Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme for Nigerians 

Total Nigeria is calling for applications for Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme 2024 for Nigerians, for young graduates who are motivated and passionate, and who provide outstanding engineering, marketing, and financial achievements to participate in the Graduate Program with more than 500 young graduates.

Here in this article, we have compiled a piece of detailed information about the Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme for Nigerians 2024 that can help you to apply. Check it out!

Brief History about TOTAL Nigeria Plc

Total Nigeria Plc was founded on June 1, 1956, as a private petroleum product marketing company in Nigeria and is a Total marketing and service subsidiary. It is the fifth-largest publicly-traded integrated oil and gas company in the world, with 100,000 employees in more than 130 countries worldwide

A multinational energy company operating in more than 130 countries, committed to providing sustainable products and services to its customers.

Total Nigeria Plc has been a leader in the downstream sector of the Nigerian oil and gas industry for over 50 years. With a nationwide distribution network of over 500 service stations across the country, the company offers a broad range of high-quality energy products and services.

On September 11, 2001, the company had a successful merger, paving the way for sustainable growth and development. The Company’s share capital after the merger is currently $169,761,000, comprised of 50,000 common shares approved and fully paid by Nigerian citizens and associations representing 38.28% of the share capital.

Level/Field of Study

Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme is an 18-month program for graduates which intends to pursue a post-graduate degree in the area of Accounting, Maintenance Methods Studies, Maintenance, Sales general responsibilities, Sales, Marketing, Downstream Operations, Technology.

It will commence with 6 months – 9 months program in Total Nigeria. The successful candidate at this stage will proceed for a 12 months program in any Total Affiliate.

Host Nationality

The Graduate Programme 2024 will be taken in Nigeria and it will be hosted by Total Nigeria Plc. You can check other African Scholarships available for Nigerian students and other African Countries.

Eligible Nationality

Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme 2024 is only available to Nigerian Students. Other International Scholarships are for available for International students wishing to study abroad in any country.

You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates. A must-read if you want to win this award: 15 Important Tips on Winning a Scholarship

Scholarship Worth

Successful candidates of the program will get an opportunity to work as a contract employee in the organization for 18 months

How You Can be Eligible for TOTAL Graduate Programme

Applicants for the 2024 Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme, must meet the following requirements in order to be considered eligible.

  • Must not be more than 25 years of age
  • Recent graduate with post-graduate work experience of not more than 2 years.
  • A bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 2nd Class Upper.
  • It must be geographically mobile.
  • He/she should possess leadership skills and have the ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.
  • He/she should be able to work in a team, be self-driven, result-oriented, innovative, and willing to learn.
  • Good command of English.

How to Apply for TOTAL Nigeria Young Graduate Programme

Applications is to be done in the program application portal.

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Application Deadline

The deadline for the application is September 27th, annually. (Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. successful applicants will get the opportunity to work briefly in Total Nigeria for a period of 18 months

Total Nigeria Young Graduate Programme is a graduate short employment program for Nigerian students who are done with their undergraduate program and about to go for postgraduate program.

We also recommend the following available scholarships

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