15 Scholarships for Egyptian Students to Study in France in 2024

International Scholarships for Egyptian students, including all African Students and international students who want to study in France, have been disclosed red-hot.

Egypt is one of the countries in Africa that has been publicly and widely complemented to be the most advanced country in Africa.

They are known as one of the first civilized countries of the world, and European countries are in the race to form an allegiance with this particular country.

In a bid to get entangled or related to this country, many  European countries, including France, have started dispatching international scholarships to students there.

They use this to increase international relationships and advance global development; students can study in any European country through some platforms, including governmental and non-governmental bodies.

France is one of the forerunners in this. They are providing scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students to study in France for Egyptian students, African students, and other recognized countries of the world to come to France and do their undergraduate program, research program, or other programs that may directly or indirectly advance the growth in France and aid development and other benefiting rewards.

This section of our article will discuss the Scholarships for Egyptian Students in France. Some of the France scholarships here would financially aid the study throughout study.

Critically check out these scholarships and apply to the ones you qualify for; some of the scholarships here are open to other students from other countries of the world. Apply Now!

Scholarships for Egyptian Students to Study in France:

Here is a list of Scholarships for Egyptian Students to Study in France:

  • Rifaa Al Tahtawi Master Level Scholarship
  • Make Our Planet Great Again (Mopga) Program
  • The Civil Society Leadership Award (Csla)
  • Funds From The Francophony University Agency
  • ENS International Selection Scholarships
  • Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarships
  • Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships for African and Asian Women
  • INSEAD Nelson Mandela MBA Scholarships for Africans
  • INSEAD Greendale Foundation MBA Scholarships for Southern and Eastern Africa
  • Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students
  • Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students
  • Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology Foundation Scholarships
  • HEC Paris MBA Scholarships
  • France Avenue Scholarship Program

 Rifaa Al Tahtawi Master Level Scholarship

The French Institute offers an international scholarship for Egyptian students called Rifaa Al-Tahtawi Program. This scholarship is open to all international students from Egypt.

Deadline: 1st of March to 30th of April every year.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: France, and open to international students from Egypt.

Level/Field of Study: Masters degree programs in every level of study.

Scholarship Worth:

  • Monthly salary of 767 euros
  • To study in France international, no tuition fees ( public universities )
  • Reservation of a flat in a student hall of residence
  • student social security coverage

Application Link

Make Our Planet Great Again (Mopga) Program

This France scholarship is an idea of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, started on 1st June 2017 following the aim of the United States to abandon the Paris Agreement on the climate. It is a call to Ph.D. researchers and students, even entrepreneurs, to join France in leading the war against global warming.

Deadline: Varies

Host/Eligibility Nationality: This is one of France Scholarships open to Egyptian Students to study in France.

Level/Field of Study:  Masters and Ph.D. students in any research field.

Scholarship Worth: Full funding

Application Link

The Civil Society Leadership Award (Csla)

The Scholarships provide International scholarships for master’s degree study to Egyptian students and others who clearly show academic and professional excellence and a deep concern for leading a good social change in their respective communities.

Deadline: May 15

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in France and open to:

  • Afghanistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Egypt
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Laos
  • Libya
  • Myanmar/Burma
  • Republic of Congo
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

Level/Field of Study: Open to masters students in these fields:

  • Communications, Journalism & Media
  • Culture, History & Society
  • Development Studies
  • Economics
  • Education Management & Leadership
  • Environment & Natural Resource Management
  • Gender Studies
  • Human Rights
  • Law (including Human Rights law)
  • Politics & International Studies
  • Public Health Policy & Health Management
  • Social Policy
  • Social Work

Scholarship Worth: Complete Funding

Application Link

Scholarship Link

Funds From The Francophony University Agency

The Francophony University Agency(AUF), an organization of French-speaking institutions, offers France Scholarships to support mobility within its 800 branch institutions in over 106 countries. Specifications are placed on South-South mobility.

Deadline: March every year.

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Institutions in France is open to receive students under this study in France scholarships

Level/Field of Study: All levels of study in French

Scholarship Worth: Full Funded programs.

Application Link

ENS International Selection Scholarships

One of France Scholarships offered annually; this platform gives International Scholarships for Egyptian students or African students, and international students in the field of Science or an Art & Humanities disciplines.

Deadline: 19 Oct/31 Oct (annually)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: École Normale Supérieure in Paris is funding this scholarship to study in France, and open to Egyptian students and international students.

Level/Field of Study: Master’s programs at ENS in the fields of Science or Arts & Humanities or related fields.

Scholarship Worth: You’ll receive an interval payment of 1,000 Euros for a couple of years and a room on one of ENS’s.

Application Link

Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarships

The University is in the bid to promote access to its nationally-certified degree programs to Egyptian students taught in member institutions and to make it simpler for good, excellent international students to get involved.

Deadline: TBA, Mar-Apr (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in at any institution you can think of, so long as it is located in France.  Open to Egyptian students, all African students, and other good students worldwide.

Level/Field of Study: The France Scholarships are for Masters degree programs offered in France.

Scholarship Worth: The study in France scholarships is €10,000 /year.  A €1,000 for trips and VISA fees are also awarded to the international students who wins.

Application Link

Foundation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships for African and Asian Women

The Scholarship– Rainbow Bridge opportunity is open to ladies who are Egyptian Students, African Students, Students from Asia are also included, who are affected by disasters to pursue an MBA program in Paris.

Deadline: Jun/26 Nov (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted at the HEC institution in Paris. The Study in France International Scholarships is Open to Egyptian students, African Students,  Students from Asia.

Level/Field of Study: MBA

Scholarship Worth: €20,000

Application Link

INSEAD Nelson Mandela MBA Scholarships for Africans

In memory and respect to the then President Nelson Mandela, the INSEAD MBA of ’75 class started the INSEAD Nelson Mandela African Students Scholarships at one of their Class Reunion to provide financial help to MBA students from all African Countries, including Egypt.

Deadline: 7 May/25 Jun

Host/Eligibility Nationality: This scholarship for international students hosted by INSEAD  can be exhausted to study in France and any Nation. Open Africans only.

Level/Field of Study: MBA students

Scholarship Worth: Up to €20,000

Application Link

INSEAD Greendale Foundation MBA Scholarships for Southern and Eastern Africa

The providing body of the Foundation wishes to provide slots to the INSEAD MBA program to international students from Egypt, Southern, and Eastern African regions.

Deadline: 19 Apr/6 Jun/3 Aug

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosts: INSEAD in France/Singapore, and only be used by Egyptian Students, and Eastern, southern African students to study in France or Singapore.

Level/Field of Study: MBA students

Scholarship Worth: The Scholarships for MBA will cover €35,000 of the tuition.

Application Link

Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students

The French Ministry for Europe and global Affairs granted the popular Eiffel Excellence Scholarships to help France catalyze global relationships and improve education.

Deadline: 11 Jan (annually).

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in France and can be used to study at any University in France. Open to Egyptian students and international students too.

Level/Field of Study: Masters degree students in:

  • engineering science
  • exact sciences
  • mathematics
  • physics
  • chemistry
  • Life sciences
  • nano/biotechnologies
  • Earthspace/environmental sciences
  • information sciences technologies/communication
  • political sciences

Open Ph.D. students also.

Scholarship Worth: Eiffel awarded a monthly allowance of €1,181

  • Has with it another allowance of €1,031
  • Has a monthly reward of €150.
  • And can be awarded for more than a couple of years.
  • For Ph.D. studies, the opportunity has in stock monthly stipends of €1,400 for the next 6 months.

Application Link

Ampère Excellence Scholarships for International Students

The Scholarships of Excellence gives out excellent Egyptian Students, African Students, including international students, a chance to acquire one of the Master’s degrees offered in the French state of Lyon.

Deadline: 10 Jan (annual)

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in ENS de Lyon, the France Scholarships are open to students to study in France for their respective programs.

Level/Field of Study: All Masters program offered at the institution.

Scholarship Worth: The scholarship is €1000 per month for a couple of years.

Application Link

Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po

This platform offers Scholarships to honor the founder of Sciences Po. It grants scholarship opportunities to international students from Egypt and non-EU applying for these scholarships for the first time.

Deadline: varies

Host/Eligibility Nationality: The Sciences Po University in France hosts these scholarships. It is open to Egyptian students and international students who are non-EU that want to study in France.

Level/Field of Study: undergrad and postgrad courses offered at the institution

Scholarship Worth: Will provide tuition fees, rooms, board and other aid requiring money.

Application Link

Grenoble Institute of Technology Foundation Scholarships

The Institute of Technology international scholarships to France is one of France Scholarships. It is open to Egyptian Students and good African Students who wish to seek an international program at Grenoble INP in the Master’s degree level.

Deadline: Varies

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Open to Egyptian students; other International students are welcome to study in France. This Scholarships can also be used in any country of the world.

Level/Field of Study: Masters programs in any accredited field of study

Scholarship Worth: The award is up to 5,000 euros per semester.

Application Link

HEC Paris MBA Scholarships

This international France scholarship is for African students and students from international communities from different countries.

HEC awards are in various categories, including free scholarships, merit scholarships, and other forms.

Deadline: Varies

Host/Eligibility Nationality: the International Scholarships to study in France, including Egyptians

Level/Field of Study: MBA

Scholarship Worth: scholarship varies from €6,000 to €24,000.

 Application Link

France Avenue Scholarship Program

The French Embassy and other organizations offer study in France Scholarships to Egyptian students from African and international students from Africa and other countries.

Deadline: 27 May

Host/Eligibility Nationality: Hosted in France and open to All students from Egypt and other countries.

Level/Field of Study: Open to any level and field of study

Scholarship Worth: 10,000 euros.

Application Link


We have outlined various scholarships for Egyptian students to study in France.

Choose the one that suits you from the numerous ones we have mentioned.

You may even apply for multiple scholarships to be double sure you will be granted one.

But, be sure that the requirements include the ability to apply for multiple scholarships.

Other African and international students can also apply.

Best of luck.


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