African MBA Scholarship at the University of Birmingham in UK

The University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom is seeking applications for the African MBA Scholarship, which will be open year-round in 2024. The MBA Scholarship for Africans in 2024 is worth £ 25,950. Take your time and go through this article, the World Scholarship Team has arranged all the details you need to win the MBA Scholarship UK.

The University offers a range of scholarships to students enrolled in our 12-month full-time MBA programs. This is a financial contribution to your tuition fees. Their scholarships will be awarded on a case-by-case basis to exceptional candidates.

The assessment is based on the MBA application, the CV and the personal statement of the candidate. Throughout the application cycle, a continuous evaluation process is carried out.

Don’t miss any of these Scholarship opportunities. You can open any of these opportunities on a new tab.

All You Need To Know About MBA Scholarship for Africans 2022

In the lines that follow, you’ll discover all the specific details you require to successfully apply and win the African MBA Scholarship. So, carefully read through this article to learn all.

Level / Field of Study

The African MBA Scholarship is open to candidates who are ready to pursue an MBA program.

Host Nationality

The African MBA Scholarship is usually hosted in the United Kingdom.

Should you want other opportunities in the UK, there are other UK Scholarships available for International students in 2024. Check them out.

You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2024 to study in EuropeAfricaAsiaAmerica, etc.

Eligible Nationality

The MBA Scholarship UK is open to only students from Africa.

Aside from the MBA Scholarship for Africans 2024, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.

Scholarship Worth

The African MBA Scholarship is a full scholarship (£25,950), partly funded by a private donor with a commitment to Africa and partly funded by the University.

Eligibility For The African MBA Scholarship

  • The scholarship holder will be in financial need as determined by the University.
  • The scholarship holder will be from the continent of Africa.
  • The scholarship will be allocated on the basis of academic excellence, relevant experience and evidence of a commitment to the economic development of Africa.
  • Scholarships apply to one-year, full-time MBA programs only.

How to Apply For The African MBA Scholarship

Please contact Victoria Malin, MBA Recruitment and Admissions Officer, for more details by clicking the link on the scholarship link.

Deadline For The Application of MBA Scholarship UK

Applications for the application of MBA Scholarship UK are open all year.

For more information and application on the MBA Scholarship for Africans 2024, Click on the link below:

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