Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship 2024

Are you an American citizen? A leader in your field? Would you like to spend a year in Germany? This Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program 2024 is for you.

Applications are available for the Robert Bosch Foundation 2024-2024 Fellowship program. The  Bosch Foundation Fellowship is a fully funded, 8 to a 12-month career development program that allows up to 15 young Americans to live overseas and advance their careers abroad.

The Robert Bosch  Fellowship Program is an outstanding transatlantic initiative that offers a select group of savvy Americans the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive intercultural career program in Germany, consisting of three main components:

  • Individual professional missions
  • Professional seminars
  • German course

Bosch Associates specializes in advising leading public and private institutions in Germany. In addition, they participate in specialist seminars where they exchange views with German and European experts and decision-makers.

Before their internships and seminars, Bosch scholarship holders offer tuition before leaving for Germany and take part in 8 weeks of intensive language courses in Berlin.

The program is fully funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, one of the largest foundations in Germany, with the aim of forming a community of American heads of state with direct experience in the political, economic and cultural environment of Germany. The European Union. Cultural Vistas is the US representative of the Robert Bosch Foundation Scholarship Program and manages it since its inception in 1984.

About the Sponsor: Robert Bosch Foundation 

The Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, a charitable institution, is one of the leading private foundations of Europe that is known for its promotion of natural and social sciences, including public health and science, education, society and culture, and international relations.

This is one of the major foundations in Europe that is associated with a private company. Through our work, they have followed the legacy of Robert Bosch for over 50 years, continuing his commitment to social and societal causes in a contemporary form.

More About the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship

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Level/ Field of Study

 Bosch Foundation Fellowship offers the opportunity to Scholarship holders who belong to the fields of politics and administration, foreign and security policy, urban and regional planning, trade, journalism and communication, law or culture and art management (ex-museum, theater, orchestra).

Host Nationality

This fellowship is hosted by the Robert Bosch Foundation in Germany.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

Bosch Foundation Fellowship is available to American citizens.

Aside from the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

 Bosch Foundation Fellowship Worth

  • One or two practical phases (internships) in the most important German institutions
  • Seminar series on topics of German, European and transatlantic interest
  • Private German course before departure; Intensive language courses in Berlin
  • Monthly allowance from October between 3,200 and 3,700 EUR; monthly summer allowance of EUR 1,500 + free accommodation in July, August, and September; the exact amount of supplement based on the number of family members you are accompanying
  • Accommodation and travel for the orientation program
  • A travel allowance from and to Germany
  • Life membership with the Alumni Association of the Robert Bosch Foundation

Eligibility for  Bosch Foundation Fellowship

In particular, all candidates must have the following qualifications:

  • American citizenship
  • 40 years or less at the time of application
  • At least five years of full-time work experience (excluding internships)
  • The professional experience and scope of the fellowship must cover the following areas: public policy and administration, foreign and security policy, urban and regional planning, trade, journalism and communication, law, cultural and art management
  • Proof of professional achievement and exceptional academic results
  • Preferred completion
  • Active participation in social and/or public affairs
  • Willingness and obligation to learn German; high skills would be beneficial

Candidates are expected to have a genuine interest in German and European affairs, have clear objectives for the program’s job responsibilities, and a commitment to transatlantic relations beyond their borders to show their own professional interests.

How to Apply for Robert Bosch Fellowship

Please read these instructions before completing and submitting your  Bosch Fellowship Application

  • Applications for the Robert Bosch Foundation Scholarship Program must be submitted online by 11:59 pm EST on 1 November and all supporting documents not submitted online or by email must be in paper form on the same date.
  • You can log in, edit, and log out of your app at any time until you click the “Submit” button. Once an application has been submitted, it will be considered final. In each section you are editing, click “Save” before leaving your application to ensure that all data is stored.
  • Before submitting your application, carefully read the information you provide by clicking the Review & Submit tab. On the last page of it

A complete application includes the online application form, short essay questions, a resume, university transcripts, and two letters of recommendation. All documents should be uploaded online. If necessary, transcripts and recommendation letters can be mailed to the following address:

Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program
233 Broadway
Suite 2120
New York, NY 10279

Robert Bosch Fellowship 2024 Application Deadline

The Bosch Fellowship Application portal for 2024 is now open.

Click here for more details and to apply

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