Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship,  [Updated]

Do you wish to have a scholarship in the United States as an undergraduate student? If yes, Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship is now available for undergraduate students to receive financial assistance to support their education.

In this post, we will give you step with steps tips on how to apply successfully for this award.

About Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship

The Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship was established in honor of Richie’s memory with the aim of inspiring others to live with a positive spirit. Richie’s Spirit Foundation has a mission of promoting organ donation to people of all ages through education awareness programs.

The Richie’s Spirit Foundation offers a scholarship fund known as Significant Challenge College Scholarship Program used for a college education.

This program is a form of financial assistance open to a deserving senior in High School who is about graduating with a minimum GPA of 3.4 and who plans to attend a vocational school, community college or as a full-time student at any college.

The graduating high school senior applying for the Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship should demonstrate certain personal qualities like good characters, leadership, community affairs, an initiative in school, and excellent academic records. In addition, the high school senior must have taken challenging courses throughout their high school career.

A panel of judges reviews the applications and the winner of the scholarship applications will be announced forthwith, usually during the summer. The amount of financial aid varies by the years ranging from $1,000 to $5,000.

Scholarship Level/Field

The Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship is available for undergraduate students who are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in any field of study in the university for a period of four years.

Host Nationality

The Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship takes place at any vocational school, community college, or colleges in the United States.  If you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United States

Scholarship Benefit

The value of Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship varies from year to year. It usually ranges from $1,000 to $5,000. It holds once every year and the funds are available once during the undergraduate studies in the university. The scholarship will renewal or rollover. It lasts for one year ONLY.

Eligible Nationality

The Cailloux Foundation Scholarship is available for legal students who are citizens of the United States. 

Scholarship Number

The Richie’s Spirit Foundation awards ONE deserving student the scholarship every year. Its selection criteria are strictly based on merit.

Eligibility for Scholarship

In order to qualify for the Richie’s Spirit Foundation Scholarship, the applicant must meet certain requirements are listed below:

  1. Must be a legal citizen of the United States.
  2. You must be a final year senior in an accredited US high school.
  3. must be planning to attend a vocational school, community college, or four-year college full-time for the next academic session.
  4. You must have taken challenging courses throughout his or her high school career
  5. Score an average grade point of 3.4 or its equivalent on a 4.0-grade point scale
  6. Demonstrate certain personal qualities like good characters, leadership, community affairs, an initiative in school, and excellent academic records.

For more information Click here

Scholarship Application Procedures

Applications are done online at the scholarship website. Click here to apply

Application Deadline of Scholarship

The deadline for application for the Richie’s Spirit Foundation scholarship differs for each year, and the application for 2024 is closed.

However, the new date for application and the deadline would be announced on the official scholarship website when it goes open for applications.

You can obtain more information about Richie’s Spirit Foundation official scholarship website:


Richie’s Spirit Foundation

P.O. Box 390, New York,

NY 10276, United States of America



Other related scholarship

Nitro Student Scholarships

The Nitro Student Scholarship Sweepstakes is a scholarship opportunity open to college or undergraduate students who are legal residents of the US and their parents. The scholarship value of more than $2,000 is awarded every month to students of any universities within the United States.

You can start your application and know more about the scholarship by clicking on the link

Nitro Parent Scholarships

Nitro aims at helping parents pay the college fees of their children, by a simple process which requires no forms of essays at all. You can start your application and know more about the scholarship by clicking on the link

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