Undergraduate Scholarships for Information Technology Students 

Studying Information Technology abroad just got easier with these scholarships. We have compiled 20 of the best undergraduate scholarships around the world for you to study information technology. And the opportunity is open to international students without hassles.

Some of these undergraduate scholarships for Information Technology is granted by organizations. While others are by institutions.

Students who do not have sponsors can take advantage of these scholarships to get their desired degrees in Information Technology.

That is why we bring to you 20 Undergraduate Scholarships for Information Technology Students 2024-2024. Learn about these scholarships for information technology here and apply duly.

You can check the table of contents below to get an overview of this post.

Table of Contents Hide
  1. What Other Scholarsips Are People Searching For In IT
  2. List Of Undergraduate Scholarships for Information Technology Students
    1. #1. Swedish Institute Scholarships For Global Professionals (SISGP)
    2. #2. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) |  Scholarships for Information Technology Students
    3. #3. WMF Empowerment Through Education Scholarships for Developing Country Students
    4. #4. Utrecht Excellence Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students
    5. #5. Uppsala IPK Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students
    6. #6. Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships For Developing Commonwealth Countries
    7. #7. VU Amsterdam Fellowship Program for International Students
    8. #8. Chalmers IPOET Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students
    9. #9. Radboud Scholarship Program For International Students
    10. #10. ENS International Selection Scholarships | Scholarships For Information Technology Students
    11. #11. ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships | Information Technology Scholarships 2020
    12. #12. University of the People Online Tuition Free Degrees | Information Technology Scholarships 2020
    13. #13. Umeå University Scholarships for International Students | Information Technology Scholarships 2022
    14. #14. Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries
    15. #15. EdX Free Online Courses | Information Technology Scholarships 2022
    16. #16. Westminster International Scholarships | Information Technology Scholarships 2022
    17. #17. Adobe Research Women In Technology Scholarship | Information Technology Scholarships 2022
    18. #18. Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreign Students
    19. #19. ISH-London Met Scholarship Scheme
    20. #20. MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) for Professionals from the Middle East and North Africa

What Other Scholarsips Are People Searching For In IT

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  • information technology scholarships
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  • computer engineering scholarships
  • Scholarships for Information Technology Students

I advise you to stay connected with the ongoing scholarships for Information Technology students by visiting our site regularly. You can also get other opportunities as an undergraduate student.

List Of Undergraduate Scholarships for Information Technology Students

Here are the lists of Undergraduate scholarships for Information Technology Students 2020

#1. Swedish Institute Scholarships For Global Professionals (SISGP)

Application Deadline: 15 Jan/14 Feb 2024

Scholarship Description:

This is a new scholarship program by the Swedish Institute (SI) and replaces Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS).  A large number of scholarships for master’s programs are offered by SISGP starting in the autumn semester of 2020.

Host Universities/Institutions: Swedish Universities and Swedish Higher Education Institutions.

Number of Scholarships: 300 scholarships on the estimate will be available.

Target group: Students from the countries below:

Bangladesh; Bolivia; Nigeria; Brazil; Cambodia; Colombia; Ecuador; Ethiopia; Gambia; Egypt; Guatemala; Honduras; Cameroon; Ghana;  etc.


For SISGP eligibility, the applicant must have had a minimum of 3,000 hours’ work experience prior to 3 February 2020. It could be from three organizations/companies at maximum.

The applicant must have the ability to demonstrate his/her previous leadership experience. This may be shown through previous work experience, or involvement in civil society organizations.

Applicants must be liable to pay tuition fees to the universities. Have made payment for the application fee for master’s programs at University Admissions on time, and gained admission to one of the eligible master’s programs by 4 April 2020.

Scholarship Website: https://si.se/en/apply/scholarships/swedish-institute-scholarships-for-global-professionals/

#2. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) |  Scholarships for Information Technology Students

Application Deadline: 15 Jan/1 Feb annually.

Brief description:

AES awards scholarships to students who have exceptional talent from outside Europe. The scholarship allows them to pursue eligible Master’s Programmes offered at the University of Amsterdam.

Host Institution(s): The University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Level/Field(s) of study:

Eligible Masters Program taught in English and offered in the following faculties:

Communication, Economics and Business, Child Development and Education, Humanities, Law, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences.

Number of Scholarships: Not specified

Target group: Non-EU/EEA International Students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

This is a full scholarship of €25,000 (catering for expenses of tuition and living) for one year of academics. The program offers the possibility of extension for a second year for two-year Master’s programs.


Non-EU students from any discipline who graduated in the top 10% of their class are eligible to apply. Selection is based on excellence in academics, ambition and the relevance of the selected Master’s program to a student’s career in the future.

Scholarship Website:  http://www.uva.nl/en/education/master-s/scholarships–tuition/scholarships-and-loans/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship.html

#3. WMF Empowerment Through Education Scholarships for Developing Country Students

Application Deadline: 1 April annually.

Brief description:

The Wells Mountain Foundation, via the Empowerment Through Education (ETE) program, makes provision for undergraduate scholarships to developing country nationals to study in a neighboring country or their home country.

The Foundation believes in the power and importance of rendering service to the community. Therefore, the scholarship participants will volunteer for a minimum of 100 hours a year.

Host Institution(s): The choice of an institution of applicants in their home country or in another developing country

Level/Field(s) of study:

Bachelor’s Degree in any field of study, however, there’s an encouragement for applications from those interested in the pursuit of degrees that will be of best help to their local communities. Degrees that will help in your community development, medicine & health sciences, law, education, social work, business, engineering, agriculture, and information technology.

Number of Scholarships: Ranging from 20-40 scholarships each year.

Target group: Citizens of developing countries


The ideal candidate of WMF is a student, male or female, from a country in the developing world, who:

  • Successfully completed secondary education, with good grades.
  • Will be studying in another country in the developing world or in their country.
  • Plans to reside and work in their own country after graduation.
  • Has volunteered before applying for this scholarship and/or has the willingness to volunteer while being in receipt of the WMF scholarship.
  • Possibly has some other funds available for their education, but will not be able to go to school without a scholarship.

Scholarship Website:  http://www.wellsmountainfoundation.org/our-programs/scholarships/

#4. Utrecht Excellence Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students

Application Deadline: 1 February annually.

Brief description:

This scholarship offers the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in a selected number of fields at Utrecht University. This scholarship is available to a number of outstanding prospective students.

Host Institution(s): Utrecht University, Netherlands

Level/Field of study:

International Master’s programs that are eligible and offered by the University.

Number of Awards: 20-25 scholarships on an approximate note are available.

Target group: EEA /Non-EU International Students.


To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must:

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  • Be part of the top 10% of his/her class of graduation.
  • Be in possession of an EEA/non-EU passport and have no eligibility for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans.
  • Have completed his/her schooling at the secondary level and/or Bachelor degree outside the Netherlands.
  • Have applied for an eligible international master’s program which is to start on 1 September 2020.

Scholarship Website:  http://www.uu.nl/masters/en/general-information/international-students/financial-matters/grants-and-scholarships/utrecht-excellence-scholarships

#5. Uppsala IPK Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students

Application Deadline: 1 Feb annually.

Brief description:

There are many scholarships by Uppsala University to fee-paying students applying for Master’s programs starting in the autumn of 2020. The Uppsala IPK Scholarships is one of these scholarship programs.

Host Institution(s): The Uppsala University in Sweden

Field(s) of study: Master Programmes offered during the round of current admission and the commencement date is 2 September 2020.

Number of Scholarships: Not specified

Target group: Citizens of countries outside the EEA /EU and Switzerland.

Scholarship value/inclusions: This scholarship does not cover living expenses. Just the cost of tuition.

Eligibility Criteria:

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  • Citizens of a country outside Switzerland and the EU/EEA.
  • Academic talent must be demonstrated by applicants and they must show interest in belonging to an educational milieu.
  • An IPK scholarship can only be awarded to students for their first priority program at Uppsala University.
  • The entrance requirements must be met by applicants for the program they applied to and the fee for application and the supporting documents must have been received before the deadline to University Admissions.
  • The delivery of the program must be done on campus

Scholarship Website: http://www.uu.se/en/admissions/scholarships/uppsala-university/

#6. Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships For Developing Commonwealth Countries

Application Deadline: 19 Dec annually.

Brief description:

This scholarship is for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. The UK Department for International Development (DFID) funds these scholarships.

Level and Field(s) of study: Program for Masters Degree.

Number of Scholarships: No specification.

Target group: Citizens of or those that have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country.


To apply for these scholarships, the applicant must:

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  • Be a citizen of or have received refugee status as a grant by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a Protected Person from Britain.
  • Residing permanently in an eligible Commonwealth country.
  • Be available for the start of his/her academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2020.
  • By October 2020, hold a first degree of a minimum of upper second class (2:1) honors. A standard, or a second class degree and a postgraduate qualification that is relevant (usually a Master’s degree).
  • Have the inability to afford to study in the UK in the absence of this scholarship

Scholarship Website: http://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk/apply/masters-scholarships/

#7. VU Amsterdam Fellowship Program for International Students

Application Deadline: 1 Feb annually.

Brief description:

This scholarship makes the unique opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam available for prospective international students.

Host Institution(s): Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands

Level/Field(s) of study: Master’s Degree Programmes that are English-taught and offered at the University

Number of Scholarships: Not specified.

Target group: International Students.


This is a Merit scholarship program and is for strongly motivated students with excellent results in their studies. Candidates will prove their academic excellence. Also, their master’s degree at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will be taught in English.

Ineligibility sets in for students with a Dutch degree (given that the Dutch degree is used for admission) and/or the Dutch nationality.

Scholarship Website:  http://www.vu.nl/en/programmes/international-masters/scholarships-/fellowship/index.asphttps://masters.vu.nl/en/international/scholarships/index.aspx

#8. Chalmers IPOET Scholarships For International Students | Scholarships For Information Technology Students

Application Deadline: 15 Jan annually.

Brief description:                                                    

This scholarship is funded by the Swedish Council for Higher Education and is awarded to prospective fee-paying students. Around 50 IPOET scholarships will be offered by Chalmers in 2024.

Host Institution(s): Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden

Level/Field(s) of study: There is no restriction as all of the current Master’s Programs at Chalmers are fields of study.

Number of Scholarships: 50

Target group: Citizens from EEA/non-EU countries


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  • Citizens from non-EU/EEA countries who a requirement is placed on to pay tuition fees for education in Swedish universities.
  • Applicants for 1st year Master’s Programme.

Applicants’ relative academic excellence is the basis of selection. And this primarily includes weighted average grade. It also includes the home university’s stature (including a position on lists of global ranking) and the priority order of the application for Chalmers Master´s programs.

Scholarship Website: http://www.chalmers.se/en/education/fees-finance/Pages/iPOET.aspx

#9. Radboud Scholarship Program For International Students

Application Deadline: 1 March annually.

Brief description:

A selected number of talented prospective non-EEA students are offered the opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a complete English-taught Master’s degree program at Radboud University by this Scholarship Programme.

Host Institution(s): Radboud University in the Netherlands

Level/Field(s) of study: Eligible Masters Degree Programme taught in English. It is offered by the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies, Law, Science, and Medical Sciences.

Number of Scholarships: About 30 yearly.

Target group: EEA/Non-EU International Students.


In order to obtain this scholarship, the applicant must

  1. Be in possession of a non-EU/EEA passport
  2. Have or will obtain a Bachelor’s degree achieved outside the Netherlands.
  3. Have gained full admission to the English-taught Master’s degree program
  4. Be in compliance with the conditions to be met by the Netherlands for obtaining a visa.
  5. Be enrolled at Radboud University as a full-time student for the year of academics and program for the Master’s degree for which the scholarship award will be given

Scholarship Website:  http://www.ru.nl/english/education/master’s-programmes/financial-matters/scholarships-grants/read_more/rsprogramme/

#10. ENS International Selection Scholarships | Scholarships For Information Technology Students

Application Deadline:19 Oct/31 Oct annually.

Brief description:

Yearly, an international selection is organized by École Normale Supérieure (ENS) allowing the most promising international students, either in Science or in Arts & Humanities, to follow a Degree in Masters and Diploma at the University.

Host Institution(s): École Normale Supérieure in Paris, France.

Number of Scholarships:10 for Science students and 10 for Arts and Humanities students.

Target group: International students.

Scholarship value/duration:

The value available for this scholarship is a Monthly grant of 1,000 Euros for three years. Also a room on one of the campuses of ENS.


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  • Candidates must be below 26 at applying
  • Prior application to the International Selection is not required of applicants.
  • Candidates must not have resided in France above 10 months during the academic year of the selection (September 1st – August 31st) nor the year before.
  • A minimum of one year of undergraduate studies awarded by a foreign university during the calendar year prior to the start of applications must be justified by candidates.
  • A minimum of two years of undergraduate studies in a foreign university, on the 1st of September following admission must be justified by candidates.

Exceptionally, an authorization may come from the Director of ENS for the application of a candidate whose background in academics outside France is not standard.

Scholarship Website: http://www.ens.fr/en/academics/admissions/international-selection

#11. ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarships | Information Technology Scholarships 2020

Application Deadline: 15 Dec annually.

Brief description:

Excellent students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree at ETH with two scholarship programs: the Master Scholarship Programme (MSP) and the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme (ESOP) are supported by ETH Zurich.

Host Institution(s): ETH Zurich in Switzerland

Field(s) of study: Masters Degree Programme that is eligible and offered by the University

Number of Scholarships: It is dependent on the availability of funds.

Target group: National and International Students


The scholarship programs are open to excellent students not just from the ETH but from other universities (national and international) also wishing to pursue their Master’s degree at ETH Zurich. A very good result in the Bachelor’s (top 10% of the Bachelor’s program which is equivalent to grade A) is a prerequisite.

Scholarship Website: https://www.ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships/excellencescholarship.html

#12. University of the People Online Tuition Free Degrees | Information Technology Scholarships 2020

Application Deadline: 20 Dec annually.

Brief description:

This University is the Education Revolution. This institution is the first tuition-free, non-profit, American accredited, online university in the world.

With instructors from the world’s foremost academic volunteers and with a groundbreaking online learning model, UoPeople offers the opportunity to pursue high quality and invaluable American degrees.

They also offer two-year associate and four-year bachelor’s degree programs in business administration, computer science, and health science, as well as an MBA program.


Students who have graduated from high school, have access to a computer and the Internet and have sufficient English skills to study at the University are accepted by UoPeople.

Scholarships website: http://www.uopeople.edu/tuition-free/our-scholarships/

#13. Umeå University Scholarships for International Students | Information Technology Scholarships 2022

Application Deadline: 15 Jan/Feb annually.

Brief description:

This scholarship is for talented and high-achieving non-EU/EEA citizens who wish to pursue one of the Master’s study programs at the University.

Host Institution(s): Umea University in Sweden

Number of Scholarships: Not specified.

Target group: EEA/Non-EU Students


Candidates can apply for this scholarship if they:

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  • Are citizens of a country outside of Switzerland and EEA /EU.
  • Have brought their application for program studies at the master’s level (before the application deadline of 15 January 2020) to completion.

Scholarship Website: https://www.umu.se/en/education/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships/

#14. Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

Application Deadline: 20 June annually.

Brief description:

These scholarships are for candidates from Commonwealth countries who are least developed and have lower-middle-income. It’s for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by universities in the United Kingdom.

Number of Scholarships: No specification

Target group: Nationals of Commonwealth Developing Countries

Scholarship value/inclusions:

This scholarship is for full tuition fees and all other compulsory costs of studying a UK Master’s course by distance learning. The full cost of any residential components of a course is included here.


To be eligible, the applicant must:

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  • Have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, be a citizen, or a British Protected Person
  • Be residing permanently in a developing Commonwealth country
  • Hold a first degree of a minimum of second class upper (2:1) standard. maybe considered in certain cases, consideration may be given to a lower qualification and sufficient relevant experience
  • Have the inability to afford to study his/her chosen course in the absence of this scholarship.

Scholarship Website: http://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk/apply/distance-learning/

#15. EdX Free Online Courses | Information Technology Scholarships 2022

Application Deadline: varies

Brief description:

edX as a learning platform gives the opportunity to take free online courses offered by premier Universities around the world to students from any country. Certificate of completion can be issued to online learners after the completion of the course.

Host Institution(s):

There are about 60+ Universities that are participants which include Harvard University, University of California Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), McGill University, etc.

Field(s) of study:

Currently, there are about 800 courses in a wide variety of disciplines: chemistry, biology, business, economics, finance, electronics, engineering, food and nutrition, computer science, etc.


Everyone can access EdX courses. All that is needed is access to a computer with a current browser, a connection to the Internet, and, of course, a desire to learn.

Scholarship Website: https://www.edx.org/

#16. Westminster International Scholarships | Information Technology Scholarships 2022

Application Deadline:13 Oct annually.

Brief description:

These scholarships are fully funded awards and are aimed at students from developing countries who have to wish to study a full-time Master’s degree at the University.

Host Institution(s): University of Westminster, United Kingdom.

Level/Field of study: Any full-time Master’s Programme offered at this University excluding MBA.

Number of Awards: 1

Target group: Citizens of developing and middle-income countries

Scholarship value/inclusions: Successful applicants are provided with these:

Accommodation, Full tuition fee waivers, living expenses and flights to and from London.


Applicant must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time degree in the Masters’s level at the University of Westminster.  The main criteria are First Class Honors degree, need for finance and potential for development.

Scholarship Website: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/prospective-students/fees-and-funding/scholarships/january-2017-scholarships/westminster-international-scholarship

#17. Adobe Research Women In Technology Scholarship | Information Technology Scholarships 2022

Application Deadline: 31 Dec 2020

Brief description:

This scholarship gives recognition to outstanding undergraduate female students anywhere in the world who are studying computer science.

Host Institution(s): Any accredited University around the world

Level/Field(s) of study: Undergraduate Programme in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a technical field that is closely related.

Number of Scholarships: Not specified

Target group: Women from any country


In order to be eligible, the following criteria must be met by applicants:

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  • Be a female student currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at a university for the academic year of 2024-2024.
  • Intend to be enrolled as an undergraduate for full-time studies at a university for the 2024-2024 academic year.
  • Not have a close relative working for Adobe Research.

Scholarship Website: http://adoberesearch.com/scholarship.html

#18. Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

Application Deadline: 31 Aug annually.

Brief description:

This scholarship is available to foreign citizens who have an interest in studying for a specialization. Master’s degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program, for participation in the 2020 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students.

Scholarships are not granted for direct Ph.D. programs (combined M.A. and Ph.D. programs), open or online education, and distance learning programs.

Host Institution/Eligible Programs: The following academic programs are NOT eligible for scholarships: plastic surgery, business administration, dentistry and advertising, accounting, marketing, and related areas.

Number of Scholarships: Not specified.


The following is required of all applicants:

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  • Degree in Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D., as required by the program for which the scholarship is requested.
  • A grade point average of at least eight (8.0) on a scale of 0 to 10, or the equivalent, for the last academic degree, received.
  • Currently enrolled in or be accepted to a program at one of the participating Mexican institutions.

Scholarship Website:  http://amexcid.gob.mx/index.php/oferta-de-becas-para-extranjeros

#19. ISH-London Met Scholarship Scheme

Application Deadline: 30 April annually.

Brief description:

This Scholarship is jointly run by International Students House (ISH) and London Metropolitan University. The scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from selected countries who wish to pursue a Master’s Degree at the University receive this scholarship award.

Host Institution(s): London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Number of Scholarships: Not specified.

Target group:

Only students from the ISH Scholarship countries are eligible to apply and they include Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, India, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, Tibet, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

A full tuition fee to study one of London Met’s Master’s programs plus free accommodation for one year at the International Students House is offered by this scholarship.


Applicant must:

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  • Have an offer unconditionally to study at London Met on one of London Met’s Master’s courses.
  • First Class Honours degree or the highest accolade for his/her degree.
  • Have an overall score of 7.0 for IELTS with at least  6.5 in each component or SELT equivalent

Applications are currently closed.

Scholarship Website: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/international/scholarships-at-london-met/postgraduate-scholarships/ish—london-met-scholarship/

#20. MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) for Professionals from the Middle East and North Africa

Application Deadline: varies

Brief description:

This Scholarship Programme (or MSP) offers scholarships to professionals from ten countries. The scholarships can be used for short courses in the Netherlands with a duration ranging from two and twelve weeks.  The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds this program.

Host Institution(s): Academic institutions and Dutch Universities.

Target group:

The target group is professionals (with the age of at least 45) who are nationals of and working in one of these countries:  Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, and Syria.


An applicant must be nominated by employers to motivate his or her application in a supporting letter. For the short course, an applicant must also meet the eligibility requirements he/she is applying for.

Scholarship Website: https://www.studyinholland.nl/scholarships/scholarships-administered-by-nuffic/mena-scholarship-programme

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