Beijing 2024 Olympics Global Recruitment Program for Games Volunteers

With your passion for volunteering, you can be among the team of volunteers to make the Beijing 2024 Winter Olympics and Paralympics games a success.

Learn about the ongoing global recruitment program for volunteers for the Beijing 2024 Olympics games from this article.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games largely owes its success to the efforts of volunteers. Now, for the 2024 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, the organizing committee through its “Building a Dream Together” Campaign is inviting volunteers from around the world to apply for volunteering positions at the Olympics.

So, in this post, we will show you all that this volunteering position at Beijing entails. You will also get the full application process before the deadline. Just hang on.

About the Beijing Volunteer Global Recruitment Program

The Olympic games usually require a lot of hands to be on deck to see that the sporting activities go as planned. So, while the Olympic Organizing committee employs experts to see through the running of activities that needs expertise, they also need the services of others to oversee other activities that require less expertise.

Some of these others are volunteers who would gladly offer their assistance out of passion than for monetary reward.

Now, the country or city hosting the Olympics may employ nationals for the volunteering positions, but not the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

This committee is committed to a green, inclusive, open and clean approach to hosting the Winter Games in Beijing.

So, this committee will recruit volunteers into two categories – General and Specialist Volunteers. The specialist volunteers have professional knowledge, skills and expertise in a given area such as language, medical or driving services. Non-specialist volunteers, on the other hand, are general volunteers

These games volunteer will provide services during the opening and closing ceremonies, the competition, and other Games events. They will do these at venues or facilities in Beijing, Yanqing, or Zhangjiakou competition zones.

Furthermore, the services the volunteers will include international relations; competition operations; press operations and broadcasting; cultural programs, logistics, security, transport, etc. 

Asides Volunteering jobs, other part-time jobs will require a CV. See this Killer Part-time Job Resume For College Students | Samples & Writing Tips to start building a powerful CV.

What is the Worth of the Beijing Volunteer Position?

Volunteering jobs are usually not for payment of wages or salaries. It is something you do out of your passion for serving or providing assistance to others.

However, the volunteering position at the 2024 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games will provide you the opportunity to experience China.

Also, you will build your CV by showing that you volunteered at the Olympics. And for this 2024 winter Olympics, Beijing 2024 will respect volunteers, treat them kindly, protect their legitimate rights and interests, and provide them with uniforms and other services.

Also, Beijing 2024 will develop a Games volunteer management system that will see through your welfare and commend volunteers who have made outstanding contributions to the Games. So, we bet you’d want to make your time at Beijing count by being remarkable.

If you’re looking for opportunities to gain experience and build your CV while receiving payment for it, however, you should check out these paid Internship Opportunities.

Recruitment Number

The number of Games Volunteers that the Beijing 2024 will recruit are:

  • 27,000 Games volunteers for the Beijing 2024 Olympic Winter Games; and
  • 12,000 Games Volunteers for the Beijing 2024 Paralympic Winter Games.

So, Beijing will recruit around 39,000 Games Volunteers from around the world for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic games.

Eligibility Criteria

To stand a chance of selection at the Beijing Global Recruitment Program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and be willing to serve the Games on a voluntary basis. You also have to accept the guidance and supervision of Beijing 2024.
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old on 1 January 2024. That means you must be born on or before 1 January 2004. You must also be in good health;
  • You should possess the knowledge and skills relevant to the volunteering position you’re applying for.
  • Must be able to communicate effectively in Chinese and English.
  • Must be available to participate in all the necessary training as well as provide volunteering services for the Games.

You will increase your chances of becoming a volunteer at the Beijing 2024 winter Olympics and Paralympic if you:

  • Will serve as a volunteer for the “Experience Beijing” Test Events;
  • Will serve as a volunteer for both the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games;
  • Possess a considerable level of professional knowledge and expertise in areas like translation and interpretation, medical services, driving, and technology; or
  • Will fill in volunteer positions that solve urgent needs that may arise in Games operations. 

Job Level/Field

The Beijing 2024 Games Volunteers Global Recruitment Program takes volunteers who are 18 years and above. This means that you may be a college student, a graduate, or a professional. Also, the Beijing 2024 Games Volunteers Global Recruitment Program selects volunteers from every walk of life.

Host Nationality

Beijing, China hosts the 2024 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and since Beijing 2024 is responsible for the Global Recruitment Program, China is the host of this volunteering opportunity.

Eligible Nationality

Just like the name, the Beijing 2024 Global Recruitment Program accepts Games Volunteers from all over the world.

Meanwhile, if you’re an African, you can also check out these opportunities for Africans.

How to Apply for the Beijing Global Recruitment Program

All application for the Beijing 2024 Global Recruitment for Games Volunteers is online at the Volunteer Application Portal but in two different categories – Individual and Group.

For Individual Applicants, you will register with your real name as it appears on a valid identity document, This valid identity document may be (but is not limited to) the Resident Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China, Passport, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, and Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents.

You will also fill in your personal information that is true and accurate and then submit your application online according to the instructions on the portal. 

However, if you are unable to access the portal, you may apply through correspondence with Beijing 2024 or at the public engagement and communications outlets established by relevant organizations authorized/designated by Beijing 2024.

Group Applicants, on the other hand, will apply through the organizations authorized/designated by Beijing 2024. These organizations will help you to register and apply for volunteering on the portal. 

Apply Here

Selection Procedure

The recruitment of Game Volunteers for the Beijing 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games will go through the following procedures:

  • Eligibility clearance. The Beijing 2024 or its authorized/designated organizations will screen the eligibility of applicants.
  • Test and selection. The Beijing 2024 or its authorized/designated organizations will select applicants through on-site or remote tests.
  • Pre-assignment. The Beijing 2024 or its authorized/designated organizations will assign the applicants to specific roles and positions While taking into consideration the applicants’ own preferences. It will also specify the starting date of the assignment as well as communicate all relevant details. 
  • Letter of Offer. The Beijing 2024 will send a Letter of Offer to those they select as Games volunteers. It will complete the recruitment of Games volunteers by 30 September 2024.
  • Start of Service. Beijing 2024 will require Games volunteers to go with their Letter of Offer and a valid ID to their designated venue at a designated time for training. Meanwhile, Games volunteers will have to sign the Letter of Commitment and then receive their accreditation, uniform, and other supplies to commence their volunteer service.

Application Deadline

The application for the Beijing 2024 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Global Volunteer Recruitment Program has closed.

For more information about the Beijing 2024 Winter Olympic Global Volunteer Recruitment Program, you can email or visit Beijing 2024 physical location at Beijing 2024, Shijingshan Road 68, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China.

Scholarship Link


The Beijing 2024 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Volunteers Global Recruitment Program gives you the opportunity to make an impact at the Olympics. It also broadens your understanding of culture as you will relate with Citizens of China.

Most importantly, as this volunteering opportunity is for college students and professionals, participating as a student will decorate your CV and help your chances of winning scholarships, internship positions, and even fulfilling jobs.

So, learn how to apply for this volunteering opportunity and apply today.


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