UWIDEF Scholarships for Undergraduates 

The UWIDEF is glad to announce its uwi scholarships for undergraduates. This is one of the scholarships in Jamaica 2024.

The UWIDEF scholarships are the main source of alternative tuition financing available at the UWI, Mona Campus today. These UWIDEF scholarships have been financed by contributions from annual donors.

The UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF Scholarship) is the major fundraising arm of the UWI Mona campus and provides stewardship for funds raised through major capital campaigns and projects, general endowment, and planned giving.  

Since its incorporation in 1990, UWIDEF scholarships have implemented numerous projects including grants and scholarships for both undergraduate studies and postgraduate research, and the establishment of various facilities for students.

UWI scholarships for undergraduates

UWIDEF scholarships have successfully collaborated with the UWI Mona Office of Student Financing (OSF) to consistently award scholarships brokered by UWIDEF since 1990. For the previous academic years sixteen (16) UWIDEF scholarship awards are available spanning a wide cross-section of academic fields.

These  UWIDEF Scholarships and Bursaries are available out of the UWIDEF office each with their own requirement specified by the donor and approved by the Office of Student Financing.

What You Need To Know About The UWIDEF

The UWIDEF program is one of many local free education financing foundations and funds that students like you can obtain financial aid assistance from.


The scholarship is available for undergraduate students to study any course of their choice.


The scholarship is to be taken in Jamaica.


The scholarship is open to undergraduate students studying at UWI jamaica.


This scholarship is available to students in various faculties at UWI and it’s worth $250,000 each, it is an annual scholarship. throughout your study years in school.


Tenable in:                              Any Faculty (except Faculty of Medical Sciences)
Year of Study:                         1st, 2nd & 3rd year
Number of awards:               3 (Annual)
Maximum Tenure:                 1 year
Criteria:                                   Academic performance, financial need
Condition:                               200 hours of volunteer service with UWIDEF

Things to note when applying for UWIDEF Scholarships:

  • Applications for the UWIDEF scholarships must be made through the Office of Student Financing unless otherwise stated: Office of Student Financing (OSF) |The University of the West Indies Campus Mona, Jamaica | (876) 935-8315 | stufinc@uwimona.edu.jm| http://myspot.mona.uwi.edu/osf/
  • Each recipient of the UWIDEF scholarships will participate in a photoshoot for Public Relations purposes. If this is not feasible, for example, Law students currently at the Cavehill Campus, the recipients must submit a high-resolution photograph appropriate for publications.  Please note that this is separate from and does not omit the requirement to provide a passport-sized photograph as part of the application process.
  • UWIDEF scholarships or bursary recipients will be expected to write a letter of gratitude to the Donor of this award and provide an academic resume.
  • UWIDEF scholarships or bursary recipient is required to attend the UWIDEF Annual Donor Recognition and Scholarship Awards event to formally receive the award and interact with the donors.  Recipients who are at campuses outside of Jamaica may send a representative to the event.  Outside of critical emergencies, there are no exceptions to this provision.

About the Donor:

These scholarships have been financed by contributions from annual donors.  Annual donors are individuals who provide contributions to the UWI Development and Endowment Fund. The UWI Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF) is the major fundraising arm of the UWI Mona campus and provides stewardship for funds raised through major capital campaigns and projects, general endowment, and planned giving.  

Since its incorporation in 1990, UWIDEF has implemented numerous projects including grants and scholarships for both undergraduate studies and postgraduate research, and the establishment of various facilities for students.  


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