$5,000 Books for Africa Scholarship in USA, 

Books for Africa, in partnership with Course Hero, offers the Books for Africa Scholarship 2024 program for USA students and teachers to help them succeed academically.

U.S. residents at least 16 yrs older at the time of this day of entry are eligible to apply for this scholarship competition.


About the Sponsor: Course Hero and Books For Africa

The Course Hero aims to create the most important and useful digital library of course-specific questions and replies to help students and teachers succeed. Winners will be chosen dependent on short-answer answers, so be creative! Check back monthly for a fresh question and find yourself a brand new opportunity to win $5,000.

Books For Africa remains the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent, shipping over 42 million books to all 55 countries on the African continent since 1988.

In the fiscal year 2018 alone, Books For Africa shipped 2.3 million books, and 123 computers and e-readers containing 283,000 digital books, to 29 African countries. Over $2.2 million was raised last year to ship these books to the students of Africa.

Books for Africa Scholarship was set up in 2006 by Andrew Kramer, a student at Cornell University. They genuinely believe that increased knowledge usage enhances lives and expands prospective chances for students worldwide.

Level/Field of Study

$5,000 Books for Africa Scholarship covers courses from accredited schools in the United States.

Host Nationality

Course Hero and The Books for Africa host books for Africa Scholarship 2024.

If you are an international student and wish to study in the USA, this is for your Latest USA Undergraduate Scholarships.

Eligible Nationality for books for Africa and course hero scholarship

The Books for Africa scholarship is made available for students who are citizens and permanent residents of the USA.

Read also if you wish to study outside your home country – Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Award

Monthly’s Competition winner of the Books for Africa scholarship will receive a $1000, $2,000, or $3,000 Scholarship.

Eligibility for Books for Africa Scholarship 2023

  • Permanent legal U.S. residents physically residing in the fifty (50) United States of America and the District of Columbia.
  •  Applicants at least 16 years old as of the date of entry
  •  Currently enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States, as listed on the U.S. Department of Education website.

How to Apply for Books for Africa Scholarship 2023

  • To become qualified for the scholarship program, you must log in through the link: https://www.coursehero.com/registerForm.php?from_scholarship=1
  •  Course Hero will place 1 question online per month and permit enrolled, eligible entrants to as much as 150 words or not submit a reply. Monthly, Course Hero will select one winner with all the ideal answers from one of the Contest entrants. Monthly is another competition.
  •  Supporting Document: Winners Must supply Course Hero with all the following advice if asked.
  • Your Course Hero profile and username URL
  •  Your home address and phone number
  •  Your student identification card in your registered faculty or university
  •  your present or latest transcript from the registered faculty or university

Contact and mailing information for the college’s or university’s financial aid office.

Competition entries can be filed by email to a 3″x 5″ card, together with your reply to the query, to Course Hero, Inc., 1400 Seaport Blvd.

Deadline For Books for Africa Scholarship 202Application:

Application for the $5000 Books for Africa scholarship has closed. Keep on checking on us for more details on this.


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