NYSC Portal Login | NYSC Dashboard, Login Guidelines, NYSC Remita

Graduating from a Nigerian University as a Nigerian student is a thing of joy, but going to NYSC is the climax. The National Youth Service Corp mobilization program is essential to the career of Nigerian Youths. So, you need to understand how to navigate the NYSC portal to get to the dashboard and commence your 2024 mobilization registration.

NYSC is not just crucial for Nigerians in the country, it is also essential for Nigerians studying abroad. It is one way Nigerian citizens prove their patriotism and love for their fatherland. For this reason, even Nigerians abroad return to the country to serve after their college education.

So, in this article, we will provide you with all the information you need about the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). You will see when and why it was formed, what it entails, and how much it pays. You will also learn how to register at the NYSC portal and pay the registration fee via Remita.

Why was NYSC Created?

Before we explain the NYSC portal and how to access the dashboard to register in 2024, let’s talk about the program. When did it start? Who started it? Why was it created?

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program began in 1973 under the military regime of Gen. Yakubu Gowon. Decree No. 24 of 22nd May 1973 started the scheme to rebuild the country. You see, this was after the bitter Nigerian Civil war, so there was a need to reunite the country.

NYSC then came about “with a view to the proper encouragement and development of common ties among the youths of Nigeria and the promotion of national unity.” This is the aim of the NYSC scheme as stated by decree No. 24, and this aim binds the scheme to date.

However, this peacebuilding and unity which NYSC aims to achieve are specifically for youths, hence the name. If the country’s youth can stay united and appreciate their diverse background, maybe there will never be another civil war or threat of secession.

Therefore, the NYSC program hopes to infuse a spirit of selfless service to the community and foster the oneness and brotherhood of all Nigerians in Nigerian youths. So, irrespective of cultural or social background, the youths of Nigeria can learn to live together and collaborate through the NYSC program.

Another massive opportunity for many Nigerian youths to earn money is through N-Power. Also, see N-Power Recruitment | npvn.npower.gov.ng/my profile


While the idea behind NYSC is beautiful and workable, it is not enough to make Nigerian graduates give up a year after university education to live in a strange land.

Left to some, after graduation, one should get right into rewarding employment and begin earning. Yet, these lots don’t get the option to skip the one year of service and get jobs because NYSC is compulsory for Nigerians.

The reason for this is that in Nigeria, to get rewarding jobs in the public and private sectors, you need the NYSC discharge letter. The NYSC discharge letter is a certificate the NYSC gives you after completing your year of serving Nigeria.

If you skip one year of serving your fatherland, you risk gaining employment. This is why students in Nigeria who hope to make an excellent career would look forward to seeing their names on the NYSC mobilization list.

Sometimes, however, the NYSC scheme still holds its genuine appeal. This is how you explain Nigerians who, after studying abroad, willingly come back to the country to serve.

Also, there are lots of Nigerians burning with the passion to become leaders in various spheres of life and change the country. These, too, do not joke with the opportunity to serve.

Furthermore, NYSC has organized programs for the one-year service period that are too delicious to miss out on. The opportunity to visit a state you haven’t seen, meet new people, and make good friends.

The joy of using your capacity to bring positive change to people who need them. The engaging and exciting programs that make up the NYSC scheme… Indeed, there’s more to the scheme that will keep drawing students to it and sustaining its purpose.

What Do Nigerian Graduates Do in the NYSC Scheme?

Pictures of Nigerian Youths dressed in semi-military regalia flood social media almost every time of the year. Do you ever wonder why these youths dress that way? Is it all about the uniform?

It’s not just the uniform! Four major activities of the NYSC make up your service year. They are:

  • Orientation Courses (Camp): This is a three-week orientation exercise that all graduates receiving their call-up letter must attend. The orientation course involves physical training; drills; lectures on understanding the people of your host state and their tradition; professional lectures; social activities; and skill acquisition programs.
  • Primary Assignment (PPA): The NYSC management posts Corp members to the places where they will work for the duration of the service once they have completed the orientation program. The scheme emphasizes rural areas while also considering the corp member’s areas of specialization when posting them to their Places of Primary Assignment (PPA). This ensures the serving corp member becomes a change agent in his new community.
  • Community Development Service (CDS): This involves a series of activities organized corp members perform to solve the pressing needs of their communities. Hence, NYSC contains corp members into an interest group where they can embark on community projects using their skills, creativity, innovativeness, and financial resources.
  • Winding–Up or Passing–Out (POP): This is the last event of the NYSC scheme for corp members. The corp members will rehearse for a last parade towards the twelfth month of their service year for receiving the Execute Governor of the State they have served. This is also the day they receive their NYSC discharge letters.

Latest Updates on NYSC 2024 Batch A Orientation Programme

There have been a lot of concerns raised about whether there would be two streams of prospective corps members for the NYSC orientation exercise in 2024, just as it has been in previous years.

So, the answer is; that there will be subsequent streams after the orientation exercise for the batch A PCMs have come and gone by.

However, the NYSC 2024 Batch A online registration will commence sometime in February 2024.

Currently, data hasn’t been announced yet, but we’ll keep you posted when the date they do.

Will there be NYSC Batch A Stream 2 in 2024?

It is no longer news that the various NYSC batches now have different streams.

So, if you are among those who’ll entertain a fear when names are shortlisted, and you don’t find your name on the list that you wonder if you will ever serve, there could be a lot of contributory factors. They include;

  • Some schools are will continue mobilizing students for subsequent streams and batches.

Meanwhile, it’s advisable to keep a tab on the NYSC social media platforms, and as usual, we will keep you updated once the 2024 Batch A online registration begins.

How Can I Get Mobilized for NYSC?

The rush for NYSC is serious in Nigeria as it decides the fate of many Nigerian graduates. They need to complete the one-year service before they get credible jobs.

However, you don’t just qualify for the NYSC program by merit of completing post-secondary education in Nigeria or abroad.

First, you must be eligible to partake in the NYSC scheme, and next, you must register to get mobilized.

Eligibility for the National Youth Service Corps is in two phases. One is the institution and the kind of program you applied for, and the other is your age and status.

Not every higher institution in Nigeria is eligible to roll out its graduates for NYSC mobilization. For this reason, you should attend a school offering accredited full-time courses that would make you eligible for the NYSC mobilization.

The question now is how will I know the university that is eligible to enroll its students in the NYSC scheme?

This is where the NYSC Senate Mobilization List comes into play. This list shows the institutions in Nigeria that can roll out their students for the upcoming NYSC mobilization exercise.

How Can I Check My NYSC Senate List?

It would be good to be aware of the NYSC Mobilization senate list before taking up any undergraduate program in Nigerian Universities. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Nigeria. You hear the term “Senate List” for the first time when your graduation is close.

If this is you, there’s nothing to worry about. Most public and private universities and colleges in Nigeria offering full-time undergraduate programs are on the NYSC Senate Mobilization list.

But to be doubly sure that NYSC enlists your university and your undergraduate program of study as eligible for the one-year service, you need to check the list yourself.

Here’s how to go about it.

  • Visit the NYSC portal and scroll down to the end of the page
  • Click on “Check Senate List or its equivalent.”
  • Pick the Nigerian institution you are attending (or attended)
  • Type in your matriculation number, surname, and date of birth in the boxes and drop-down options you see
  • Click the search button to see if NYSC has mobilized you for the one-year service program.

The “Check Senate List” option is only for Nigerian students waiting for NYSC to call them for service.

If you wish to be proactive and find out whether it enlisted the institution and program of your choice as one of the NYSC-eligible institutions, you must click the “Accredited Institutions/Programmes” link at the bottom-right corner.

Check Senate List

Who is Eligible for NYSC?

Now, even if your school and program are on the senate list for NYSC, you have to be eligible too.

So, what criteria must you meet to be eligible?

To be eligible for the compulsory one-year compulsory service as a Nigerian Youth, you must be a graduate below 30 years upon graduation.

If you are above 30 years in your year of graduation, you will receive the Certificate of Exemption, equivalent to the NYSC Discharge Letter.

However, if you graduated from a higher educational institution before the age of 30 (say, 22 years) and skip service, you will still be eligible to serve in the future, irrespective of your age. For this reason, you will see people above 30 years giving free comic shows during parade rehearsals in the NYSC orientation camp in the name of marching.

So long as you have no physical disability as a Nigerian youth, NYSC is compulsory. It is so mandatory that you can’t hold any prominent position in the country without obtaining the NYSC discharge certificate.

Asides from citizens with a disability, if you have served in the military or paramilitary for more than a year, it will also exempt you from service.

Meanwhile, Part-Time graduates (CEP) are not eligible for NYSC. However, they will receive an Exclusion Letter. This letter serves as a discharge certificate for them but is less than a discharge certificate. Some employers would not employ graduates with an exemption letter.

If you’re above 30 and ineligible for NYSC, you may be eligible to apply for FRSC. Also see FRSC Recruitment Application Form, www.frsc.gov.ng portal, Ranks, Salaries.

How Can I Register for NYSC?

Now that you are eligible for NYSC mobilization in 2024 and your institution has enlisted you in the senate list, what next?

Registration is the next step in your NYSC mobilization. So, it is expedient for you to register for the one-year compulsory service before NYSC calls you up.

How do you go about this?

Every Nigerian graduate wishing to attend the compulsory youth service in 2024 must register online at the NYSC Portal. You can do it yourself by logging into portal.nysc.org.ng. But due to the processes involved, like the biomedical and thumb printing exercises, most graduates prefer to go through the entire process with local cybercafes.

Meanwhile, the online registration at the NYSC portal dashboard requires you to create an account. To create an account and login into the NYSC portal in 2024, you will need to follow the process below:

  • Provide your full name, including surname and other names
  • input a valid email address
  • Confirm the email address
  • Create a new password
  • Confirm the new password
  • Provide a valid phone number
  • Select the institution you graduated from
  • Select the program you graduated from
  • Click the button “Continue.”

Whether you log in to the NYSC portal in 2024 by yourself or through a cybercafe, you will pay a registration fee of N2,965.68 with the Remita pay engine.

This payment implies that you want to get an alert by SMS when your call-up letter is ready and you want to print it out online.

How do I Pay for NYSC With Remita Pay Engine?

When you’re ready to pay to complete your registration at the NYSC portal, here’s what you should do:

  • Login to the NYSC portal
  • Enter the email ID and password which you have created
  • On the NYSC registration portal, after the successful login at the dashboard, click “Click here to make payment.”
  • Click on “Proceed to Make Payment,” and the portal will display a confirmation page redirecting you to the Remita Payment Engine.
  • Remita Payment Engine will show you various payment options. You can either choose option A or option B.
  • Option A is for Cards and Wallet Payments. If you prefer this option, click “Pay now with Cards or Wallets.” Provide your card details – pin, and other relevant information. Wait till the transaction is successful, then go to https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc1/TransactionStatus_remita to confirm your payment status.
  • Option B is for payment in Bank Branch. If you prefer this option, copy the RRR number that the NYSC portal will generate for you to use at any NYSC-approved banks/ Click “See available bank branch” to see the banks you can pay with. Visit the bank branch and make your payment. Once you’ve made your payment, check your payment status by visiting https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc1/TransactionStatus_remita. Input your transaction reference number, email number, or phone number on this page that you used in registering. Click “Continue” and “Get Status” for payment details.

NYSC Registration Guidelines

Before you proceed with your NYSC registration, you should know some things.

As a local student preparing to go for NYSC mobilization, you should know the following:

  • Provide functional e-mail addresses you can access and valid Nigerian mobile numbers for your registration.
  • Use your correct matriculation number when registering.
  • You can only log in to the NYSC portal in 2024 and start your registration if your name appears in the Senate/Academic Board Approved Result lists.
  • If you’re a graduate of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Physiotherapy, Radiology, Optometry, Medical Laboratory Science, and Pharmacy, you should have your Certificates of Registration with their professional bodies. NYSC will not accept payment receipts.
  • Avoid presenting any fake document, or you will be demobilized and decamped.
  • Your Passport photographs must have your whole face (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and jaw) without bending. This passport photograph should fill the frame and be centralized. Also, use a white or off-white photo background with no shadow.
  • Let nobody complete your registration on your behalf because fingerprints and biometric capturing are involved. If NYSC can’t verify your biometric details at the orientation camp, you will not be registered.
  • If you’re a part-time graduate, you will register online at the NYSC login portal in 2024 and wait to collect your Letter of Exclusion at your educational institution. Meanwhile, if you wish to print your Letter of Exclusion online, you will pay the required online registration fee.

NYSC Registration Guidelines for Foreign-Trained Nigerian Graduates

Formerly, foreign-trained Nigerian graduates had to go to the NYSC Headquarters, Abuja, to register for their service. Now, they must register online with other local students at the NYSC login portal.

However, Nigerian students who have received training abroad must meet specific academic requirements before they begin their NYSC registration. They must provide originals and photocopies of the following documents to prepare for NYSC mobilization in Nigeria:

  • First university degree or HND certificate
  • Complete the official transcription of the First Degree or HND course.
  • Mark sheet (for Indian universities only)
  • O’level certificates such as WASC, GCE, SSCE, NECO, IGCE, GCSE, or high school diplomas for Nigerians who schooled in the USA.
  • Proof of credit in five(5) subjects – including English and mathematics – in not less than two(2) sittings.
  • If you did a ‘Top-up’ program/Course, you must upload your foundation Certificate, e.g., APTECH, OND, NIIT, INFORMATICS, etc.
  • If you’re a medical doctor or optometrist, produce evidence of completion of horsemanship and a registration certificate with the medical and dental council of Nigeria/Optometrists Association of Nigeria as applicable.
  • Pharmacists would produce evidence of completion of internship and registration certificate with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria.
  • Also, Nurses will present an original license and Certificate of registration to the Nursing/Midwifery council of Nigeria.
  • Medical Laboratory Scientists will present their license and certificate of registration to the Medical Laboratory Scientists Council of Nigeria.

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What is the NYSC Call-Up Letter?

After you are done registering through the NYSC portal login, you will wait for a response from NYSC. When it eventually comes, the response is the call-up, and it comes as a letter.

The NYSC call-up letter is a letter that confirms that NYSC has enlisted you to serve for that particular year. It is a letter you receive with your breaths held because it contains the state you are deployed to – which may be none of your choices.

The NYSC call-up letter also contains your name; call-up number; gender; the university, polytechnic, or college you graduated from; your state of origin; the day you report to the state you were deployed to; the address of your orientation camp; etc. The NYSC Call-up letter is your identity before receiving the NYSC Identity Card.

It confirms that you have signed up for one year of national service. So, print it out before going to the NYSC orientation camp.

The call-up number is one very vital piece of information in the call-up letter. This differs significantly from your certificate number. This number coins vital information like your deployment state, undergraduate education, higher institution, year of service, etc.

So, when you have a call-up number like NYSC/BY/UNN/219/139218. it is interpreted as:

NYSC: National Youth Service Corps
BY: Bayelsa, which is the state you are posted to
UNN: The University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where you graduated from
219: 2019, which is the year NYSC mobilized you for national service
139218: Your unique number.

When Does NYSC Commence Mobilization?

Sometimes, you hear people say; I need to clear all my papers and get my results ready to join Batch A. Batch A is the first batch NYSC mobilizes for a particular year.

NYSC takes in three batches of prospective corps members (PCM) every year. These batches are A, B, and C. Batch A usually occurs between February and March, Batch B between May and July, and Batch C between August and November.

However, the NYSC calendar is prone to irregularities. It does not follow the schedule we have listed above all the time. Some years, there are just two batches. Some years there are three.

Also, for each batch, there could be over one stream of PCMs going for service. Hence, the time for each batch stretches.

The 2024 NYSC online registration at the NYSC Login Portal has not started yet. You can expect it to begin at the end of February or the beginning of March 2024.

Mobilization Time Table

How Much Does NYSC Pay Serving Corps Members?

One of the reasons why graduates, current students, and professionals debate that NYSC isn’t worth it is because of the pay.

Currently, Corps Members receive N33,000 monthly as payment (allowance) for serving their fatherland. This is so because the Act that began the NYSC scheme provided the scheme pay corp members with an amount not lower than the minimum wage.

As of 2011, the minimum wage in Nigeria was N18,000. While in 2019, Nigeria’s minimum wage was increased to N30,000, and corp members then received N19,800 until it was raised to N33,000, which is what current corp members receive.

We believe this allowance increase will motivate more Nigerian youths to serve their fatherland.

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How Can I Relocate from Where I was Posted?

Although NYSC plans to take you to a place where you have never been to become a change agent and learn about other cultures and ways of life, you can choose to serve in another place.

This is possible for only four reasons – Health, Marriage, Security, and DG Directives.

So, if you fall into any of these categories of reasons for redeployment, there are two ways to redeploy:

1. While at the Orientation Camp.

Whatever your reason for redeployment, you must obey the call-up letter once you receive it. Wherever it says you go for the NYSC orientation course, you go.

However, once there, you can pick up a relocation form and fill it out to relocate to the location of your choice with evidence to back your reason for relocation.

Hence, you will provide an application letter, a questionnaire that states particulars and reasons for your redeployment, and evidence of a reason to relocate. This evidence could be a marriage or health certificate based on your reason.

2. Online Through the NYSC Login Portal

The NYSC login portal is a vital tool for prospective and current corps members – there are several things you can do on the dashboard.

You can do redeployment in 2024 on the NYSC login portal dashboard.

To go about it, take the following steps:

  1. Visit http://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc2/
  2. Log in with the email and password you used to open your NYSC account
  3. Click on “Relocation”
  4. Appropriately fill in your details in the provided fields on the portal.
  5. Wait to receive a notification via SMS or email on your application status.
  6. You’ll get a notification by SMS and email if NYSC approves your application.

How to Print and Pay for Redeployment Letter

The notification of acceptance of redeployment is more of a call to action than a notification. Once you get the notification, you must pay for and print the relocation letter.

NYSC grants relocation free for any reason, but you must pay N1,000 as a redeployment fee to print the NYSC redeployment letter.

Here’s how to go about the payment and printing of the NYSC redeployment letter.

  1. Visit http://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc2/
  2. Log in with the details you used to open your NYSC account
  3. Look for and select “Manage Relocation.”
  4. Proceed to make payment.
  5. Print your payment receipt after making payment as evidence of payment in case of an unexpected future issue.
  6. When you’re done printing your payment receipt, select the option to print a redeployment/relocation letter.
  7. Print the letter and make a copy
  8. Then take it to present at your new state of deployment.

NYSC Portal Login FAQs

How can I register for NYSC?

You can register on the NYSC portal by visiting. Once there, create an account, input your full name, provide the requirements the portal asks of you, choose the institution and program you graduated from, and continue with the mobilization application process.

How can I get my call-up number?

To get your call-up number, get your call-up letter. So, to get your call-up letter:
First, log in to the NYSC portal at https://portal.nysc.org.ng.
Click “Login Here” to log in with the email you used during your online registration and your password.
Click on “Resume.”Now on your dashboard, click “Print Call-Up Letter” to view your call-up letter and your call-up number.

How do I check the NYSC senate list?

To check your NYSC Senate list:
Visit the NYSC portal, scroll down, and click “Check Senate List or its equivalent.” Pick the Nigerian institution you are attending (or attended), and type in your matriculation number, surname, and date of birth in the boxes and drop-down options available. Then click the search button to see if NYSC has mobilized you for the one-year service program.

How do I make payment on the NYSC portal?

To make a payment on the NYSC portal, you will log in with your right email address and password and then click “Click here to make payment.” Proceed to make a payment with the Remita Payment Engine and select either option A to pay with a card or wallet or option B to pay through a bank branch. Provide all you are asked for and make your payment.

How can I print my NYSC green card?

To print your NYSC green card, visit portal.nysc.org.ng,log in with your accurate account details to be on the dashboard. Once on the NYSC Portal dashboard, look through your basic information, search for the Print Slip button, and click it. Doing this will give you a preview of your NYSC Green Card. Click on the printer icon on the top right corner of the preview to print your Green Card. If you save it as a PDF, click on the other small icon beside the print icon.

How can I apply for a relocation?

You can apply for NYSC relocation at the orientation camp by filling out a redeployment form or online through the NYSC portal. To apply online for NYSC relocation, visit the NYSC portal, sign on “Relocation,” and fill in your details appropriately in the provided fields. Wait for a notification either by SMS or email to alert you of your application status.

What is the age limit for NYSC?

The age limit for NYSC is 30 years. You are not eligible to serve if you graduate from a higher institution at 31 years and above, but if you graduate at an age lesser than 25 and don’t serve after graduation, you can serve in the future at an age higher than 30.

How do I start my NYSC registration?

Before you begin your NYSC registration, have a valid email address, and get ready with a strong password. You must also provide a valid phone number and information about your higher institution, such as the name and the program you graduated from.

What is NYSC Exclusion Letter?

The NYSC Exclusion Letter is issued to Nigerian students pursuing part-time programs, Sandwich, Long Distance Learning, and other non-full-time programs for Students in Universities, Polytechnics, and colleges of Education.

Is NYSC compulsory?

Yes! NYSC is Compulsory for Foreign Graduates who wish to work in Nigeria. Just as a student who studies Law Abroad must attend law school in Nigeria for him/her to practice law in Nigeria. Thinking of escaping NYSC? Try another means.

What is PPA?

NYSC PPA is an acronym for Place of Primary Assignment. After the 3 weeks of NYSC camping, a corp member is posted to an area where his/her primary assignment will be to serve the government or the public in Community services and ministries.

How can I become an NYSC member?

You don’t need a grade to be an NYSC member but graduate from a recognized institution. The program is a vision that sees students showcase their ability to serve their fatherland and not an academic affair.

What is Otondo?

Otondo is an NYSC slang for a new Corper who just joined the 3 weeks camp. They are mocked with that slang by the Army trainers.

What is Mobilization?

Mobilization is the process from a student’s registration to the period a student joins the 3 weeks orientation camp.

How long is NYSC?

The National Youth Service Corps program is a one-year program that starts with a three-week orientation camp, after which corps members are sent to their place of primary assignment.

What is Exemption Letter?

An Exemption Letter is issued to students who, by law, couldn’t participate in the NYSC scheme. However, such a person attended a regular university or Polytechnic program and graduated.

What is NYSC Green Card?

NYSC Green Card is a slip issued after successfully registering on the NYSC portal. The card helps clarify that you’ve paid and registered for the NYSC online registration for mobilization.


It is not enough to maintain good grades in the university, you should also learn how to apply for the one-year compulsory national service once you’ve graduated. Also, it is fair that you know whether your current program of study and the institution you’re studying at will make you eligible to participate in the NYSC scheme.

By visiting the NYSC Login Portal in 2024, you will do these as well as several other activities like printing your NYSC Call-up letter, green card, and even redeployment letter. We believe you will find this post helpful in accomplishing all of these.


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