20 Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships

Are you an African student battling with the ups and downs of finding a good university, completing college applications and footing the tuition fees. We are happy to announce 20 Fully Funded Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships.

The 20 Fully Funded Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships listed below are not only open to Burundi students but also talented African students and students from developing countries.

The deadline for these Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships is in a few month’s time so it’s advised that you begin the application process as soon as possible.

Also, take the liberty to apply for more than one Burundi Undergraduate Scholarship to increase your chances of being awarded any of them.

Here at World Scholarship Forum, we wish you a successful application. Do well to check out our website regularly for fresh opportunities.

20 Fully Funded Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships 2024-2023

Here are the lists of 20 Fully Funded Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships 2024-2023

  • Roothbert Fund Scholarships USA
  • Canada Scholarships and Awards for International Undergraduate Students – Trent University, Canada.
  • University of St Andrews Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
  • AACE International Scholarship Program in USA 
  • Global Diversity Scholarship at Kent State University in the USA 
  • University of Arizona International Tuition Award in USA 
  • International Scholarships at Kettering University in USA 
  • IREX Europe International Students Scholarships in USA 
  • International Students Academic Merit Scholarship – East Tennessee State University
  • The government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships for International Students
  • 780 Korean Government Scholarships or Developing Countries
  • Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students
  • University of Brunel Scholarships
  • NextGen Scholarships for International High School Students in the USA
  • The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program
  • Lewis-Clark State College
  • Montana State University International Undergraduate Scholarships in USA 
  • Griffith University International Student Excellence Scholarship – High School Leavers
  • University of Arizona International Tuition Award in USA 
  • East Tennessee State University Sister Cities International Scholarship in the USA

#1. Roothbert Fund Scholarships USA

The Roothbert Fund USA Scholarships Program offers grants for undergraduate study at accredited colleges or universities in the US. This Scholarship is open to Burundi students residing in the US who are “motivated by spiritual values,” and works to foster fellowship among them.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The Roothbert Fund Burundi Undergraduate Scholarship is organized and hosted in the USA. The scholarship is open to Burundi students wishing to take their course abroad

Scholarship Amount

These grants are supplementary amounts averaging $2,000-$3,000.

Application Deadline

Please add application deadline

Scholarship Link

#2. Canada Scholarships and Awards for International Undergraduate Students – Trent University, Canada.

Trent International Program (TIP) is currently offering a limited number of highly competitive renewable Full Tuition scholarships to Burundi students resuming college in September 2024. These scholarship awards are tenable for up to four years of an Honours degree if the recipients maintain a “B” average each year.

Host/Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is organized and hosted in Canada. It is open to Burundi students and international students.

Scholarship Worths

Trent International Full Scholarships Amount: CDN$32,000 per academic year (8 months). The scholarship covers international tuition, ancillary fees and may also include books, health insurance, room and board (from Sept-April) and/or living expenses.

International Tuition Scholarships Amount: CDN$20,000 per academic year, which covers international tuition, ancillary fees, and health insurance (from Sept-April).

International Levy Tuition Scholarship Amount: CDN$20,000 per academic year which covers international tuition, ancillary fees, and health insurance (from Sept-April).

International Awards: Trent grants up to CDN$7,000 to students from Congo with high academic achievement and a good record of extra-curricular activities.

Scholarship Link

#3. University of St Andrews Undergraduate Scholarships 2024/2024 for International Students

These entrant scholarships are open to international students who will be studying at St Andrew’s for an undergraduate degree. However, this scholarship is not available to students applying for BA International Honours.

Scholarship Worth

Between £1,000 and £4,000

Application Deadline

18th March

Scholarship Link

#4. AACE International Scholarship Program in USA, 2022

AACE International Education Board is currently accepting applications for the AACE International Scholarship Program which is open to Burundi students pursuing an undergraduate degree related to cost engineering/cost management. The scholarship is hosted in the USA.

Scholarship Worth

The scholarship is worth around $2,500

Application Deadline

February 28

Scholarship Link

#4. Global Diversity Scholarship at Kent State University in the USA, 2022

Kent State University is happy to offer its Global Diversity Scholarship to freshman students from Burundi. This tuition-free program is dedicated to diversifying the student body and ensure that specific regions are represented at Kent State campus.

Application Deadline

April 1st

Scholarship Link

#6. University of Arizona International Tuition Award in USA, 2022

The University of Arizona is happy to offer the International Tuition Award of $4,000–$35,000 per academic year to freshman students or $5,000 per academic year to transfer students. This tuition-free program is open for Burundi students who exhibit outstanding academic performance.

Application Deadline

April 1.

Scholarship Link

#7. International Scholarships at Kettering University in USA, 2022

Kettering University is happy to announce the International Student Merit Scholarships and Kettering World Scholarship, which are open to all Burundi applicants. The applicants are automatically reviewed upon admission for this annual scholarship at Kettering University. This full-ride scholarship award amount is $3,500 – $17,500 USD.

Application Deadline

March 8.

Scholarship Link

#8. IREX Europe International Students Scholarships in USA, 2022

IREX Europe Organization is glad to offer the International Undergraduate Students Scholarships to Burundi students who wish to study tuition-free in accredited institutions of higher education in the United States.

Application Deadline

March 1

Scholarship Link

#9. International Students Academic Merit Scholarship – East Tennessee State University

The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship is currently open to new Burundi students seeking an undergraduate degree.

This scholarship covers 50 per cent of the total of in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees only. The award is available for; eight semesters for undergraduate recipients and can also be applied to summer semesters.

Scholarship Link

#10. The government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2024 for International Students

The Government of Brunei Darussalam offers annual scholarships that provide applicants with the opportunity to study at University of Brunei Darussalam [UBD], Islam Sultan Sharif Ali university [UNISSA] Brunei Institute of Technology [ITB] and Politeknik  Brunei (PB).

These scholarships are awarded to the students of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth Member Countries undergraduate degree program in various disciplines offered by the UBD, UNISSA and ITB at different levels.

Application Deadline 

28th February.

Scholarship Link

#11. 780 Korean Government Scholarships 2024 for Developing Countries

The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) is offered to international students who want to pursue Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees in Korean Universities.

This scholarship invites 780 international students from 156 countries, for degree and non-degree research programs in Korea through the Korean Government Scholarship.

Application Deadline

Applicants submit their applications either to the Korean Embassies around the world or to the partnering universities in Korea. Applications (Embassy, University) are expected from September to October.

Application Link

#12. Shanghai Government Scholarship 2024 for International Students

The Shanghai government provides partial scholarship (only including tuition and accident insurance) to international students studying in Shanghai for an undergraduate degree.

Application Deadline

From 1st March to 30th March.

Scholarship Link

#13. University of Brunel Scholarships 2024.

The University of Brunel Countryspecific scholarships are currently open to international applicants to study for an undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD program starting in September.

Application Deadline

31st May

Scholarship Link

#14. NextGen Scholarships for International High School Students in the USA

The NextGen Scholarship Fund is a local (Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia) program that was created for international students and non-citizens who hope to obtain a higher education in the United States.

This Scholarship offers one annual award to a qualified and outstanding high school senior or a current college student at a two-year or four-year college.

Scholarship Amount

$1,000 will be awarded each Fall.

Application Deadline

May 2

Scholarship Link

#15. The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program

The Arizona State University (ASU) Foundation for a New American University in cooperation with The MasterCard Foundation is glad to announce this Scholars Program at ASU.

This scholarship will be awarded to Burundi students who come from the lowest socio-economic background but show outstanding academic and leadership abilities.

Scholarship Link

#16. Lewis-Clark State College

Lewis-Clark State College is currently offering an out-of-state tuition scholarship to qualified Burundi students to study at the Lewis-Clark State College. The award amount of this tuition-free Scholarship can increase, pending on the applicant’s cumulative GPA at the end of each semester.

Application Deadline

March 1

Scholarship Link

#17. Montana State University International Undergraduate Scholarships in USA, 2022

This program provides two fully-funded scholarships such as the Office of International Programs Scholarship (merit-based) and the MSU Presidential Scholarship (distinguished academic awards which recognizes the scholastic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and unique personal qualities of the applicants).

Application Deadline

May 15

Scholarship Worth

Ranges from $4,000-$20,000 per year.

Scholarship Link

#18. Griffith University International Student Excellence Scholarship – High School Leavers

Griffith University is glad to announce the International Student Excellence Scholarship – High School Leavers which is open for undergraduate studies.

Application Deadline

May 17

Scholarship Link

#19. University of Arizona International Tuition Award in USA, 2022

The University of Arizona is happy to offer the International Tuition Award of $4,000–$35,000 per academic year to freshman students or $5,000 per academic year to transfer students. This tuition-free program is open for Burundi students who exhibit outstanding academic performance.

Application Deadline

April 1

Scholarship Link

#20. East Tennessee State University Sister Cities International Scholarship in the USA

Sister Cities International Student’s Scholarship is open for Burundi students to enrol for undergraduate studies at East Tennessee State University.

Application Deadline

March 1

Scholarship Link

Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships-FAQs

University of Arizona International Tuition Award and East Tennessee State University Sister Cities International Scholarship are one of the major US Scholarships available Burundi students

There you have it! 21 Fully Funded Burundi Undergraduate Scholarships, although African students are welcome to apply. Remember to apply to as many related Scholarships as possible and most importantly submit your applications at least a week before the stated deadline.


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