MultiChoice Bursary Program  For Young South Africans

If you have been wondering how to get access to financial aid for a number of programs, then this MultiChoice Bursary Program for young South Africans is a sure way to take the much-needed step.

There are lots of bursary programs, but this offers young South Africans some more opportunities to go after those opportunities that they otherwise may struggle to get into.

The MultiChoice bursary program hopes to lighten the load that many may be carrying.

This article takes a look at the MultiChoice Bursary Program for young South Africans, the fields covered, and what the requirements for getting into the program are.

What is MultiChoice?

MultiChoice is a South African company that was established in 1993 and which operates the DStv Satellite Television service across Sub-Saharan Africa.

The company offers 5 services: M-NET, a satellite television subscription service; Showmax, an online video-on-demand subscription service; GOtv, a Digital terrestrial television platform; Supersport, a collection of sports channels on the DStv network and Irdeto, a digital platform security company.

MultiChoices’s entertainment platforms – DStv, GOtv, Showmax and DStv Now – are a hub for approximately 14 million people across 50 countries.

Through Irdeto, we‘re a world leader in digital platform security for video entertainment, video games, connected transport and IoT connected industries.

In 2018 Multichoice Africa launched the Multichoice Talent Factory academies to allow 60 students from 13 countries to take part in the year-long academic and practical immersion programs.

MultiChoice Bursary Program

Asides from its delivery of subscription services, the company tries to give back to the community that it serves by investing in talents and people with academic potential.

Through this means, they aim to encourage the development of different communities and initiate social transformation.

Their bursaries offer students the chance to develop important skills across multiple industries.

The MultiChoice Bursary Scheme is now open and they are looking for driven, accountable, and lateral thinkers currently studying towards select degrees.

Successful recipients will benefit from fully funded: Registration & Tuition fees; Accommodation and Annual living allowance.

What degrees or qualifications qualify for this bursary?

To qualify for this MultiChoice Bursary Program, you need to already be enrolled in any of the courses listed below.

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  • Engineering (Computer, Electrical& Digital)
  • Computer or Data Science
  • Applied/Computational mathematics
  • Information Systems or Technology
  • Customer Insights technologies
  • Media, Film or Television Studies
  • Scriptwriting
  • Sport Broadcasting
  • UX or UI or CX Design
  • Creative or Corporate Brand Communication
  • Digital Marketing
  • Economics or Law
  • Human Resources
  • Finance (Internal Audit / Financial Accounting

Eligibility criteria

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  • You must be registered at a South African Higher Learning Institute
  • Bursaries offered to students of all years of study (inclusive of 1st postgraduate degrees)
  • You are studying towards any degree/qualification aligned to MultiChoice focus areas
  • 12-month bursary coverage for the 2024 academic year
  • Designated South African citizen
  • Eligibility and qualifying requirements must be met and no late applications will be considered
  • Applicants must have a minimum average pass mark of 65% in order to qualify for the bursary.
  • Priority will be given but not limited to previously disadvantaged bursars who are planning to study full time towards an undergraduate and postgraduate degree or diploma in areas that fall within the skills requirement by the MultiChoice Group.
  • Complete application form and all support documents sent to: by 31 January 2024


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  • Funding is applicable for only one academic year (2024), after which the applicant will have to reapply and be reassessed.
  • The bursary is available to both first-time undergraduates and postgraduate (Honours and Masters incl.) studies at South African Institutions of higher learning.
  • The bursary is given at the sole discretion of MultiChoice Group. Any decision to award a bursary will be final and MultiChoice Group will not enter into further communication with unsuccessful applicants.
  • Applicants will be considered according to academic performance and financial need as determined by the MultiChoice Group external bursary policy.
  • Unsigned, Incomplete, or incorrect application forms will not be considered.

Required documents

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  • A certified copy of your ID
  • A certified copy of Guardians’ ID (where applicable)
  • Proof of Household Income
  • A copy of your monthly budget
  • Past academic transcripts to date
  • An acceptance letter from an accredited South African university
  • A Pro-forma invoice from the university involved (a quote from the institution)
  • A testimonial from your lecturer or faculty dean (where applicable)
  • A bride CV
  • A motivation letter
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This is an opportunity that should not be thrown away. If you satisfy the requirements, get your mind locked in, download the application form and submit to the email address specified above.


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