The Ashoka Making More Health Co-Creation Accelerator Program

The truth is the major problems facing us today in our society is so much that sometimes we feel like giving up. However, these problems tend not to reduce. But there is a shortage of successful startups solving these problems. This is the reason why the Ashoka making more health co-creation program has come to fix that. This Ashoka making more health co-creation program will help to fix most of the challenges we are facing presently.

It might also interest you to know that since 2011, Ashoka – one of the world’s largest networks of social entrepreneurs and Boehringer Ingelheim – a family-owned world-leading, and research-driven Pharmaceutical company, have collaborated to co-create and grow the global initiative – Making More Health (MMH). 

However, are you an entrepreneur willing to increase access to human and animal health care in Africa? Be happy because the Ashoka making more health co-creation program has come to help out.

About Ashoka making more health co-creation program 2022

The Ashoka acceleration program for a healthier industry, now in its third year, is an 11-month structured business growth program for social entrepreneurs who increase access to human and animal health care in Africa.

These social entrepreneurs seek to expand the impact of proven business models with the support of, and with opportunities to co-create and test relevant growth strategies, with experienced executives at Boehringer Ingelheim.

Successful pilots have the opportunity at the end of the program to present their results to the leadership of Boehringer Ingelheim and a wider community of influential investors to increase growth capital for large-scale implementation.

Eligibility for the Ashoka Making More Health Co-creation Accelerator program 2022

If your innovation is applicable to health care in any of the mentioned ways and more, then count yourself lucky cause your application will be looked into as long as you meet the detailed criteria below;

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  • Legal Entity: Business or Social Enterprise
  • Age: At least three years of operation
  • Sector: Animal or human healthcare access
  • Country of operation: Ghana, Nigeria or Kenya
  • Annual Revenue: At least USD 100K in annual sales
  • Impact: Evidence of social impact along clearly defined impact metrics
  • Team: At least eight team members including founders and management team
  • Growth stage: Early growth stage, proven model, seeking growth capital.

The benefit of Ashoka Making More Health Co-creation Accelerator program

Knowledge Access:

The program offers participants multiple opportunities for professional growth and
development on their entrepreneurial journey. Includes in-person and
online workshops and seminars on topics about operations, systems
change, replication & transfer, social finance, and new leadership
among others.

Technical expertise:

Through the Making More Health Executive in Residence program, accelerator participants get special access to experienced Boehringer Ingelheim executives with whom they can work in the field for an average of 2-4 weeks on developing new innovations and solving specific operational challenges related to the scaling of the Social Entrepreneur’s organization.

Strategic networks:

As an accelerator participant, you become part of growth and a very close community of ecosystem actors, including influential investors, institutions, philanthropists, government agencies, corporate managers, social entrepreneurs, experts, and multinational health companies all of them are committed to improving access to medical care for humans and animals all over Africa.

Investment access support

The program provides each participant with a grant of 50 thousand euros for the pilot implementation, with the possibility of expanding additional funds at the end of a successful pilot. Participants also receive tens of thousands of EUR in technical support and availability of expert investment training and support before and after the program.

Business Collaboration

Where there is a strategic adaptation in time between Boehringer Ingelheim and an accelerator participant, there is a potential for strategy trade cooperation to be formed with important promise long-term benefits for both organizations.

How to apply for the program

To apply for the program, kindly visit the link below:

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Still a student? We’ve got you covered. Check out this List of 20 Undergraduate Scholarships for Nigerians

Deadline for the Ashoka making more health co-creation accelerator program 2022

In fact, the deadline for the Ashoka making more health co-creation accelerator programs is by February 7, 2022. So, do well to apply immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Making More Health brings together the best experience in social innovation and global healthcare to improve healthcare access for people, animals, and their communities around the world.

The program is open to Ghana, Nigeria, or Kenya citizens.

The criteria include:
1. Legal Entity: Business or Social Enterprise
2. Age: At least three years of operation
3. Sector: Animal or human healthcare access
4. Country of operation: Ghana, Nigeria, or Kenya
5. Annual Revenue: At least USD 100K in annual sales
6. Impact: Evidence of social impact along clearly defined impact metrics
7. Team: At least eight team members including founders and management team
8. Growth stage: Early growth stage, proven model, seeking growth capital.

The deadline for the Ashoka making more health co-creation accelerator program is by February 7, 2024.


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