15 Scholarships for Congo Students to Study in Finland

Listed in this article are lists of scholarships for Congo students to study in Finland in 2024. These Finland scholarships for Congo students are available for undergraduates, masters, and PhD Students.

Planning a budget for your time in Finland is an important part of preparing for the journey ahead. These Universities offer a range of options for scholarships both for bachelor’s and master’s level international students.

Try not to miss out any of these Scholarship opportunities. You can as well open any of the scholarships listed below on a new tab.

Therefore, if you are a Congo student searching for any of the following scholarship opportunities listed below, kindly go through the links to get a scholarship best suitable for you.

About Finland Education

As we all know, Finland is one of the world-leading higher education. The system offers English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in 14 universities and 23 universities of applied sciences.

Finnish higher education institutions offer over 400 different study programs and have over 20,000 international students studying in several locations around Finland. These scholarships are also open to Congo applicants.

All universities and universities of applied sciences have Scholarship Opportunities for international students.

15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in Finland 2022

Here is the list of 15 Scholarships for Congo to Study in Finland 2024

  • HAIC Scholarship for  Security and Cloud Computing 
  • Aalto University Scholarship Programme
  • First Year Scholarship – University of Vaasa Global Student Scholarship.
  • Second Year Scholarship – University of Vaasa Global Student Award for Academic Excellence 
  • Natural Resource Management, M.Sc. at the Novia University of Applied Science 
  • Chemical Engineering and Water Treatment, M.Sc. at LUT University 
  • CIMO Awards to Study in Finland 
  • Agricultural Sciences, M.Sc. at the University of Helsinki 
  • Sustainable Production in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. at LUT University 
  • Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 
  • Atmospheric Sciences – Agricultural and Forestry, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 
  • University of OULU International Masters Scholarships 
  • Life Science Informatics, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 
  • Urban Studies and Planning, M.Sc. at University Helsinki 
  • Sustainability Science and Solutions, M.Sc. at LUT University

#1. HAIC Scholarship for  Security and Cloud Computing 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

Helsinki-Aalto centre for information security (HAIC) will select several HAIC scholars from the top applicants admitted to the security and cloud computing within the Master’s programme in a computer, communication and information Sciences or SECCO. This application is also open to Congo applicants.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship awards living cost support and also honours students positions (part-time research-related employment during the semesters).

#2. Aalto University Scholarship Programme 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Aalto University Scholarship Programme seeks to recognise talented International students. Aalto University Scholarship is also merit-based and is granted on a competitive basis. This scholarship is also open to Congo students.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a 3 years full-time bachelor’s degree and a 2 years full-time Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship covers either 50% of category B or 100% of category A. This scholarship do no as well cover accommodation cost.

#3. First Year Scholarship – University of Vaasa Global Student Scholarship.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Vaasa Finland is glad to announce the offering of the first year scholarship to provide financial support for the international applicant who has enrolled for a Masters at the university. Congo students are not exempted from this great opportunity.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship awards a 100% tuition fee waiver.

#4. Second Year Scholarship – University of Vaasa Global Student Award for Academic Excellence 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Vaasa Finland is glad to announce the offering of the second year scholarship to provide financial support for the international applicant who has enrolled for a Masters at the university. Congo students are not exempted from this great opportunity.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship awards a 50% tuition fee waiver.

#5. Natural Resource Management, M.Sc. at the Novia University of Applied Science 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Novia University of Applied Science Finland is pleased to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for Congo and other international applicants who have enrolled for Masters in Natural Resource Management program and other related programs at the University


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship awards a 50% tuition fee to the duration of the program.

#6. Chemical Engineering and Water Treatment, M.Sc. at LUT University 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The LUT University Finland offers a scholarship program to support Congo applicants and other international applicants who are already applied to the Chemical Engineering and Water Treatment regular Master’s program.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship takes care of the student tuition fee for the period of 2 year’s Master’s program.

#7. CIMO Awards to Study in Finland 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

This is a group of various scholarships administered to Congo and other international students who desire to pursue a Postgraduate study Masters or Ph.D. in Finland universities.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters and PhD degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship takes care of the student tuition fee for the period of the program with a monthly stipend attached to it.

#8. Agricultural Sciences, M.Sc. at the University of Helsinki 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Helsinki in Finland is proud to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for Congo applicants and other foreign nationals.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree in Agricultural Science

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship covers the tuition fee, 10,000 EUR stipend payment, a full tuition fee grant and a study grant of 10,000 EUR.

#9. Sustainable Production in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. at LUT University 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The LUT University Finland offers a scholarship program to support Congo applicants and other international applicants who are already applied for the Sustainable Production in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. program.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship takes care of the student tuition fee for the period of 2 year’s Master’s program.

#10. Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Helsinki in Finland is proud to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for congo applicants and other foreign nationals.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers the tuition fee, 10,000 EUR stipend payment, a full tuition fee grant and a study grant of 10,000 EUR.

#11. Atmospheric Sciences – Agricultural and Forestry, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Helsinki in Finland is pleased to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for congo students and other international students.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree in Atmospheric Sciences- Agricultural and Forestry in the University.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers the tuition fee, 10,000 EUR stipend payment, a full tuition fee grant and a study grant of 10,000 EUR.

#12. University of OULU International Masters Scholarships 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of OULU has a broad scholarship program that offers 75% scholarship for academically talented international students. This scholarship is open to Congo applicants.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree in Atmospheric Sciences- Agricultural and Forestry in the University.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship takes care of the student tuition fee for the period of 2 year’s Master’s program but does not cover the cost of accommodation.

#13. Life Science Informatics, M.Sc. at University of Helsinki 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Helsinki in Finland is proud to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for congo students and other international students.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree in the life Informatics program.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers the tuition fee, 10,000 EUR stipend payment, a full tuition fee grant and a study grant of 10,000 EUR.

#14. Urban Studies and Planning, M.Sc. at University Helsinki 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The University of Helsinki in glad is proud to announce the offering of a number of scholarships and grants to provide financial support for congo students and other international students.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree in Urban Studies and Planning program.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers the tuition fee, 10,000 EUR stipend payment, a full tuition fee grant and a study grant of 10,000 EUR.

#15. Sustainability Science and Solutions, M.Sc. at LUT University 2022

Host/Eligible Nationality

The LUT University Finland offers a scholarship program to support Congo applicants and other international applicants who are already applied for the Sustainable Science and solutions, M.Sc. program.


This scholarship is open to those pursuing a Masters degree program.

Scholarship Worth

This Scholarship takes care of the student tuition fee for the period of 2 year’s Master’s program.


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