Dolman Law Group Scholarships  in Florida

Dolman Law Group Scholarship is a scholarship in Florida organized by Dolman Law Group to help individuals who have suffered a physical injury because of the negligence exhibited by an individual or corporation. It is worth $ 1,100 annually.

The Clearwater auto accident lawyers of the Dolman Law Group understand the value of education.

They also recognize that college can put a heavy financial burden on both students and their families. Therefore, potential applicants are however urged to maximize this wonderful opportunity.

Please look through the table of content for an overview of what to expect in this article.

What you need to know about the Sponsor: Dolman Law Group

Dolman Law Group is an award-winning Clearwater and St. Petersburg personal injury and civil trial law firm. We focus our practice on representing individuals who have suffered a physical injury as a result of the negligence exhibited by an individual or corporation.

In fact, we represent only plaintiffs and do not (nor have we ever) represent an insurance carrier.

As a result, they offer a current or prospective student a two-year scholarship of $ 1,100. To enter the contest, just submit a video essay. The winner will be chosen based on qualities such as creativity, originality, feasibility, and the demonstrated potential for the success of the legal candidates.

The Dolman Law Group is a law firm based in Clearwater, Florida. It is an award-winning, recognized law firm for injury and insurance litigation in Clearwater.

Level/ Field

Dolman Law Scholarship covers undergraduate programs

Host Nationality

Dolman Law Group Scholarships are hosted by the Dolman Law Group and is to be taken in Clearwater, Florida.

If you are an international student and you wish to study in the USA, this is for you Latest USA Undergraduate Scholarships

Eligible Nationality

The Dolman Law Group Scholarships are First-Year, Transfer Students, Juniors, Seniors in the USA. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Dolman Law Group Scholarships Worth

The winner will receive a scholarship worth $ 1,100.

Dolman Law Group Scholarships 2024 Eligibility

In order to participate in the scholarship competition applicants must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Must attend or plan to study at a college or university during the academic year 2024.
  • Must be at your current educational institution in academic terms
  • Applicants under the age of 18 require the permission of a parent or guardian

How to Apply for Dolman Law Group Scholarships

For more information on how to apply, please visit

In order to participate in the essay contest, applicants must submit a 2-3 minute video essay covering the following topics:

“In your opinion, who should be held responsible if a driverless vehicle is involved in an accident? The owner? The manufacturer? The software developer? To explain,”.

Applicants can send the competition by email to, stating your name, address and the name of the institution you are attending or would like to attend

Application deadline for Dolman Law Group Scholarships 2024

Submission of application for Dolman Law Group Scholarships closed on the 29th of June 2024. However, we’ll keep you posted when the application window is opened.

Once the application period closes, submissions will be reviewed to determine a winner based on the following factors:

  • A video should not be longer than 2 minutes
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Feasibility
  • The applicant’s demonstrated the potential for success in the legal field

Please note that the scholarship check will be issued directly to the winner’s university/college.

Link for more information:

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