S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students in Canada

Are you a Japanese student seeking funding for your studies in Canada? You will be pleased to learn that S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024 in Canada is currently ongoing now and you can apply if you are eligible. This University of Toronto scholarship worth $700.

The S. Ubakata Fund is available to a Japanese candidate wishing to study full-time at the University of Toronto.

As one of Canada’s leading educational institutions, the University of Toronto is one of the world’s largest research-intensive universities, a world-renowned research center and a leader in this field. research-intensive training.

About the Sponsor: University of Toronto

The University of Toronto is a public research university in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, located on the grounds that surround Queen’s Park. It was founded by royal charter in 1827 as King’s College, the first institution of higher learning in the colony of Upper Canada

The University offers candidates career opportunities and unique organizational culture. It improves the success of employability by helping the candidate to recognize and articulate skills and knowledge.

More About the S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2022

Level/ Field of Study

The S. Ubakata Fund is awarded to study undergraduate or graduate studies in any subject of the university.

Host Nationality

This S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students is hosted by the University of Toronto and can be taken in the university.

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the UK, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the UK

Eligible Nationality

This University of Toronto scholarship is only available for Japanese Students.

Aside from the S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024 will be awarded up to $ 700.

Eligibility for S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024

In order to qualify for the S. Ubakata Fund,

  • The candidate must be registered at the University of Toronto as a full-time student or applicant.
  • The candidate must meet the admission requirements for English-speaking institutions.
  • must be a Japanese student.
  • Applicants must be admitted to any degree program at the University of Toronto.

Admission Requirements: To be admitted to the university, applicants must know their academic background and review the terms of participation to complete the program.
Language requirements: If English is not your native language, you must provide evidence of your installation in English so that your admission can be taken into account unless you are entitled to an exception.

S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024 Application

To qualify for the University of Toronto scholarship award, applicants must be admitted to any degree program at the University of Toronto.

Once approved, you can download and send the scholarship application form and send it to the following address: Registration Services 172 St. George Street University Toronto, Ontario, M5R 0A3
Accompanying documentation: The applicant must provide a personal profile or declaration of interest.

S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students 2024 Application Deadline

S. Ubakata Fund for Japanese Students Application deadline is the 2nd of July every year.

Click here for more details and to apply

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