13 Short Courses In Singapore With Certification, 2024

Short courses allow you to acquire additional skills or hone already acquired ones. Meanwhile, short-term certificate courses in Singapore are designed to bring life to the studied theories.

The beauty of these short courses is that they implement numerous examples of applying the relevant skills in a realistic environment.

Short certificate courses in Singapore are available to Singapore students and International students in various fields of study.

Tertiary Institutions in Singapore provide some of the short courses in Singapore and require the students to avail themselves in the institution’s classrooms for study.

Some of these institutions, however, provide long-distance learning to enable international students to study from their home countries and acquire certificates.

Many short-term certificate courses have a low tuition cost. However, financial aids are available to students taking short courses in Singapore to enable them to easily update their skills, acquire more skills, or get certified in various professions.

Here are the 13 best short certificate courses in Singapore in 2024, whether you wish to study Information Technology (IT), Engineering, Marketing, Accounting, or Personal Training and Development.

Table of contents

IT Certification Courses in Singapore

The demand for courses in Information Technology is ever-increasing. Every day, new knowledge updates existing ones in IT. Therefore, this has bred the need for additional short courses in the field.

Singapore is one of the best locations to study IT in the world. Below are wonderful short certificate courses in Singapore to study:

#1. Applied Data Analytics in Business

Singapore Polytechnic offers this data analytics short-term course, and it takes one and a half-day to get a certificate course.

Meanwhile, you can take this short course in Singapore polytechnic’s classroom and the Business School. Therefore, students are expected to come with their laptops with Excel installed.

In this data analytics short course in Singapore, you’ll get an appreciation of the importance of data in the current business landscape and implementing data for business success.

Also, Microsoft Excel and Tableau are utilized to give students practical experience in dealing with data.

This IT certification short course is also suitable for SME managers and supervisors, small business owners, startup entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to develop a broad understanding of business analytics.

Meanwhile, to be eligible for this IT certification course in Singapore, you must be proficient in English and have Basic Microsoft Excel knowledge.

The Business data analytics short course is also available to foreigners and international students studying in Singapore.

Certification / Accreditation:

After completing this data analytics short course at Singapore Polytechnic, you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Course Fee:

The fee for Singaporeans and international students studying in Asia to study this short certification course ranges from S$21.30 to S$321. Meanwhile, this fee includes Goods and Services Tax (GST).

However, registration for the Applied Data Analytics in Business at Singapore Polytechnic starts on 04 April and ends on 02 June 2024. Meanwhile, the course commences on 17 to 18 June 2024.

Click the link below for more information:

#2. Digital Confidence in the Internet of Things & Cybersecurity

This IT certification short course in Singapore is available to Singaporeans, Indians, Indonesians, and foreign students.

You can take this tech-related short course at Singapore Polytechnic, which lasts four days.

While you can take this IoT short course in the polytechnic’s classroom, you are also allowed hours of private e-learning on some days that may not be done in the classroom.

Additionally, the Data Confidence short course at Singapore Polytechnic has two modules you must complete. They are The Internet of Things and Basic Cybersecurity Principles.

Meanwhile, this Singapore course is available to Singaporeans and Foreigners passionate about future changes in the digital world.

However, you’ll have to show basic English Language proficiency to be eligible to take the IoT and CyberSecurity short course in Singapore.

Certification / Accreditation:

If you meet up to 75% of attendance in this IT certification short course, you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the study. However, students who meet this attendance rate and pass the final assessment receive a Certificate of Performance.

Course Fee:

The IoT short certification course fee for Singaporeans and international students ranges from S$86.62 to S$1,304.40 (incl. GST).

However, registration for the Applied Data Analytics in Business at Singapore Polytechnic commences at any time.

Click the link below for more information:

Read this: 15 Free Online Courses with Certificates in Australia 2024

#3. Cyber Security Range Essentials

The Cyber Security short course in Singapore is available to Singaporeans and foreign students.

Also, Singapore Polytechnic offers this short-term certificate course on Cyber Security for three days or 21 hours.

You can take the course at the polytechnic’s classroom, the Cyber Wargame Centre, and Singtel’s Cyber Security Institute.

In this short certificate course in Singapore, you’ll learn cybersecurity essentials.

Meanwhile, you’ll also be given a solid foundation knowledge of network protocols, basic penetration testing knowledge, and hands-on practical skills that will help you to protect computer and network resources.

Furthermore, the Cyber Security short course suits IT professionals who want to learn about cybersecurity.

However, you should be working in the IT industry, be familiar with the Windows operating system, and have foundational network knowledge to be eligible to study this short course in Singapore.

Also, knowledge of Linux operating systems will be an advantage to students taking this short course.


Students receive a Certificate of Performance at the end of the study.

Course Fee:

The fee for this Cyber Security short course for Singaporeans and international students ranges from S$577.80 to S$1,926.00 (incl. GST).

Meanwhile, registration for the Cybersecurity certificate course at Singapore Polytechnic commences at any time.

Click the link below for more information:

Training and Development Courses in Singapore

Courses in this category are for personal skill and development that could enhance work-life and productivity.

Below are some of Singapore’s best training and development short certificate courses for Singaporeans, Indians, Indonesians, and other foreign students.

#4. Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making

Decision Making short course in Singapore is available to everyone, irrespective of country. The Singapore Polytechnic also offers this certificate course for two days.

This training and development short course will build your to be able to apply structured and creative decision-making approaches that lead to more sustainable solutions for problems.


You’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance at the end of Singapore’s Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making course.

Course Fee:

Meanwhile, Singapore University charges Singaporeans and international students a fee ranging from S$171.00 to S$321.00 (incl. GST) to study this short-term certificate course.

Note, however, that you can register for a problem-solving and decision-making short course anytime.

For more information, check the link below:

#5. Effective Negotiation Skills

Effective Negotiation skill is another training and development short course you can study in Singapore irrespective of your country of origin.

Like the other short-term courses listed above, Singapore Polytechnic offers the Effective Negotiation short-term certificate course for a day.

This training and development course at Singapore Polytechnic builds you to be strong in the win-win method of conflict negotiation.

You can use this method to find a solution acceptable to conflict parties, leaving them feeling like they won at the event’s end.


You’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance at the end of your Conflict negotiation short course at Singapore Polytechnic.

Course Fee:

Meanwhile, Singapore University charges Singaporeans, Indians, and international students a fee ranging from S$142.50 to S$267.50(incl. GST) to study this short certificate course.

Furthermore, registration for this training and development course commences on 23 April and ends on 19 July 2024.

However, the conflict negotiation short course takes place at Singapore Polytechnic in September 2024.

Find out more about this short-term certificate course here:

Engineering Short Courses in Singapore

Short courses for Engineering are available for study in Singapore to both citizens and International students. These short-term certifications provide additional skills to engineers and students who wish to acquire hands-on experience in the field.

Below are amazing short certificate courses in Singapore for the field of engineering.

#6. Preparatory for CAAS Operator Permit in Flying DJI Phantom 4 Pro Quadcopter

This short engineering course in Singapore trains students to fly the DJI Phantom 4 Pro. It also builds students’ knowledge on preparing the CAAS Operator Permit documentation for submission to CAAS.

Singapore Polytechnic offers the CAAS Operator short-term certificate course on the operation of drones for two days.

However, to be eligible for this short course, you must understand English and be dexterous with eye-hand coordination.


If you meet up to 75% of attendance in this certificate course in Singapore, you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance.

However, students who meet this attendance rate and pass the final assessment exam receive a Certificate of Performance.

Course Fee:

Singapore University charges Singaporeans and international students fees ranging from S$42.60 to S$642.00 to study this short certification course in Singapore.

To signify your interest in this certificate course in Singapore, you must register between 26 Apr to 19 May 2024. Meanwhile, the course begins on the 30th of May and ends on the 31st of May.

To find out more about this certificate course in Singapore, visit:

#7. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System Know-how

This short engineering certification course in Singapore teaches students and professionals the principles of using solar panels to produce electricity.

It also gives a hands-on experience in selecting the main components of a solar system (solar panels, inverters, charge controller & battery), designing, and connecting a solar system.

Singapore Polytechnic offers this short-term certificate course on installing and maintaining solar PV panels for just a day.

Furthermore, this engineering certificate course is available to Electricians, Technical Workers dealing with Electrical and Electronics, and other professionals in related fields.

Also, you’ll need an ITE or above and basic electrical knowledge to be eligible to study this short course in Singapore.

Course Fee:

Singapore Polytechnic charges Singaporeans and international students a fee ranging from S$24.85 to S$374.50 (incl. GST) to study this short certification course.

Registration for this engineering short course starts on 01 May 2024 and ends on 26 May 2024. Meanwhile, the certificate course takes place on 06 Jun 2024.

Find out more about this course by visiting the link below:

# 8. Refresher Course for Licensed Electrical Workers (Electricians)

This engineering short course trains licensed electricians and professionals in the field on advancing technology, good industrial practices, and changing the business environment.

BCA Academy offers this course that updates on technology advancement in the electrical field of study for one day.

Additionally, this engineering short course in Singapore is available to Licensed Electricians and professionals.

You’ll have to be an electrician licensed and plan to update your license to be eligible for this short-term Singapore course.


Students and professionals who attain a rate of 80% attendance and pass the examination will receive an E-Certificate of Accomplishment for taking this short certificate course.

Course Fee:

Meanwhile, BCA Academy charges Singaporeans S$210.00 (incl of GST) to study this electricians’ short course in Singapore.

Additionally, there is no specific time for registration. You can register anytime for the Refresher Course for Licensed Electrical Workers short certificate course.

Find out more about this electrician students and professionals short course in Singapore by visiting the link below:

Short-Term Accounting Courses in Singapore

Accounting short courses are also available for study in Singapore to both citizens and International students.

These short-term certifications update the skills of professionals to current standards and provide students with a start-up or additional credentials.

Below are great short certificate courses in Singapore for the field of accounting.

#9. Bookkeeping & Accounting Level 2

This accounting short certification course in Singapore builds students with the knowledge and skills required to effectively discharge their bookkeeping and accounting roles in accordance with the International Accounting Standards (IAS).

Singapore Polytechnic offers this short course on bookkeeping skills every week.

To be eligible for this accountancy short course in Singapore, you must have completed your LCCI Bookkeeping Level one.

Also, you can take this short accounting course in Singapore if you have adequate accounting and bookkeeping knowledge.


After completing this accounting short course in Singapore, you will receive an LCCI Diploma in Bookkeeping and Accounting Level 2.

Course Fee:

Meanwhile, Singapore Polytechnic charges Singaporeans and international students a fee ranging from S$700.00 to S$2,300 (incl. GST) to study the Book Keeping and Accounting Level 2 course.

Additionally, there is no specific time for registration. You can register any time of the year for this short-term course in Singapore.

To find out more about this accounting short course, visit the link below:

Check this: 10 Cheapest Short Courses Online with Certificates in Malaysia

#10. Understanding of Financial Reports for Small and Medium Enterprise

This accounting short course in Singapore trains SME owners on understanding key financial reports, which would assist them in better managing their businesses and cash flow. 

Singapore Polytechnic offers this short accounting certificate course for just a day, and it is suitable for SME Owners and Finance Executives with little or no knowledge of finance.


By the end of the Financial Reports short course, you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance from Singapore University.

Course Fee:

Meanwhile, Singapore University charges Singaporeans and international students a fee ranging from S$14.75 to S$267.50 (incl. GST) to study this short certification course.

Furthermore, you can register anytime for Singapore’s accounting short certificate course.

Discover more about Financial Report Understanding by following the link below:

Marketing Short Courses in Singapore

Digital marketing is the new marketing trend. Therefore, the demand for short courses to update marketing skills for the digital trend is on the rise.

Singapore is one of the best countries to study short-term certificate courses. Below are great short certificate courses in Singapore for students and professionals.

# 11. Digital Marketing – Fundamental

This marketing short certificate course builds students up to understand and facilitate discussions on digital marketing strategy and budgets, plan digital marketing channels and messaging systems, and master the fundamentals of the powerful Google Analytics platform.

Kaplan offers this course to Singaporeans, Indians, Indonesians, and other foreign country citizens studying in Singapore for four days.

Meanwhile, you must be interested in digital marketing and well-versed in the Microsoft Windows environment to be eligible to take this certificate course in Singapore.


Kaplan presents students who passed this marketing short course examination with a Google AdWords Search Certification valid for 12 months. You’ll also get a Google Analytics Certification for 18 months.

Course Fees:

Kaplan charges Singaporeans and international students studying this short certification course a fee of S$2,675.00 (incl of GST).

You can register anytime for Kaplan’s Digital Marketing Fundamentals short certificate course at Kaplan’s Campus in Singapore.

You can discover more about this course via the link below:

# 12. Digital Marketing – Advanced

This short-term marketing certification course provides students with knowledge of Google Display Advertising technologies. It ensures they remain ahead and relevant with the latest concepts on inbound marketing methodology, Facebook marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and YouTube video advertising.

Also, Kaplan Singapore offers this course to interested Singaporeans, Indians, Indonesians, and foreign students for four days.

However, to be eligible for this marketing certification course, you must have completed the Google AdWords Fundamentals Exam or have equivalent knowledge and experience in Google AdWords.


After completing this Kaplan’s short course, you’ll receive a Google AdWords Display Certification, a Google AdWords Video Certification, and a HubSpot Academy Inbound Certified award from Kaplan. These certificates are valid for 12 months.

Course Fees:

Kaplan charges Singaporeans and international students S$2,675.00 (incl of GST) to study this short marketing certification course.

Meanwhile, anytime you can register for Kaplan’s advanced digital marketing short course.

Discover more about Kaplan Singapore’s advanced digital marketing short course here:

#13. Advanced Market and Global Investment Strategies for Tomorrow

This marketing certification short course provides Participants with step-by-step knowledge on how to read key economic statistics and where to develop clear charts to evaluate the health of an economy and look for signs of impending change.

Singapore Management University (SMU) offers this course to students and professionals from around the globe willing to study in Singapore for two days.

However, this course is for you if you’re an investor or an investment student. Nonetheless, you must be of an intermediate level in value investment to be eligible for this marketing short course in Singapore.


After completing SMU’s Global Investment short-term certificate course, you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Course Fees:

SMU charges Singaporeans and international students a fee ranging from S$193.60 to S$1,712.00 (incl of GST) to study this short certification in Singapore.

Find out more about this course here:

Funding Short Certificate Courses in Singapore

To enable you to complete your certification course in Singapore successfully, the following Financial Aids are available to Singapore citizens taking short certificate courses in Singapore.

  • SkillsFuture (SF) Series
  • SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)
  • Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP)
  • National Silver Academy Funding
  • Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (“ETSS”)

SkillsFuture (SF) Series:

The SF Series is available for Singaporeans and Singapore PRs. It funds up to 70% of their course fee and applies to both individual and company-sponsored participants.

Furthermore, Singaporeans aged 40 years and above will enjoy a 90% subsidy on the course fee. Meanwhile, the deadline for applying is 31 Dec 2024.

Find out more here:

SkillsFuture Credit (SFC)

The short course scholarship is available to Singaporeans aged 25 years and above who have received their SkillsFuture Credit account activation letter. Participants receive an initial credit of $500 which can be used to pay for course fees for a range of eligible skills-related courses. However, it is only applicable to self-sponsored applicants only.

Find out more here:

Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP)

The UTAP  benefit is available to the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) members to enable them to upgrade their skills. The program also provides 50% of the course fee and up to $250 annually to members studying supported courses.

Find out more here:

National Silver Academy Funding

The National Silver Academy funding is available to citizens aged 50 years and above in the year of course commencement. The funding also provides a subsidy of 50% off the course fee (valued at $500 per course). Additionally, the application deadline is 30 Jun 2024.

Find out more here:

Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (“ETSS”)

The Enhanced Training Support for SMEs provides up to 90% of course fees and 80% of basic hourly salary valued at $7.50/hr. For local employees of SMEs.

Learn more here:

Free Online Courses with Certificates in Singapore

You may wish to study a short-term certification course in Singapore but can’t afford it. Your option, in this case, is to study online.

Do Not only online studies provide you with flexibility and convenience but also cheap and even free courses.

Because the funding means we discussed above are limited to Singaporeans and Singapore PRs, here is a list of platforms where you can get certificate courses in Singapore for free.


Coursera is a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform with 142 partners in over 28 countries.

It is also one of the most comprehensive free online courses platforms in Singapore. The beauty of Coursera is that each course is filled with interactive content like videos, quizzes, and projects to keep you engaged in your learning.

Some popular courses you can take for free on Coursera include Programming for Everybody, Speak English Professionally, and The Data Scientist’s Toolbox. Also, these courses take around two to four hours of work per week and last between six to eight weeks.

While you can get some courses for free on Coursera, it costs $49 to print a certificate.

Explore Free courses on Coursera here:


OpenLearn has been collaborating with the BBC since 1999, reaching over 40 million students. If you register on the platform, you can enrol in one of the hundreds of courses the platform offers.

Also, OpenLearn allows you to connect with other students, comment on articles, earn digital badges, and track progress.

Some of OpenLearn’s popular free online courses include Start Writing Fiction, Learning to Teach, and Introduction to Bookkeeping and Accounting. These courses can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 100 hours.

You may explore free courses on OpenLearn here:

Harvard University Online Learning

Of course, you’ll love to get a Harvard formal education! The good thing is that you can get some of these courses for free online from Harvard University itself.

Harvard University offers learning materials on hundreds of topics, including podcasts, lectures, and full courses.

However, you’ll need to enrol in free courses. Visit Harvard’s online learning, find a course based on content, instructional level, and level of engagement, and then enrol.

Meanwhile, some of Harvard’s popular online learning free courses include the Harvard Business School Collection (DASH), Justice, Science, and Cooking. You can also get certificates for studying these online courses.

Explore free courses at Harvard online Learning here:

Also, read this: 7 Short Courses In Canada for International Students 2024


Open2Study is also another free online platform where you can get free online courses in Singapore.

All you have to do is create a free online profile connected to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter account, then enrol in one of Open2Study’s 49 courses.

Furthermore, each Open2Study course contains engaging videos, quizzes, assessments, and further readings.

Also, you will have one graded assessment each week, which you can attempt three times to earn your best grade.

Meanwhile, some of Open2Study’s popular free online courses include Becoming Human: Anthropology, Chemistry – The Building Blocks of Life, and Diagnosing the Financial Health of a Business.

These courses can last for four weeks, after which you will receive a certificate of achievement for completing the course with a 60% pass rating or above.

Explore free online courses on Open2Study here:

Academic Earth

This is another MOOC platform that compiles hundreds of courses from 25 of the world’s top universities and makes them available for Singaporeans and other foreign students for free.

Academic Earth continues to succeed in its mission to provide free education to everyone. All you need to do is find a course or elective that interests you and enrol for free.

Meanwhile, some of Academic Earth’s popular free online courses are Creating Value in a Growing Business, Writing and Reading Short Stories, and Foundations of Nutrition Science.

However, courses vary in length and structure based on the university providing the course. Also, certificate availability depends on the University at which the course is offered.

Explore free online courses on Academic Earth here:

FAQs on Certificate Courses in Singapore in 2024

What is a Short course certificate?

Short courses are certificate programs are online programs that can be completed in a shorter period.
Students who want to improve their knowledge, renew their skills, or broaden their skill sets in other areas of interest can take these courses.

Are short courses with certification worth it?

Yes, taking short courses that lead to certification is worthwhile. Your earning potential in any industry will increase due to completing short studies and getting new certifications for your resume.

What are the benefits of taking short courses in Singapore with certificates?

Here are the benefits of taking short courses:
1. Quick technique to acquire higher skills.
2. Save money and time.
3. Looks fantastic on a resume.
4. Advance your career.
5. Knowledge of a sector.
6. Top-notch classes that foster your entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity.
7. Preferential scholarships and government aid
8. Excellent way to develop professional abilities.

In Conclusion:

You can always upgrade your skill by taking short-term certification courses irrespective of your nationality or country of residence.

However, if you reside in Singapore or wish to study short courses and gain certification in a traditional educational Singapore Institution, then our list of 13 schools covers you.

What is better is that these short courses are well subsidized for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents.

However, if you aren’t eligible for these funding opportunities in Singapore, take advantage of the MOOCs and Long Distance learning sites we’ve discussed to enrol in a free online course and get a certification.


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