SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme (SPEBS) in South Africa 2024 is available for South African students. Most of the Bursaries for South Africans are fully funded that covers for the whole study year. Read through for eligibility and requirements for the SPEBS Bursary Application.
World scholarship forum being the best scholarship/bursary portal has taken it upon itself to provide to you all Bursaries in South African for local and international studies and this is one of them. Always check our site for the latest information regarding Bursaries 2024 in South Africa.
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ABOUT the Organization – SAICE
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE), founded in 1903, is a society of around 8000 members, not civil engineers but in addition technologists and technicians.
The institution was initially recognized as the Cape Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), however, in 1910 it changed names to the South African Society of Civil Engineers (SASCE) and in 1948 as it turned into the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE).
Members of this SAICE plan, provide and retain infrastructure that’s used in activities of the modern society.
Level/Field of Study
Even the SPEBS (SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme) bursary strategy was set in 1992 and has been administered by the South African Institution of Civil Engineering and to financially assist academically deserving students.
Bursaries will be given to people studying towards a Civil Engineering Degree or National Diploma.
Host Nationality
SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme is taken and hosted in South Africa.
Eligible Nationality
SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme is only available to South African Students. International Scholarships are available for International students wishing to study abroad in any country.
Scholarship Worth
The bursary fund is currently awarded to a maximum value of R6 500 per student/ semester – this funding is intended to assist students with paying for registration fees, tuition, and prescribed books
Successful applicants will get feedback throughout March or September if they’ll soon be asked to provide certified proof of registration.
Eligibility for SPEBS Bursary
Applicants should meet the following minimum entrance standards before implementing (please notice that failure to meet each of the prerequisites will probably result in an application not being considered):
- South African citizen
- Studying towards a Civil Engineering qualification (Degree or National Diploma)
- Passed and completed all previous subjects
- Degree students: must have passed first year exams – the bursary will sponsor second, third and fourth-year students
- National Diploma students: must have passed S1/ first level exams – the bursary will sponsor S2, S3, and S4 students
- Studying at a recognized tertiary institution in South Africa
- Proven financial need
- Good academic record
How to Apply for SPEBS Bursary
Download and complete the SAICE SPEBS Bursary Application-Form (. pdf)
Submit clear copies of these supporting documentation Together with your completed Form (the entry of those documents is mandatory – when some items are lost, your program be dismissed ):
- D document (certified copy of)
- Full tertiary academic record to date (certified copy of)
*Proof of tertiary registration (certified copy) will be required by successful applicants – bursary candidates will be notified in March and September annually.
SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme Application Deadline
Updates on the application deadline will be communicated as soon as it is available. Please stay tuned.
SAICE Patrons Engineering Bursary Scheme Application Link
Applications must be submitted in one of the following ways:
1) Fax: 011 805 5971
2) Post:
SAICE Career Guidance
Private Bag X200
Halfway House
For any queries related to this bursary program, please contact SAICE directly:
Contact Persons: Fridah Mahlangu
Tel: 011 805 5947
Email: /
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