Duty Calls Quotes

Duty calls quotes are often used to describe the sense of responsibility or obligation that a person feels to fulfill a particular task.

These quotes can be inspiring and motivating, reminding us of the importance of our commitments. They can also provide comfort, making us feel supported during difficult times.

In this article, we’ve made a collection of famous Duty calls quotes that you can relate to. Carefully read through!

Duty Calls Quotes

Duty Calls Quotes

Where duty is plain delay, it is both foolish and hazardous; where it is not, a delay may be both wisdom and safety.
– Tryon Edwards

Duty is one and invariable; it requires no impossibilities, nor can it ever be disregarded with impunity.
– Henry David Thoreau

A man’s duty is to find out where the truth is, or if he cannot, at least to take the best possible human doctrine and the hardest to disprove and to ride on this like a raft over the waters of life.
– Plato

It is better to do one’s own duty, however defective it may be than to follow the duty of another, however, well one may perform it. He who does his duty as his own nature reveals it, never sins. 

Bhagavad Gita

We make mistakes, we have our faults, and God knows some of us have more than our share, but when danger threatens and duty calls, we go smiling to our own funeral.
James Larkin

For myself, therefore, I desire to declare that the principle that will govern me in the high duty to which my country calls me is strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the Constitution as it was designed by those who framed it.
Martin Van Buren

When a boy calls you cute he likes your face. When he calls you hot he likes your body. When he calls you beautiful he likes your heart. When a boy calls you cute he likes your face. When he calls you hot he likes your body. When he calls you beautiful he likes your heart.

With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Leadership to me means duty, honor, and country. It means character, and it means listening from time to time. George W. Bush

For a young person, it is almost a sin, or at least a danger, to be too preoccupied with himself; but for the aging person, it is a duty and a necessity to devote serious attention to himself. Carl Jung The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.

Kurt Cobain

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.

Winston Churchill

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

Marie Curie

In doing what we ought we deserve no praise, because it is our duty.

Saint Augustine

I think the first duty of society is justice.

Alexander Hamilton

We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.

Barack Obama

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.

Ronald Reagan


Duty calls quotes are a reminder that we all have a responsibility to others, whether that is our family, our friends, or complete strangers. They are a call to action to do what is right, even when it is difficult, and to always put others first. They are a source of strength in difficult times and a reminder of the good that we can do when we work together.

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