PWC Recruitment Test Past Questions and Answers

It’s practically possible to score 70 percent and above on the PWC recruitment test in one sitting. Statistics show people who didn’t make it to the interview stage didn’t prepare with past questions and answers.

Hence, upon application, your best bet is to prepare. Truly, we have what it takes not to fail the PriceWater House Coopers Recruitment Test. This compilation will aid you in preparing to pass and excel.

As it stands, statistics show that PWC receives tons of applications from candidates. Even though they employ 4,000 to 5,000 interns each year, it doesn’t use half the total number of applicants across 158 countries.

What is The PWC Recruitment Test?

The PWC recruitment test is the closest step to landing a position of your choice at PriceWater House Coopers. Aside from applying properly, you will have to prove to your sponsor that you can help push the vision of the organization further. So, in clear terms, the PWC Recruitment test is an examination that serves as a screening process.

Everyone who applies to work at PWC and gets shortlisted must write the recruitment test. It tops the employment process at PWC. Just after applying, the next big task is to pass the recruitment test.

Only those who scale through this stage will attend the first and second interview proceedings.

What are the Requirements for PWC Recruitment Test?

The prerequisite for PWC recruitment is getting an invite after applying for a particular position. The HR departments, alongside other help tools screens, received applications.

Candidates who meet eligibility and satisfy the requirement for a specific position are all invited for a recruitment test at a chosen PWC firm. Once you get to this point, it is important to close the deal by getting the job. So, another requirement for the PWC Recruitment test is preparation.

In addition to preparation, you may have to arrive on time, with the right materials and at the right venue. Yes, we all know its an arduous task to get a job at PWC, but then shun all anxiety, and approach your question calmly. Attempt all questions and answer correctly.

Finally, it would help if you were computer literate with proficiency in typing and connecting to the internet.

What should I expect in PWC Recruitment Test?

The recruitment test of Price Water Corporation consists of Psychometric tests that come in three sections. Carefully and consistently practice Psychometric tests. They are believed to be a reliable method of assessing employability skills.

You should expect Logical reasoning in the first section of your exam. You will have 18 minutes to answer a total of 18 questions. This test will objectively measure your cognitive abilities, attitudes, personality, and knowledge. 

Also, you should expect 12 numerical questions to be answered within 17 minutes. The essence is to test your ability to evaluate, analyze, and interpret numerical information that will be provided to you in charts, graphs, and tables.

In addition, you should expect 30 questions on Verbal Reasoning. You will have at least 19 minutes to answer these questions. They will pop up as a series of paragraphs, that you will read and a set of questions matching the information in paragraphs. Your answers should either be False or True.

Finally, these tests are usually written online, hence the need for a PWC recruitment test study pack. It might interest you to know that questions are usually repeated each year.

Sample Question

Verbal Reasoning

Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, some situations may occur where the therapist must break that confidence.

This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing, and it may occur due to their employment contract or the law. When such an issue occurs, the therapist is expected to first try and discuss the presenting issue with their client; however, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case.

Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported.

In other circumstances, breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have boundaries but must agree with this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship.

Use the above passage to answer Questions 1-10

1. Being obliged to break confidentiality in a therapeutic relationship is always a direct result of the law. 
 Cannot Tell

2. When clients report their involvement in the act of terrorism, their therapist is legally obliged to report this. 
 Cannot Tell

3. Therapists have some flexibility regarding what they deem serious enough to lead them to breach confidentiality. 
Cannot Tell

4. Most therapists agree with the conditions the law places on them relating to breaching client confidentiality. 
Cannot Tell

5. If a therapist breaches confidentiality about a serious issue without first informing their client of their intentions, they are breaking the law. 
Cannot Tell

6. It has long been recognized that industry leads the way in furthering innovative engineering research. 
Cannot Tell

7. ERCs have been used to try and advance technology across multiple disciplines. 
Cannot Tell

8. ERCs have failed to recognize that universities could work more collaboratively with one another. 
Cannot Tell

9. The global economy has had a significant positive impact on the success we have seen in engineering research. 
Cannot Tell

10. During the 1980s students were becoming less interested in science and engineering. 
Cannot Tell

Why Should I get PWC Recruitment Test Past Questions and Answers Study Pack?

PWC is an international organization with headquarters in London. Only a little portion of the total number of applicants who apply for the job will get employment. The secret to the selection of a successful student is the Past Questions.

We have discovered that over the years, PWC repeats questions. If you get this Past question, you will be better equipped to pass the PWC recruitment test in one sitting and be among those selected for admission.

We have gathered past questions and answers dating as far back as inception and have discovered that most of the questions are repeated. So, we are assuring you that the questions you get when you purchase this PWC recruitment past questions and answers are real past questions that you will likely encounter on the exam day.

How do I get the PWC Recruitment Test Past Questions and Answers?

The PWC past question cost N2,000 and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Payment Method

There are three methods of purchasing our original PWC Post UTME past questions and answer. They are:

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Account Name: Silicon Africa Tech Limited
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If you choose the Debit Card option, you’ll input your card details and email address. Upon payment, you will get a mail of the Past question you had selected in Step One.

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