Rotary Peace Fellowship Program for Young Professionals

Peace is beneficial to the growth and stability of every family, country, and nation. In fact, it is the foundation on which everything is built. The Rotary Organization has decided to institute the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program for young professionals in order to make them evangelists of peace.

Many nations of the world today have pulled through after months or years of fearsome wars.

Indeed, it is clear that wars don’t profit anybody but only cause pain, and loss of lives and property among others.

The Rotary Organization is one organization that is totally committed to promoting peace among all nations.

In fact, the totality of their pursuit is to create a world full of wealth, happiness, and disease-free.

However, in this article, we will look at the Rotary Peace Fellowship program which precisely focuses on peace.

About the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program for Young Professionals | 2024

Yearly, the Rotary body awards fully-funded fellowships to over 130 dedicated and deserving individuals.

These awards are to aid the training of these individuals in academics, and networking opportunities, and also to become drivers of peace.

Since the inception of this fellowship, over 1,500 people have gotten training and they currently work in over 115 countries.

A good number of these individuals occupy leadership positions as they remain the bannermen of this organization.

Very importantly, these fellowships have different programs in which successful applicants can register and start immediately.

Fellowship Programs

As an advocate for peace, you can actually enlist in any of the programs offered in the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program. These programs include;

  • Masters Degree Programs
  • Professional Development Certificate Program

Masters’ Degree Programs – In the master’s degree program, qualified candidates get to study issues concerning peace and development.

Furthermore, they get to carry out informed research in a diverse student body.

This program will last for 15-24 months wherein a two to three-month study will be designed by the participants.

Professional Development Certificate Program – This program runs for one year in which professionals will learn the right strategies that will bring peace.

At the end of the program, they will need to complete their studies and carry out a social initiative.

Scholarship Benefits

This program covers all fees from transport to tuition down to living expenses.

In other words, it is a fully funded fellowship.

Also Read: Global Health Corps Fellowship for Emerging Leaders 2024 | Paid

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program for Young Professionals in 2024, you need to fulfill certain requirements which include;

  • An active Rotary member
  • An employee of a Rotary club or district, Rotary International, or another Rotary entity
  • A spouse, lineal descendant (child or grandchild by blood or legal adoption), spouse of a lineal descendant, or the parent or grandparent by the blood of any living person in the previous categories
  • A former Rotary member, or their relative as described above, within 36 months of the member’s resignation

Scholarship Level

There are two levels in this Rotary Fellowship Program which are the Master’s Degree and Professional certification programs.

Host Nationality

This fellowship program is hosted in peace centers of Rotary organizations all over the world.

Eligible Nationalities

Individuals from all over the world can apply for this fellowship program.

Application Process

The application process is both offline and online as you’ll need to pick up the application form and subsequently submit it at your district office.

Fellowship Application Link

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program is May 31, 2024

Because all districts must endorse the application before July 1.


The rotary peace fellowship program is a program that teaches individuals matters relating to a peace settlement.

The deadline for registration is May 31, 2024

Individuals who are members of the Rotary body can register for this program.

Over 150 people will be beneficiaries of this program.


Indeed, the fight for peace has not been easy but the silent voice of victory still echoes through the hearts of these warriors.

They keep on battling to ensure we live in a world filled with love, harmony and health.

So, you can choose to join the Rotary organization today and become a contributor to this cause.


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