World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition 

As you know, Africa’s exponential youth growth comes with immense opportunities for you to inject fresh ideas, vibrancy, and optimism into addressing many of Africa’s challenges. World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition 2024 offers you such opportunities. This African Essay Competition deadline is 30th November.

In a nutshell, the competition is a way to engage Africa’s youth and provide a platform to share their views—and solutions—about development topics that are important to them. So if you are a young African between the ages of 18 and 28 and currently residing in Africa, here is another chance for you to have your say on building your nation and continent!

However, in this article, you will give insight on what the World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition entitles, how you can participate and the eligibility criteria to avoid disqualification. Meanwhile, scroll through the table of content below to get an overview of what to expect from this article.

What is World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition?

In 2014, the World Bank Kenya office launched the Blog4Dev competition, an annual writing contest that invites young people to weigh in on a topic critical to the country’s economic development. The competition is a way to engage Africa’s young people and provide a platform to share their views—and solutions—about development topics that are important to them.

Since then, Blog4Dev has grown to include the voices of hundreds of young people from countries throughout the region who have submitted blogs on topics such as how to end gender-based violence to debating the role of the private sector in public service delivery. The competition tests originality, creativity, and innovation.

This year, for the first time, the World Bank Africa Region is hosting a regional blog competition, inviting young people from 48 countries to share their ideas for how they, and other young people, can prepare themselves for the digital economy and a technology-driven workplace.

What is the worth of this World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition?

Winning authors are eligible for several prizes, including a chance to intern at a World Bank Africa country office, or an opportunity to have your blog published on the World Bank Africa blog Nasikiliza.

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  • 1st and 2nd best entries will each receive an IPAD, cash prizes, and a 4-week attachment at the World Bank Ghana office.
  • The 3rd best entry will get a cash prize and a month’s attachment at the World Bank Ghana Office
  • The 4th and 5th best entries will receive cash prizes.
  • All top five entries will be published online on the WBG’s Nasikiliza blog. They will also be promoted on World Bank social media channels, credited to the respective bloggers

Eligibility World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition

To be eligible for the #Blog4Dev contest, you must:

  • Be a citizen of any of the 48 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 28 years of age
  • Currently, reside in a Sub-Saharan African country
  • Be able to hold a conversation in English
  • Email us your 500-word original blog/essay, written in English.

A panel of expert judges from inside and outside the World Bank Group will review all entries and select the top five from each country. The selected authors will be interviewed, and the top three winners will be chosen from each country.

World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition is open to young Africans who wish to engage in the competition.

This World Bank Essay Competition is been hosted in Ghana. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Applicants for this African Essay Competition Must be a citizen of, and currently living in, a Sub-Saharan Africa country and be between 18-28 years of age. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

The winning submissions will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Boldness
  • The clarity in Writing and Presentation
  • Convincing and Impactful
  • Ideas Must be Implementable
  • Scalability
  • Practicality and Relevance
  • Potential Impact on Development
  • Potential Impact on Jobs

How to Apply for World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition 2022

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  • To enter the competition, submit your original blog entry of no more than 500 words here by November 23, 2024.
  • Submit your 500-word, original blog detailing your ideas about what it will take to enhance the skills needed to prepare Africa’s youth for the digital economy and the future of work, written in English, French, or Portuguese.

Questions or more information? Contact WBG by email:

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Application Deadline for World Bank Blog4Dev Essay Competition 2022

The submitting of the World Bank #Blog4Dev Essay Competition 2024 starts from October 19th to the 30th of November.

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To be qualify to apply for this competition, the applicant Must be a citizen of, and currently living in, a Sub-Saharan Africa country and be between 18-28 years of age.

The deadline for submitting the application is 30th November.

The topic for 2024 essay competition is What will it take to end child marriage in your country?


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We also recommend the following available scholarships

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