30 Scholarships for Portuguese Students Abroad  | UK, USA & Canada

From another point, Portuguese that wish to go outside their country like the United Kingdom, USA and Canada in pursue of Academics can also do so because there is a list of UNDERGRADUATES, GRADUATES, Ph.D. and RESEARCH scholarships for Portuguese students.

Portugal has so many sides to be considered and evaluated when talking about study there.

From one point, you enjoy amazing weather, beautiful beaches and landscapes, lovely cuisine and fine wines, all making Portugal very attractive for many students all over the world when choosing the host country for a mobility program or degree.

This post gives you a list of 30 Scholarships for Portuguese Students Abroad that you can apply for. See the table of contents below to get an overview of all this post entails.

List of Scholarships for Portuguese Students Abroad

Here is a list of 30 Scholarships for Portuguese Students Abroad | UK, USA, and Canada

University of Sussex, Chancellor’s Scholarships For Portuguese  

The University of Sussex, Chancellor’s Scholarships is one of the Scholarships for Portuguese Students Abroad. The University of Sussex is inviting applications for 25 scholarships to international students for the postgraduate (taught) degree program.

Scholarships are available for International (Non-UK/EU) students. This scholarship aims to assist high achieving and highly motivated international research scholars at the University of Sussex. 


BAJS Postgraduate Studentships for Portuguese Students 

BAJS, British Association for Japanese Studies is inviting applications for a postgraduate studentship from international students who are/will be conducting their dissertation/research in the field of Japanese Studies.

The studentships are open to postgraduate or prospective postgraduate students of all nationalities. Applicants must have been accepted onto a full-time or part-time course at a UK university at the time when you apply for a studentship…


Fully Funded PhD Studentship in Digital Humanities at Swansea University

This studentship is open to UK/EU students only. Swansea University is a public research university located in Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. It was chartered as University College of Swansea in 1920, as the fourth college of the University of Wales in 1920, as the fourth college of the University of Wales and in 1948 became the first campus university in the UK…


Kingston University Undergraduate Scholarships for Portuguese Students 

Kingston University UK is offering Undergraduate Scholarships for Portuguese students totaling £200,000 every year, each worth £4,000 per year of study.

The scholarships are open to prospective full-time undergraduate students in any subject area for each year of a three-year course…


University of Sheffield Engineering International Scholarships

We are pleased to offer Engineering International Scholarships to all international undergraduate students starting their studies in the Faculty of Engineering in September 2024. The scholarships are worth £2,500 per year each...


Santander Masters Scholarships (SANT-M) at King’s College London 

King’s College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom, and a founding constituent college of the federal University of London.

Santander Scholarships will offer scholarships for Portuguese students wishing to undertake a one-year full-time Taught Masters Programme at King’s College London…


Robert and Lisa Sainsbury International Fellowships in UK

The Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellowships provide recipients with an opportunity to work in a scholarly environment conducive to completing a publication project.

The Institute is offering one Fellowship for a maximum period of one year and two or three short-term Fellowships, of three months to half a year each, to scholars who have either received a Ph.D. from a North American, Asian, or European university or who are currently employed by an academic institution or museum…


Google Digital News Journalist Fellowships at the Reuters Institute

The institute provides modern educational and research environments as well as scholarships for Portuguese students, which will enable students and researchers to face current challenges and to focus on knowledge as a principle driving force for development.

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism marks the University of Oxford’s commitment to creating an international research center in the comparative study of journalism.

The Institute aims to serve as the leading forum for a productive engagement between scholars from a wide range of disciplines and the practitioners of journalism.

Journalists will be able to demonstrate a level of English that allows them to participate fully in the program and write a research paper of publishable quality…


Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship for Developing Countries (Masters & PhD)

the Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies.

Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant: 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July.

The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses but is also willing to consider applications for Ph.D. programs when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student…


University of Bradford Postgraduate Bursary Program 

The University of Bradford is a public, plate glass university located in the city of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Applicants must be applying for full-time study on any level of degree program i.e. undergraduate or postgraduate taught (not research).

The aim of the scholarship is to enable and encourage academically able students of any nationality…


We recommend other scholarship opportunities.

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