IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program for Young Researchers

IIASA fellowship for PhD students allows you to worry less about finance as you carry out research related to the IIASA research agenda. So, it is with great delight that young scientists are invited for the 2024 IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program. We are here to help you apply for this program.

Actually, this fellowship is for Young Researchers whose research topics are in agreement with the IIASA research agenda. However, it is important to note that each applicant must comply with the criteria as listed so as to be considered for this program.

Since 1977, IIASA’s annual 3-month Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) offers research opportunities to talented young researchers whose interests correspond with IIASA’s ongoing research on issues of global environmental, economic, and social change. From June through August accepted participants work within the Institute’s research programs under the guidance of IIASA scientific staff. Funding is provided through IIASA’s National Member Organizations.

Eligibility for IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2024

To be eligible for the program candidates should meet the following criteria:

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  • you should have research experience corresponding to a level typical of a researcher about 2 years prior to receiving a PhD or equivalent degree.
  • a summer research proposal that clearly fits the interdisciplinary research agenda of a selected IIASA program; before starting your application we recommend getting in touch with representatives of the program(s) of your choice.
  • ability to work independently as well as to interact with other scientists;
  • fluency in English and the ability to communicate in a scientific environment; and
  • applicants from all countries are welcome. However, IIASA gives priority to citizens or residents of countries in which IIASA has a National Member Organization (NMO)
  • applicants must commit to staying for the entire program. Up to five days of leave may be approved by supervisors for participation in conferences and/or for personal reasons.
  • candidates already holding a PhD degree by the application deadline are asked to consider applying to IIASA’s postdoc program.
  • Applicants from all countries are welcome, although IIASA gives priority to citizens or residents of NMO countries.

Level/Field of Study

Host Nationality

The training is hosted and taken in South Africa. You can check other African opportunities.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is available to all African countries. You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates.

A must-read if you want to win this award: 15 Important Tips on Winning a Scholarship

Scholarship Worth

  • Most of IIASA’s National Member Organizations (NMO) provide grants to enable young scientists (either their own nationals or foreign students studying in their country) to participate in the YSSP. All successfully selected applicants will receive notification about funding shortly after the evaluation process.
  • Applicants not eligible for an NMO scholarship must find alternative funds from their home institution or other sources to finance their participation. IIASA has limited funds for exceptional applicants from non-NMO countries: these are awarded as part of the selection procedure.

Participation in the YSSP is only possible for one summer (however, you may apply several times.

How to Apply for  IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2024

Candidates apply via the online application form (Check the application link below). Applicants can choose 1-2 programs. If there is an additional is interest in one of our flagship projects this can be indicated in the box provided in the application form (under “please justify your choice of programs here”).

We strongly encourage contacting the various program representatives and carefully read through all program descriptions before making your decision.

IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program 2024 Application Deadline

IIASA young scientist summer program has begun accepting applications since 7th October and will end application by 11 January 2024.

Visit the Official Webpage


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