Be More Scholarships for High School Students in US, 

Be More Scholarship is an ongoing scholarship program that is open to all college students and high school seniors who live or perhaps attend school in Texas State and will have a chance to earn as much as $2,500 for their college tuition fee. It is sponsored by BOUNCE ENERGY.

About The More Foundation

It is recorded that for 25 years, The More Foundation has been in the business of changing the lives of high school seniors who has the desire to obtain a college education. Since 1990 to date, the foundation has awarded approximately a scholarship worth of $6 million helping average-income families.

Beyond assisting with sending high school seniors to college their first year, the foundation goes on to support recipients who continue to meet up with the requirements for retention through their four years of a college education.

What You Need To Know About the Be More Scholarship

Eligibility for Scholarship

The following conditions must be met if one is to qualify for The Be More Scholarship:

  • The student must be a high school senior and or currently enrolled in a Carter County, Oklahoma high school.
  • A 2.8 minimum high school GPA or 21 ACT score. However, applicants with below minimum GPA score or lower scores on the ACT may still be admitted on probationary status after attending college full time for one semester.
  • A family average income of $35,000 and $90,000 or $115,000 if the applicant has another sibling in the college.
  • Submit an official transcript and a letter of activity to the awarding foundation at the end of each semester.
  • Every application provides an opportunity for extenuating circumstances.

Scholarship Level/Field

The scholarship is available for college and high school students who desire to pursue their college studies in any field of study in any college or university in the United States.

Host Nationality

The Be More Scholarship 2024 is taken and hosted in the United States.  

If you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United States

Eligible Nationality

The Be More Scholarship is available for legal students who are citizens of the United States. 

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Benefit

The award amount often varies for some reasons but the minimum amount is $2,500. It is awarded to three qualifying students. There are a number of requirements an applicant should be able to meet to be counted eligible for this award.

Scholarship Number

The number of an offer for Be More Scholarship is three. Its selection criteria are strictly based on merit.

Terms and Conditions

  • An applicant must guarantee that his or her entry is the original work, accurate and that it has not been plagiarized.
  • Furthermore, an applicant represents and warrants that their submission does not contain any obscene or defamatory or otherwise unlawful matter or even depict anyone who is engaged in any immoral, illegal or lewd act.
  • All entry materials become the property of the sponsor and as such, will not be acknowledged or returned.
  • It is only the application forms that have fully been completed with the necessary required profile documents attached, electronically signed and received before the deadline that will be considered for the award.

Application Procedures for Be More Scholarship 2022

Interested applicants must create an account online at to apply

The Applications must be submitted electronically. The Be More Scholarship foundation will only accept application forms that have been fully completed with the required profile documents attached, electronically signed, and received before the application deadline.

The applicant is expected to write an essay of not less than 500 words in response to: “Bounce Energy considers itself to be more than just an electricity company.

Going beyond just competitive electricity rates, we also offer customer rewards, community charity support opportunities, and other convenient products and services.

Bounce Energy was to know: how do you consider yourself to be more than just a student?”

Selection for the Be More Scholarship awards is made by a committee. The committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees.

The annual number of awards is determined by eligible applicants from each graduating class and by the number of award renewals for those who qualify for continuation. All the awards are made according to expressed guidelines.

The decision of the committee is always final. The program does not engage in any kind of discrimination, be it race, color, sex, national origin, or religious affiliation.

Application Deadline

Applicants should take cognizance that the Be More Scholarship 2024 deadline for application is June 30th, 2024. The winners are always announced in September. The winner will be contacted either through email or phone.

Be More Scholarship recipient may also be able to receive a matching scholarship through the following schools:

East Central University-which offers freshman recipients- a $250 book voucher for the first semester at East Central University which can be obtained through presenting the proper credentials such as a signed contract from the Be More Scholarship.

General Instructions

The use of automated software, sweepstake/contest services, computer programs, automated entry software or facsimiles will not be accepted to enter or to register this contest and is prohibited.

Any applicant, who goes on to use or attempt such methods to register or to enter will be disqualified. Sponsor reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to disqualify any applicant from this contest or any other promotions conducted either now or in the future by Sponsor or any of its affiliates if the applicant tampers with the entry process or engages in any fraudulent act.

Any attempt, however, by an entrant to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the contest violates the criminal and civil laws.

An unofficial transcript may not need to bear a college or university seal. But it must not fail to contain all of the relevant academic information of a student which of course includes student’s name, average cumulative grade point and school year.

An unofficial transcript can be gotten through your guidance counselor or registrar’s office. The Be More Scholarship foundation will also accept your current grade or Report card.

The SAT/ACT test scores are optional for BE More Scholarship. Even if you have not taken either of the tests, it will in by no ways affect you nor your chances of winning the award

Indemnification and Limitation of Liability

  • By the virtue of entering this contest, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, representatives, and governors, officers from and against any liability, damage or cause of action with respect to or arising out of either the applicant’s participation in the contest;
  • the receipt or use of the prize awarded herein;
  • the administration of the contest and distribution of the prize awarded herein;
  • All claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, penalties, and fines of any kind as a result of participation in this contest.

Applicants will, therefore, release, waive and discharge any and all claims of damage, loss or cause of action (which includes negligence) including death, personal injury or damage to property which the applicant’s or the applicant’s next of kin, heirs or assignees may have against the released parties as a result of the applicant’s participation in this contest.

To be declared a winner, the applicant must sign a Standard Declaration and Release form confirming his or her compliance to the Rules and

Regulation and then releasing the Released Parties from any liability that may arise from:


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