15 Scholarships for Gabon Students to Study in Finland

Do you know that Scholarships do not only provide grant-in-aid support to students, they also connect you to the right network of professionals. In that regard, Check out 15 Scholarships for Gabon students.

Basically, these scholarships are provided to the students of Gabon to study in Finland. They can be partially or fully-funded opportunities given to students to Study Abroad for their Masters, Undergraduates, and Ph.D.

The Government of Finland and Universities in Finland offer scholarships to Gabon students, international students and local citizens every year. You can be a part of them this time if you read this post till the end.

Several Gabon Scholarship opportunities are highlighted in this article especially for those that want to study in Finland.

Most of these scholarships are school-specific, meaning they’re only open to students who have been admitted to a school to study. But there are also scholarships that aren’t tied to a particular school.

Below is a sample of such opportunities. The list includes some awards specifically for Gabon students as well as awards that are open to anyone in search of scholarships.

Keep in mind application requirements can change from year to year, so be sure to carefully review all details and deadlines before applying.

Finland’s education system is something you don’t want to miss as a student, therefore here is a list of Gabon Students scholarships in Finland.

Ongoing Gabon Students Scholarships in Finland

  • Leakey Foundation Research Grants
  • Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship
  • MaMaSELF Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
  • BeArt Presets Academic Scholarships
  • KoWi Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships
  • Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program for Graduate Students
  • The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
  • British Council IELTS Award
  • Finnish Government Scholarship Pool
  • EDUFI Doctoral Fellowships in Finland

#1. Leakey Foundation Research Grants

The Leakey Foundation exclusively funds research related specifically to human origins. Priority of funding is commonly given to exploratory phases of promising new research projects that meet the stated purpose of the Foundation.

Level/Field: Advanced doctoral students (advanced to candidacy – all but dissertation) and established scientists

Scholarship Worth: The majority of The Leakey Foundation’s Research Grants awarded to doctoral students are in the $3,000-$15,000 range. Larger grants given to senior scientists and post-doctoral students may be funded up to $25,000.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadlines for research grant applications are January 10th and July 15th.  All submissions and resubmissions are due on this date

Visit the official website.

#2. Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship

The Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research and Identification of Precious Stones a not-for-profit entity of the Gubelin Group is offering research scholarship for MSc/Ph.D. students or postdoctoral researchers.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing MSc/Ph.D. or Postdoctoral Research

Scholarship Worth: USD 30,000

Application Deadline: 30 June 2024

Visit the official website.

#3. MaMaSELF Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

European Union Erasmus Mundus is inviting applications for MaMaSELF Scholarships. These scholarships are available for both European and non-European students.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing a Master degree in the field of Material Science.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship covers travel and living expenses and tuition fees in for the full duration of the course.

Application Deadline: 10 February  (annual)

Visit the official website.

#4. BeArt Presets Academic Scholarships

Students work hard to earn top marks, dreaming of the education they will receive and the college they’ll attend.

Unfortunately, many of these students won’t be able to afford it. That’s why they help students to attain their educational goals and reach their full potential.

Each year, BeArt-Presets offers a $2000 scholarship to talented students.

Level/Field: Applicants must be either an Undergraduate, a Graduate, or a High School senior.

Scholarship Worth: Scholarship Award in the amount of Two Thousand US Dollars ($2000).

Application Deadline: April 1st (annual)

Visit the official website.

#5. KoWi Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships

KoWi has announced Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships – European Fellowship for experienced researchers of all nationalities.

The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or the private sector.

Level/Field: Fellowships are available to pursue research.

Scholarship Worth: Budget: EUR 294.49 million (including EUR 8 million for Society and Enterprise panel). (https://tomadamswc.com/)

  • Fellowship for experienced researchers (Ph.D. or at least 4 years of full-time research experience) for 12 – 24 months: living allowance, contribution to research and travel costs, management and overheads
  • Optional: secondment to the non-academic sector (MS/AC) for a maximum of 6 months.

Scholarship Application Deadline: September 11, 2024

Visit the official website.

#6. Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program for Graduate Students

The new Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program is now available on offer and directly supports graduate students as they pursue their Ph.D., as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing a Ph.D. program.

Scholarship Worth: $10K to $50K available.

Application Deadline: February 4, (annual)

Visit the official website.

#7. The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant

The Foundation provides financial assistance, by way of grants, to young artists who are pursuing their studies or are in the early or developmental stage of their career, are working in a representational style of painting, drawing, sculpture or printmaking, and demonstrate the determination, in addition to the talent to pursue a lifetime career in their art practice.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for young artists

Scholarship Worth: First grants are in the amount of CAD $15,000 each. Subsequent grants are in the amount of CAD $18,000 each.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Ongoing

Visit the official website.

#8. British Council IELTS Award

The IELTS Prize will be awarded to applicants with the motivation to develop their careers. Also applicants who demonstrate the potential to contribute to society what they have gained from their undergraduate or postgraduate study experience.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate.

Scholarship Worth: The British Council IELTS Award is worth between £3,000 up to £10,000 depending on the tuition fees.

  • Scholarship Application Deadline: Application period:22 Dec 20–10 June (annual)
  • Shortlisting:11–12 June
  • Presentation and interview of shortlisted applicants:24–28 June
  • Submission of acceptance letter received from the relevant educational organization:30 June at the latest
  • Notification of final winner(s): Week of 1 July

Visit the official website.

#9. Finnish Government Scholarship Pool

The Finnish Government offers scholarships of 3-9 months for Doctoral level studies and research at Finnish universities or public research institutes.

The Scholarship Pool program is open to young researchers from all academic fields.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral-level studies and research at Finnish universities or public research institutes.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship includes:

  • a monthly allowance of EUR 1500. The allowance is sufficient for one person only.

Expenses due to travel, international or in Finland, are not covered by the program.

Scholarship recipients are recommended to make arrangements for sufficient insurance coverage for their stay in Finland.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15th February (annual)

Visit the official website.

#10. EDUFI Doctoral Fellowships in Finland

The EDUFI Fellowships program is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields who wish to pursue their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university.

Level/Field: Scholarships are available for pursuing a Ph.D. Degree in all academic fields.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 1,500 euros.

The scholarship is intended to cover living expenses in Finland for a single person. No additional allowance for housing is paid.

Expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by EDUFI.

Scholarship Application Deadline: Ongoing

Visit the official website.


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