WAEC Examination  |Form, Portal, Result Checker, Exam date

WAEC is an important examination every west African student must pass before proceeding to college.

Sadly, the statistics of failure in this prestigious exam have increased in the past decade; a lot of intelligent candidates find it very difficult to make good grades making them repeat the exams.

Frankly, there is really no magic to coming out with parallel ‘As’ in Waec. All you require is expert guidance and tips that will give you an in-depth understanding of what is expected of you in the exams.

If you really want to make your dream grades, you have to go beyond just reading your books. You are expected to know at least a brief history of Waec, how to register and the requirements for the registrations.

A lot of candidates ask questions like How can get Waec scratch card?, How many subjects Do I need to Register? When will Waec portal open?.

Therefore, in this article, we have compiled all the necessary tips you need to register for your exams successfully and also access your results. To get the best, do not skip any step so that you don’t miss relevant information.

What is Waec?

Well, WAEC is an acronym that stands for the West African Examinations Council. This body was established to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally.

Apparently, WAEC consists of 60 members, representing the Governments, the Universities, Secondary Schools and other interested parties in the five-member states which are Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, and Liberia. Also, the chairmanship of the Council rotates every 3 years between member countries.

The vision of WAEC is to be a world-class examining body adding value to the educational goals of its stakeholders and the core values include

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  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Teamwork
  • Innovativeness

When did Waec Start?

The history of how Waec started amazes me a lot and you may also find it very interesting. So, it all began in 1948 during a meeting at the University of Cambridge Local Examinations, University of London School Examinations Matriculation Council and West African Departments of Education.

The meeting was to discuss the future policy of the education system in Africa. During the meeting, the Director of the University of London Institute of Education Dr.George Barker Jeffery was appointed to visit some West African countries, so as to see the general education level and requirements in West Africa.

So, Jeffery actually paid a three-month visit to Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia the Gambia and Sierra Leone and that took place from December 1949 to March 1950 and at the end of his visit, he tendered a report stating the need for a West African Examination Council.

Following his report, the groups met with the governments of these countries, and the West African Examinations Council was established in 1952.

Who is Eligible for Waec?

Firstly, to qualify to take the west African examination, you must be a citizen of countries including Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and the Gambia.

Secondly, you are eligible to obtain Waec registration form If you are a student who has completed your junior secondary school and currently in the third year of senior secondary school.

In addition, if you have previously taken the examinations and also if you have passed the Teachers’ Grade two examination in your country.

If your Waec performance is bad as a Nigerian citizen, you can also gain admission into a higher institution with your National examinations council(NECO) result.

Who Are the Officials Involved in the Conduct of Waec examinations?

It is really advisable for candidates to know the officials in charge of their examinations. So, we have listed three categories of WAEC officials and their roles.

Supervisors: These are trained teachers selected by the various Ministries of Education in each States. Basically their responsibility is to conduct the exams at various centres and also to collect question papers from the custodian and return answer scripts to the custodian centres.

Invigilators: They are usually teaching staff nominated by their school principals to assist the supervisors at the centres,

Inspectors: These are Waec staff members and their duty is to go from one centre to another when the examination is in progress.

Examiners: They are the educationist mostly graduate teachers in secondary schools, others may be lecturers in colleges of education, universities, and polytechnics who are familiar with the classroom curriculum. Apparently, these sets of people are chosen by WAEC to mark the candidates’ scripts and their identities are not supposed to be disclosed.

How many Subjects Do I need to Register?

As Waec candidates, you are required to enter and sit for a minimum of eight and a maximum of nine subjects including English and Mathematics irrespective of whether you major in Arts or the science discipline.

However, Science students are expected to offer the core science subjects including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Similarly, the core subjects for Art students include Literature in English, History, and Geography.

In addition, every candidate must offer any three of the subjects listed below that are not already offered as core subjects.

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  • Biology
  • Economics
  • Physics
  • Book Keeping
  • Chemistry
  • Typewriting
  • Further Mathematics
  • Shorthand
  • Commerce
  • History
  • Geography
  • Literature-in-English
  • Agricultural Science
  • Woodwork
  • Health Science
  • Auto-Mechanics
  • Building Construction
  • Music
  • Clothing & Textiles
  • Art
  • Christian Religious Knowledge
  • French
  • Islamic Studies
  • Physical Education
  • Arabic Studies
  • Government
  • Metal Work
  • Applied Electricity
  • Electronics
  • Foods and Nutrition
  • Technical Drawing
  • Home Management
  • Dagaare
  • Dagbani
  • Dangme
  • Ewe
  • Ga
  • Gonja
  • Kasem
  • Nzema
  • Twi (Akuapem)
  • Twi (Asante)

How Can I Make Good Grades in Waec?

It is a fact that Hard work is the key to success. So, as a Waec candidate, you are required to read all the materials related to any examination you are preparing for. The earlier you start reading and making preparations, the better.

Basically, In the case of Waec, you will have to attend classes at your respective centers in other to know the curriculum for the current year.

Another thing you need to know about is the registration: You are expected to register for any examination not later than two weeks after the application opens and also ensure entries are correct before submission to avoid missing results.

Actually, what constitutes a greater percentage of failure in an examination is malpractice. You have to avoid all forms of examination malpractice ranging from copying and exposing your script to the other persons, fighting, borrowing of items, disrespecting of the officials, and inviting a guest candidate.

In addition to the above, Waec candidates should ensure to read the instructions on their question papers carefully before attempting any questions so that you will not answer questions meant for candidates in other countries.

What are the acts that constitute examination malpractice?

According to the WAEC board, the following, among others, constitute examination malpractice and that may lead to disqualification.

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  • Waec candidates bringing books or cribs into the examination hall
  • Insulting or assaulting any examination official
  • Swapping of scripts in an examination hall
  • Replacing their answer scripts with another one during or after the examination
  • Impersonation
  • Taking part in mass or organized cheating in the exam hall
  • All other acts that contravene the rules governing the conduct of the examination.

How is the Waec Grading Scale?

It is very important for you to know the WAEC grading scale because that will help you to know your performance when you receive your result. So we have put together the grading format as seen below.

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  • A1        Excellent
  • B2        Very good
  • B3        Good
  • C4        Credit
  • C5        Credit
  • C6        Credit
  • D7        Pass
  • E8        Pass
  • F9         fail

How Can I Register For Waec 2024?

If you have met the requirements listed above, here are the guidelines you should follow in other to register for the Waec examination successfully.

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  • As a candidate, you required to start your Registration by enrolling your fingerprints and capture other personal details using the Biometric Data Capture software.
  • The next step is to enter your bio data which includes Gender, Disability, Marital Status, Maiden Name (if applicable), Date of Birth, Nationality, and the State of Origin.
  • Following the above, you will have to take a picture with a webcam with a minimum Camera Specification* 2.0MP 720p USB 2.0 Color.
  • What you will see is a space for your telephone, email, residential address, residential city, residential state, postal address, city, and state. 
  • And also select the state and town you wish to write the examination.

Subject Selection

The next section on the form is the subject selection.

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  • Please note that English Language and Mathematics have been automatically selected for you because they are compulsory. You are required to select the other subjects you wish to register for in this examination.
  • Please ensure to read the declaration section carefully and check or tick the checkboxes before submitting your form. Do not proceed unless you have done this.
  • Once you have completed the registration form, click the ACCEPT button and thereafter review your application, ensure to click the EDIT button if you desire to make any modification.
  • After completing the previous step, click the SAVE button if you want to save your application and still be able to come back and modify it. 
  • Upon successful completion and submission of your registration form, the system will allocate a center to you and generate your examination number.
  • Finally, ensure to print the admission notice and photo card.

In other to access the application form and also download the fingerprint scanner, click on the button below to access the WAEC recruitment portal, Click Here

When is Waec 2024 Commencing?

The West African Examination Council (Waec) always start around May/June of every year. However, the official starting date for the 2024 exams will be published right here please do well to check our website for the latest information in other not to miss out.

Furthermore, candidates should also note that the 2024 WAEC registration procedure has been designed to accommodate biometric features that will be used for validation at the examination center.

How can I check for My Waec Result?

The advancement in technology enables the release of examination results quite on time. In the case of the West African Examination Council, they release results in July to enable successful and qualified candidates to enter tertiary institutions at the beginning of the academic year.

Usually, the results lists are sent to the participating schools. So, the candidates can proceed to their respective centers and check their results.

However, you can also check your results online with an access card at www.waecgh.org. Below are the steps on how to check your Waec results online.

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  • Obtain a Scratch card and please note that the Waec card will look like the image below.
  • Log on to the website www.waecgh.org on your computer and ensure you have an internet connection.
  • Enter the Card Serial Number found on the reverse side of your Scratch card.
  • And then input your Index Number.
  • Select the Type of Examination (e.g. WASSCE).
  • Select your Examination Year example 2020.
  • Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card eg. 012345678912.
  • Confirm your Index Number and Examination Year. This is to ensure that your examination information is correct.
  • Click on Submit and wait for few minutes for the display in the popup window.
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How Can I get my WAEC original Result?

The examination board usually sent the original result to your respective examination centers so, you may have to go to your schools and collect your certification. Note that you may be required to present a passport photograph to verify ownership as the result may not the release to you if you do otherwise.

How do I Recover my Missing Waec Certificate?

If you lose your certificates maybe to fire outbreaks, theft or to anything, you may have to confirm your results to prospective employers and educational institutions. Certificates are produced once, and so certificates which get lost or damaged after collection are not replaced.

Nevertheless, confirmation of the result can be processed by submitting to Waec the following:

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  • One plain foolscap envelope
  • One stamped, addressed envelope for each confirmation of results
  • #250 postage stamp for local mails
  • #350 postage stamp for international mails
  • An affidavit was sworn to in a court of law which should contain the following details: Candidate’s Name (in full), Name of Examination, and Year of Examination
  • Two copies of candidates’ passport photograph per result
  • #10,000.00 per result for overseas institutions fee for confirmation of result and #5,000.00 per result for institutions within Nigeria.
  • Confirmed results are not handed over to candidates. They are sent directly to the institutions/establishments which candidates want to provide with the information.

You may also be required to request for attestation of your results to the following contacts:
Registrar/ Head of Test Development Division, Telephone Numbers: +233-302-208201-9 and Senior Deputy Registrar/Head of Test Administration Division, Telephone Numbers: +233-302-208201-9 or info@waecgh.org

Waec Recruitment 2021

We will post on the latest Vacancies for the West African Examination Council recruitment 2024 when it is available. Meanwhile, if you are looking to work with any government body, you can check out the NDLEA, FRSC, and the NAFDAC recruitments portal for positions available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Waec does not allow direct communication with school candidates. School candidates are expected to send their complaints to WAEC through their school principals, while private candidates contact WAEC directly.

Waec certificates have no expiry date.

The answer is No. Instead, they issue statements of result to the owners of lost certificates or, when necessary, confirm their results for a fee.

Accreditation is carried out by the Federal Ministry of Education alone.

Candidates who are found guilty of examination malpractice will have their results cancelled.


The first step to success in any examination is confidence. When you get the necessary tips you need for any examinations you will relax and this will help you to recall all you have read.

As a Waec candidate, you are to know the basics of the registration including the number of subjects you are to fill in your form, take note of your examination number and also, ensure to upload your Biometric data.

During the examination, you have to read the instructions carefully and shun any form of examination malpractice so that you do not have a missing result.

In addition, recruitment usually takes place every year and candidates who qualify will visit the WAEC recruitment portal.


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We give guidelines on how to register for your examinations. Please beware of scammers. Do not transfer money to any website that is not the Waec official site. Note that we do not sell Waec scratch card or publish Waec results and therefore we will not be accountable for any form of fraud.

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