PPC Bursary in South Africa | UPDATED

PPC is glad to announce that the application is currently ongoing for its PPC Bursary in South Africa for new applicants. If you are a South African Student this could be the lifetime opportunity you have been waiting to push your academics further.


PPC Ltd, a top-rated southern African supplier of cement and similar products and was founded in 1892 as”De Eerste Cement Fabrieken Beperkt”.

The industry has a manufacturing capacity of around 11.5 million tonnes of cement products every year, and it has produced cement for several building projects and famous landmarks within the country.

The company has 11 cement factories throughout South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and the DRC. PPC participation inside the ready-mix industry boasts 26 batching plants around Mozambique and South Africa. The companies materials business includes the following: Pronto Readymix; Safika Cement and 3Q Mahuma Concrete

Moreover, the company also has the biggest aggregate production capacity in the country, at their Gauteng based Mooiplaas aggregates quarry. PPC Lime, also part of the PPC group, is among the largest manufacturers of lime at the southern hemisphere.

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What You Need To Know

Bursaries applications can be submitted throughout the year, as some of these bursaries do not have an appointed time of closing date, but for candidates applying PPC BURSARY are urged to send their applications ahead of time, so it reaches them before the closing date.


The PPC bursary will be awarded to students within the following Mining related fields of study:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • (as well as Environmentally-oriented degrees)

Host Nationality:

This Scholarship is to be taken in SOUTH AFRICA.

Eligible Nationality:

The Bursary is open to all South African students to study in any of the country’s university. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefits:

It is a full bursary, providing coverage for the following study-related expenses: tuition fees, accommodation, and meals.

Once students have graduated, they will be required to work for PPC (depending on availability within the company) for an equal duration of time as the bursary awarded.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • South African citizen
  • Reside in surrounding areas where the mine operates
  • Completed Matric OR currently in Matric
  • Studying or intend on studying within one of the aforementioned fields of study
  • Studying or intend on studying full time at a recognized University or the University of Technology in South Africa
  • Meet the minimum entry requirements for admission at a tertiary institution in your chosen field of study
  • Engineering, Geology and Science degree students: must have achieved a minimum of level 6 for Mathematics and Science in Matric
  • Proven financial need

How to Apply

You may apply in one of the following ways:
1) Online at: http://cw.gradx.net/
(You will need to register an account and then log in to complete your application. The promo code to be used in F2018)

2) By downloading and completing the PPC Bursary Application Form (.pdf)
You will be required to submit copies of the following supporting documentation – if you are applying online: these documents must be uploaded to your online profile if you are applying with the application form: you must attach copies of the documents and not originals (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application be disregarded):

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Photograph (passport size)
  • Grade 11 final results (current Matric students)
  • Matric certificate (if completed Matric)
  • Proof of admission into a tertiary institution
  • Full academic record to date (current tertiary students)

If you are applying via the hard copy application form, your application must be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Email: applications@careerwise.co.za
2) Fax: 086 609 7183
3) Post:
CareerWise (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 30632

Application Deadline:

None – submission of applications are open all year round and students are welcome to apply at any time.


For any queries related to this bursary program, please contact CareerWise directly:
Tel: 086 100 8777 / 086 100 7787
Email: applications@careerwise.co.za / info@careerwise.co.za

Scholarship Link


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