Kana Scholarship for Ethiopian Students 

Are you an Ethiopian Student in search of scholarships to help you pursue your academic career? With Kana Scholarship, I tell you, your search is over.

Kana TV Scholarship also known as Kana Scholarship is designed for students who aspire to be leaders.

This post provides insight into Kana Scholarship for Ethiopian Students 2024 and how you can apply for it. See the table of contents below to get an overview of all this post entails.

About Kana Scholarship for Ethiopian Students

There wouldn’t have been anything like Kana Scholarship without these two important platforms:

  1. Kana TV
  2. One Young World

Kana TV is a private commercial satellite television channel currently operating in Ethiopia. Kana TV is owned and incorporated within Moby Media Group.

It was co-founded by three Ethiopian entrepreneurs in combination with Moby Media Group and was officially launched in April 2016.

The channel targets a wide variety of serial dramas around the world. Most often, it broadcasts Turkish television dramas which arouse public attention toward the channel. It is currently Ethiopia’s most popular television channel.

One Young World is a UK-based not-for-profit organization that gathers young leaders from around the world to develop solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.

One Young World stages annual Summits in different World Cities where delegates from charities, NGOs, corporations, and universities are joined by world leaders, acting as One Young World Counsellors.

Since its inception in 2009 till 2015, One Young World has staged 6 Summits for a total of 8,000 delegates between the ages of 18–30 from 196 countries.

Kana TV, as Ethiopia’s leading broadcaster. Since 2016 they have been transforming the media landscape in Ethiopia, pioneering the way entertainment can be accessed across the country. As a revolutionary industry leader, Kana TV is proud to partner with One Young World to launch the inaugural Leading Ethiopia Kana Scholarship.

All You Need To Know About The Kana TV Scholarship

Level/Field of Study

Kana TV Scholarship 2022 is open to Ethiopian students who have shown some reasonable level of leadership abilities and who have made an impact in the following fields:

Therefore students studying courses related to these fields are also considered a strong candidates and would be considered before other students.

Host Nationality

Kana TV is Ethiopia’s leading broadcaster and has been changing the lives of Ethiopians through the provision of Kana’s Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

Students from Africa has always complained about the stress of not being recognized as most scholarships are just opened to candidates from a particular country the United States of America has been spotted as one of the countries of the world housing most scholarship platforms where these scholarships are only available for United States of America citizens.

African students are happy to be a part of a scholarship reserved for only African students who are from Ethiopia.

Scholarship Worth

Kana Scholarship award is apparently more than money, it has the ability to expose the winner to other dimensions of life which include travels tourism, and other expensive visits, with all-expense paid by the providers of this scholarship.

Below is a glimpse of what to expect as a winner of this prestigious award. The award winner will receive:

  • Title of Leading Ethiopia: Kana Scholar.
  • Profiling in Kana TV publications & channels.
  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2020 in The Hague, Netherlands.
  • Hotel accommodation on a shared basis between 17 and 20 (inclusive) October.
  • Also, provisions may be made for delegates to avail an additional night’s accommodation on 16 October, should their travel itinerary require.
  • The cost of travel to and fro The Hague (flights in the economy)
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Transport between the Summit accommodation and the Summit venue, Summit hand-outs and support materials.


Kana TV Scholarship is open to just African students from Ethiopia who meets the conditions, and grades requirements below:

  • Candidates must be of Ethiopian nationality
  • Applicants must reside in Ethiopia and should school in Ethiopia.
  • Applicants should be between the age of 18 to 30. An Applicants below the age of 30 stand a chance of being considered first.
  • Candidates above 30 are still considered. But it will depend on the person’s willingness to be a part of the scholarship and the appropriate impact they’ve made over the years.
  • Most people above 30 are considered too have lost motivation and the enthusiasm to get involved in extreme academic activities, therefore the person’s unreserved passion for academic excellence would be tested before being considered for the scholarship award.
  • An applicant is not fully qualified if he or she hasn’t made an impact on agriculture, poverty alleviation,  health, environment, and education as a whole.

In addition, the strongest candidates will demonstrate:

  • Proven leadership ability
  • Capacity for innovation and values-driven problem solving
  • Concern for local and global issues
  • An ability to generate and articulate impactful ideas
  • An ability to work towards a shared goal through teamwork and collaboration

How to Apply:

To apply for this scholarship visit the link below and follow the procedure that would be made available.


Please note that all applications must be submitted in English

Application Deadline

This scholarship opportunity is an annual scholarship with an annual deadline of 18th July.

The opening date varies. But the deadline is always on the 18th of July, annually.

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