the duration of the certification program you signed up for.

Generally, you can become a certified mat work instructor within 4-6 months and a fully certified studio and mat work instructor within 10-18 months. This also depends on your personal zeal and dedication to be a Pilates instructor.

What is BASI Certification?

A BASI Pilates certification is one of the leading Pilates education course certifications with a reputation for innovation, dedication, and academic excellence.

BASI stands for Body Arts and Science International, which is both the name of the academy’s holding company and an affirmation of its approach to Pilates studies.

The mission of BASI Pilates certification is to create and maintain professional standards for the teaching of the Pilates Method and to preserve and perpetuate the gift of Pilates by educating teachers of the highest caliber.

It promises to boost your Pilates knowledge and skills at home or on the go through online education. Whether you’re new to Pilates or a seasoned professional, these resources will keep your body and mind in tip-top shape as you continue onwards in your Pilates journey.

10 Best Pilate Instructor Certifications

Here are the best pilates instructor certifications to enroll in 2024:

1. BASI Pilates Certification:

The BASI comprehensive training courses are available around the world. BASI which stands for Body Arts and Sciences International was founded by Rael Isacowitz.

It is split into two six-module programs: The Basi Pilates Comprehensive which equips you with the fundamental knowledge, experience, and physical ability to teach up to the anatomical and biomechanical laws that guide the Pilates practices together with the knowledge of advanced Pilates.

The initial BASI Pilates comprehensive program equips you with the knowledge of the fundamentals of intermediate Pilates methods which helps you move on to the graduate program for a full-rounded comprehensive Pilates certification.

Prerequisites: Completion of the foundation and graduate program which includes a minimum of 100 observation hours, 200 self-practice hours.

Price: Both the fundamental and graduate programs combined costs about $4,198, including your deposits and admission fees. You also get to pay an extra $250 for each comprehensive program practical exam and teaching evaluation

Duration: It will take you approximately three years to qualify for the final assessments.

2. Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Certification:

Balanced Body Pilates training combines traditional and contemporary Pilates practices. It provides a comprehensive program structure about how the body works and how Pilates can help improve it

Prerequisites: To sign-up for this course, you would at least 10 mat sessions of Pilates, you must have worked for 6 months in a similar field of movement, to get a certification in this course, it is also recommended that you complete an anatomy course.

Price: This certification costs almost $2,090 with 73 total hours.

3. Polestar Pilates Certification:

Polestar Pilate certification is a certification study focused on whole-body wellness, healing through movement modalities, and mind-body-spirit connectivity.

It intends is shape world health by making whole body fitness available to everyone, with science9-based techniques, intelligent movement, and the uniform development of muscles, resulting in complete mastery of body and mind.

The curriculum would provide you with science-based techniques to thoughtfully assess the whole person and assist them in accomplishing their goals.

It encourages everyone to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle; addressing health and fitness issues associated with sedentary habits, and enhancing elite athlete performance.

Prerequisite: To sign up for the Power Pilates certification course, you need to have taken part in at least 25 apparatus sessions with the Pilates instructor and you must have also already completed two other courses offered by Power Pilates

Price: This certification costs $1500 with 70 total hours.

4. Mat Pilates Certification:

Mat Pilate certification is a combination of the lecture hours of Mat 101 and Mat 102 courses, with observation and self-practice to help you develop critical skills needed to design and teach creative, safe Pilates mat classes.

You would be taught the applied anatomy and biomechanics for each Pilates mat exercise and provides a thorough examination of classical versus contemporary Pilates styles. The goal is to set you up for a successful career teaching Pilates.

Prerequisites: You just have a knowledge of Pilates movements and /or experience as group fitness, dance, or yoga instructor, and a basic understanding of anatomy.

Price: This certification costs $649 with 68 total hours.

5. Peak Pilates Certification:

This certification covers principles like mats, reformers, barrels, towers, chairs, and other equipment. The certification would introduce you to aspects of Pilates which you ordinarily didn’t know and also make you see Pilates from a professional level.

Prerequisites: If are interested in signing up for Level 1 of this certification course, you would need to understand and have a general basic knowledge of kinesiology as well as the human anatomy, have and 20 hours of Pilates training. It is also recommended that you hold a CPR/AED and First Aid certification.

Price: The total cost for this course is $5,619. The module is paid for separately and its cost is not included in this total cost.

6. Power Pilates Certification:

This certification teaches effectively, future instructors to understand and own the exercises in their bodies.

The training standard and teaching tools put in place would enable you as a student to reach your full potential. It does not just focus on general clients. It puts its basis on overweight clients as well as pregnant women.

Prerequisites: To sign up for the Power Pilates certification course, you need to have taken part in at least 25 apparatus sessions with Pilates instructor (in a classic Pilates environment), you must have already completed two other courses offered by Power Pilates – Core Mat I & II, you must have read the Joseph Pilates book, “The Pilates Prier: Millennium Edition – Return to Life Through Contrology and Your Health. In addition, you need to have done a Basics of Anatomy workshop from Power Pilates. This can be completed online.

Price: The cost of this course is $4,995.

7. Stott Pilates Certification:

In this Pilate certification, you would be taught fitness, sequences, and movements that are not just highly thought out, but also based on the latest scientific research.

This course would provide you with skills to design and teach essential and intermediate-level mat work classes with small equipment. It would teach you to impact on people the Stott Pilates which helps to develop optimal strength, flexibility, endurance, and posture, without building bulk or stressing joints.

Prerequisites: To sign up for this certification program, there are two basic prerequisites. You must have some experience in the world of movement, fitness, or even dance and you must have completed 30 hours of Pilates classes.

Price: The cost certification program is $2,890. This cost does not include coursework, which needs to be bought separately.

8. Romana’s Pilates Certification:

Romana’s Pilates certification focuses on teaching you to find the muscles of your powerhouse (core) and strengthening this area to support the spine.

If you are consistent in taking practice and paying attention, you will reap the benefits of learning to teach people to get a better posture, a strong center, suppleness, a toned body, and an improved sense of well-being.

Prerequisites: Completion of the foundation and graduate program which includes a minimum of 100 observation hours, 200 self-practice hours.

Price: The cost of this certification course is about $3,830.

9. Core Pilates NYC Certification:

This certification course includes a lot of theoretical work as well as apprenticeships. You would be taught the practical principles of delivering a structured and time-sensitive, comprehensive program that includes test outs, mentoring, apprenticeship, observation hours.

You would also be required to pass several examinations and auditions.

Prerequisites: According to the Core Pilates website, these prerequisites need to be completed before you sign up for the certification course. They are-10 private apparatus classes, 10 semi-private apparatus classes, and 10 regular apparatus classes.

Price: The cost of this certification course is about $5,495.

10. Fletcher Pilates Certification:

This certification is mostly for students who have certifications but would like to have another. It is complete and physical conditioning derived from the original Pilates method taught to Ron Fletcher by Joe and Clara Pilates.

It emphasizes movement awareness and efficient body mechanics. Also, it strictly believes it is the key to improving posture, alignment, and overall body balance.

Prerequisites: To run this certification program, you must first complete 30 private lessons so as to learn important Pilates concepts through their own bodies first. A bridging course must also be completed by already certified Pilates trainers with other forms of accreditation who want to undertake the Comprehensive Program.

Price: This certification program costs about $10,000 and it covers the Foundational and Professional Programs. The Preparatory Course costs about $1,500. You would also need to complete 30 private lessons, currently $70 per session.

A Step by Step Guide on How to Get Pilates Certifications Online 

1. Take a class:

This is the first step you have to take. Taking a class ensures you know about Pilates to even start with. Attend classes to learn the exercises, learn about your own body and observe other teachers.

Take as many as you can and practice consistently. Take from a variety of teachers so that you can determine which style you are drawn to and what kind of path you want to follow.

Ask lots of questions and inquire about your favorite teachers’ training and certification.

2. Research and Select a Pilates Certification Program:

It is unheard of that you would go into a Pilate certification program and not do your research first. Ensure you research and then select the certification program that suits you. 

3. Find a School that offers Pilate Certification Online:

It is not all Pilate certification programs that are offered online. Ensure that the Pilate program you want to go into is offered online.

4. Become a Student:

When you have applied for your certification online, and get accepted, you would become a student.

5. Complete the Pre-requisites:

Every certification has its own pre-requisites.  Ensure you complete them.

6. Complete your certification process

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Pilates takes home a whopping sum of $69,000 on average annually in the United States.

It is a fitness regime that helps improve health, fitness, strength, endurance, stability, and flexibility in the human body.

No. Even though they seem similar, Pilates and Yoga are certainly different.

No, but if it’s what you want to do, it will be worth it.

YES!  Certifications generally provide everything you need to teach safe, effective, and fun Pilates classes to a variety of participants of varying skills.

No. Expect to go to the gym or be in a room with a TV for this workout.

Yes. Pull out your mat and press play on your DVD player for a convenient at-home workout.

Yes, you’ll need a mat. Some gyms have special machines for Pilates, called a Reformer. You can get a modified version for your home, but you probably don’t need it.

You can tailor Pilates to your individual needs, so it can be a great addition to your aerobic workout, even if you have health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Check with your doctor first.

Pilates’ main focus is on the core. However, you can expect to see strength gains in your arms and legs. 


If you are considering getting a Pilates certification, it is probably best for you to know the qualities required so that you can really assess whether this is an opportunity for you.

You must have excellent observation skills, particularly with posture and movement, strong communication skills – both verbal and nonverbal, empathy and interest in others, detailed knowledge and understanding about movement and posture, the ability to motivate and inspire others to become a better version of themselves.

For the treatment of lower back pain, low-quality evidence suggests that while Pilates is better than doing nothing, it is no more effective than other forms of physical exercise. 


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