17 Masters Scholarship for Algerian Students 

Are you an Algerian graduate student looking for the best scholarships to apply for? We bring to you an updated list of masters scholarships for Algerians to study abroad.

This contains lots of Algeria scholarships and grants for both Algerian and international students who want to study abroad.

Algeria university scholarships are one of the few renowned grants offered on academic merit.

Scholarships for Algeria students are available in different subjects like science and technology, mathematics, agriculture, etc.

World Scholarship Forum popular searched Scholarships

Don’t miss any of these Scholarship opportunities. You can open any of these opportunities on a new tab.

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Here are the lists of masters scholarships for Algerian Students in 2024

  • The Government of Flanders Master Mind Scholarships for International Students
  • The University of Gothenburg International Scholarships
  • University of Geneva Excellence Masters Fellowships
  • Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES)
  • University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships
  • Utrecht Excellence Scholarships for International Students
  • ICSP Scholarships at University of Oregon USA
  • The Maastricht University Holland High Potential Scholarships for International Students
  • Science@Leuven Scholarships for International Students
  • INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders
  • Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po
  • VU Amsterdam Fellowship Programme for International Students
  • Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships
  • Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students
  • UWE Chancellor’s Scholarships for International Students
  • Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarship and Leadership Program
  • University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)

Masters Scholarships for Algerian Students 2022

The Government of Flanders Master Mind Scholarships for International Students

Brief description

The Government of Flanders kicks off a new scholarship program, Master Mind Scholarships with the aim of promoting the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education.

It rewards 30-40 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries.

Level/Field of study

Eligible Masters Degree Program offered at participating Flemish Institutions

Number of Awards


Scholarship value/duration

All incoming student is awarded a scholarship of maximum €8,000 per academic year.

The Flemish Host Institution can ask the applicant for a tuition fee of a maximum of €110.8 per year.

The duration of mobility is one academic year for a Master’s program of 60 ECTS and two academic years for a master’s program of 120 ECTS.


Official Scholarship Website

The University of Gothenburg International Scholarships

Brief description:

The University of Gothenburg Study Scholarships (UGSS) Program offers fee-paying students the chance to receive a scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree program, with an entry autumn semester.


Official Scholarship Website

See also: 15+ Canada Scholarships for Cameroonian Students, 2024

University of Geneva Excellence Masters Fellowships

Brief description:

The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva with the support of several sponsors has established an Excellence Fellowship Program to support outstanding and highly motivated candidates who intend to pursue a Master of Science in any of the disciplines covered by the Faculty.


Official Scholarship Website

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES)

Brief description:

The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) awards scholarships to talented students who are exceptional from outside Europe to pursue an eligible Master’s Program offered at the University of Amsterdam.


Official Scholarship Website

University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships

Brief description:

University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships are available in the majority of Sussex Schools and are usually awarded on the basis of academic performance.

And the potential to non-EU international students who have applied for and been given a place for eligible full-time Postgraduate Taught degrees at the University of Sussex.


Official Scholarship Website

Utrecht Excellence Scholarships for International Students

Brief description:

The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship gives a number of outstanding prospective students the chance to pursue a Master’s degree in a selected number of fields at Utrecht University.


Official Scholarship Website

ICSP Scholarships at University of Oregon USA

Brief description:

International students who show financial need and exceptional merit can apply for the International Cultural Service Program (ICSP).

The ICSP scholarship has a cultural service component which needs students to give presentations about their home country to children, community organizations, and UO students, faculty and staff


Official Scholarship Website

The Maastricht University Holland High Potential Scholarships for International Students

Brief description:

The Maastricht University (UM) Holland-High Potential Scholarship program provides 24 full scholarships of €29.000 (including tuition fee waiver and a monthly stipend) each academic year for highly talented students from outside the European Union (EU) who have been admitted to a Master’s program at Maastricht University.

The Holland High Potential Scholarship comprises of a High Potential Scholarship combined with a Holland Scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website

Science@Leuven Scholarships for International Students

Brief description:

The Science@Leuven Scholarships are for motivated and exceptionally talented international students who are interested in participating in an international master’s program at the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven.


Official Scholarship Website

INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders

Brief description:

Syngenta is one of the world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology.

The company is a leader in crop protection and is ranked third in the high-value commercial seeds market.

Since Syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses, hence they embrace INSEAD’s mission to train the brightest and best from around the world for the challenge of tomorrow’s business world.

Syngenta is committed to the dynamic emerging market regions and has therefore chosen to offer this scholarship opportunity to future leaders from emerging countries.


Official Scholarship Website

Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po

Brief description:

Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy Scholarship after the founder of Sciences Po in order to attract the very best international students from outside of the European Union who are first-time applicants as well as those who have been admitted to an undergraduate or Master’s program offered at the University.


Official Scholarship Website

VU Amsterdam Fellowship Programme for International Students

Brief description:

The VU Fellowship Program (VUFP) offers exceptionally talented prospective international students the unique opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


Official Scholarship Website

Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships

Brief description:

Each year, the Pershing Square Foundation offers up to five full scholarships to support outstanding students on the 1+1 MBA, covering both the Master’s degree and the MBA year.


Official Scholarship Website

Radboud Scholarship Programme for International Students

Brief description:

The Radboud Scholarship Program awards a selected number of exceptionally talented prospective non-EEA students the opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a complete English-taught Master’s degree program at Radboud University.


Official Scholarship Website

UWE Chancellor’s Scholarships for International Students

Brief description:

The University of the West of England, Bristol awards over £100,000 worth of scholarships for international students each year.

This includes the Chancellor’s Scholarship wherein the winner will be required to undertake an internship working within the International Development Office and other departments.

The winner will also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the duration of the course.


Official Scholarship Website

Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarship and Leadership Program

Brief description:

The Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffman Scholarship and Leadership Program gives support to outstanding students from transition and emerging economies throughout Africa, Asia, and South America to pursue a graduate degree at Oxford University.  It is managed by the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust.


Official Scholarship Website

University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)

Brief description:

University Twente Scholarships (UTS) are scholarships for exceptional students from both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA countries, applying for a graduate program (MSc) at the University of Twente.

Two scholarships can be rewarded to UTS recipients: Kipaji Scholarship and Professor de Winter Scholarship. These scholarships have additional requirements.


Official Scholarship Website


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