ACER Scholarship Tests 2024 | World Scholarship Forum

ACER Scholarship tests are specifically in use throughout participating schools in Australia to identify students with academic abilities to award a scholarship. The tests are in a format that helps to rank the candidates, thus differentiating the top of the performance.

Candidates must demonstrate various skills, such as interpreting, deducing and reflecting critically. The tests are not based on the curriculum nor test the ability to recover the knowledge acquired, nor are they diagnostic.

About the ACER Scholarship Test

The ACER Scholarship Tests consist of a series of academic aptitude tests to select the students who will benefit from a scholarship. Independent schools around Australia choose the test date that best suits their needs.

Schools may choose to participate in a co-op program where the candidate takes the test in their school of preference on the co-op test date, and the results are shared with the schools to which the student has applied.

The order of preference is significant because some schools only consider students who have priority. Parents are encouraged to visit school websites for more details.

Alternatively, schools may choose to organize the test at the date of their choice. Applicants must take the test at school on this date, and the results will not be shared with other schools.

The tests require students to demonstrate various skills, such as interpreting, deducing, and thinking critically. They are not program-based and do not test the ability to recover acquired knowledge.

Your child’s results will be available when schools have completed their bursary process or, in co-op programs, by a set date.

Benefits of Participating in the ACER Scholarship Test

The tests require students to demonstrate various skills, such as interpreting, deducing and thinking critically. They are not based on programs and do not prove the ability to recover acquired knowledge.

ACER produces the tests, provides them to the schools, records the candidates’ documents, and reports the results to each school.

Below are the benefits of participating in the ACER Scholarship test:

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  • Identify academic students capable of granting a scholarship.
  • Designed to classify students, finely differentiating the results at the top of the performance.
  • High-quality test items and undergo extensive testing.
  • Very sophisticated tests based on skills designed to identify exceptional performance
  • Flexible test program
  • Easy online registration

What You Need to Know About the ACER Scholarship Test

Level of Study

Specifically, the ACER Scholarship Test is for the Primary level (entry into Years 4, 5, or 6). As well as Secondary level students (access into Years 7 to 12 – Levels 1, 2, and 3).

Eligible Nationality

The ACER Scholarship test is available to Australian and international students. Approximately 250 independent schools across Australia use the ACER Scholarship Tests.

The participating schools for the ACER Scholarship tests differ, depending on the locality. To learn more about the participating schools, click on the link below.

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ACER Scholarship Test Structure

Primary level tests (entry into Years 4, 5 or 6)

Test 1: Reading and visualization (multiple-choice, 30 minutes)

The reading and visualization test provides a unique measure of success that reflects the understanding and interpretation of written and visual documentation of various curriculum areas. Students read several short passages and answered 25 multiple-choice questions.

Test 2: Mathematics (multiple-choice, 30 minutes)

Students apply mathematical skills and knowledge to solve problems, including short calculations in the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). The test consists of 20 multiple-choice questions.

Test 3: Writing (2x extended answer of 20 minutes each, a total of 40 minutes)

Students write two short articles in response to two separate prompts and will be evaluated in terms of:

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  • the quality of content and ideas
  • the structure of expressions

Secondary level tests (entry into Years 7 to 12 – Levels 1, 2 and 3)

Up to four separate subtests are administered.

Test 1: Written expression (extended answer, 25 minutes)

Two writing topics will be defined to allow students to use different writing styles. They are presented as two separate tests (one in Test 1 and one in Test 4). This test concerns the student’s ability to express thoughts and ideas in writing.

Structure of the written test (PDF)

Test 2: Social Studies – Comprehension and Interpretation (multiple-choice, 40 minutes)

This test asks students to answer questions about written and visual material. The material can be chosen in English, art, history, geography and social studies. No specialized knowledge in these areas is assumed – all the necessary information will be provided. Students must think critically and judge different texts, including fiction, fiction, poetry, cartoons, diagrams, and maps.

Social Science Test Structure (PDF)

Test 3: Mathematics (multiple-choice, 40 minutes)

This test measures mathematical and scientific abilities rather than academic results in these areas. The material used for the questions is selected from various sources and may differ from standard school material.

Math Test Structure (PDF)

Test 4: Written expression (extended answer, 25 minutes)

Two writing topics will be defined to allow students to use different writing styles. They are presented as two separate tests (one in Test 1 and one in Test 4). This test concerns the student’s ability to express thoughts and ideas in writing.

ACER Scholarship Test Preparation

In case you asked how can I prepare for a scholarship test? Don’t look too far; we have that on writing.

Firstly, Online and downloadable practice tests are available for purchase through the Practice Material tab of your main account. There are no previous documents available for sale. The materials are not in a format for an intensive exercise before the test.

Secondly, the tests students will pass are in a format to reveal their thinking skills and abilities, not their detailed knowledge of the subjects. The questions ask them to analyze, interpret, understand or draw conclusions from the information presented.

In written expression tests, students respond to the topic as they feel most appropriate, perhaps with a compelling story or text. They should organize their ideas and express themselves clearly and succinctly.

The amount they write is less significant than their thoughts and how they express them. Students should take a few minutes to prepare their text carefully before writing.

These skills are something you acquire throughout life, at school and outside of school. Therefore, short-term test training is unlikely to improve performance. Your best preparation is to read widely and think critically.

ACER Practice Test Materials

If you are asking about the practice materials you should purchase, you need to know that different practice tests are available. It all depends on the one you want to get in particular. You will get all you need to know about the practice materials you can purchase.

Primary (students entering Year 4, 5 or 6):

There is only one practice test available for the primary level. The ACER Primary Scholarship Practice Test is available online or as a downloadable PDF.

Level 1 (students entering Year 7 or 8):

Specifically, there are two different practice tests available for this level.

Online practice test: Level 1 is available only in an online format. The content is different from all other practice tests.

Scholarship and Select Entry Tests Practice Questions is available online or as a PDF brochure you can download and print. The content is the same between formats, so buy a unique format. The content of this practice test is different from all other practice tests.

Level 2 (students entering Year 9 or 10):

There are two practice tests available for this particular level.

Online practice test: Level 2 is available only in an online format. The content is different from all other practice tests.

Scholarship and Select Entry Tests Practice Questions for years 9 and 10: available as a PDF brochure that you can download and print. The content of this practice test is different from all other practice tests

Level 3 (students entering 11th or 12th grade):

There are two practice tests available for this level.

Online practice test: Level 3: Available only in an online format. The content is different from all other practice tests.

Scholarship and Select Entry Tests Practice Questions for entry in years 11 and 12 is a PDF brochure you can download and print. The content of this practice test is different from all other practice tests.

How to Apply for the ACER Scholarship Test

A new school must first choose to participate in one of ACER’s cooperation programs or choose its own exam date. Cooperative programs involve many schools that evaluate on the same exam date.

Candidates can enroll in more than one school (up to six), take the exam once and share the results with all schools in the cooperative program they have joined.

When applicants enroll in more than one school, they must assign a preference number to all the schools they request and take the exam at their preferred school. Schools can make offers to any student, regardless of the order of preference specified by the candidate.

Benefits of using cooperative programs:

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  • A large number of candidates who may consider enrolling in their school
  • The results of a school’s candidates are compared with those of a large cohort of students.
  • Access to test centers administered by ACER in certain regions and abroad for applicants who are more than 200 km from a participating cooperative school.
  • Opportunity for schools to participate in joint advertising to share costs.
  • Candidates pass a single test for one or more school applications.

Schools that do not elect to be part of a cooperative program may wish to select an alternative test date. Candidates will attend your school and take the exam on the specified date. The results will be sent only to your school.

Further Information

Schools will receive the results in an Excel file that can be classified into school systems, as well as in the form of PDF and merit reports in PDF.

For cooperative schools, release dates are available in the calendar of dates sent to schools by email in August. Please contact ACER for the schedule.

The results will be available for other schools within 10 business days from your exam date.

ACER Scholarship Test Centres

On the date of the cooperative test, if you live more than 200 km from your preferred school, your child can sit at another participating school or at an ACER test center (February 23, 2019, only). Parents must select the appropriate ACER center during the online application process.

If you live more than 200 km from a participating school and the ACER test center, you can organize a test center other than ACER. Parents should select “Test Center other than ACER” during the online application.

Parents should find a supervisor (licensed teacher, exam supervisor or church pastor) and a suitable place (local school, library, room, etc.) for the exam. ACER will send you an email with details shortly after receiving your request.

For alternative schools, you must take the test at each school where you enrolled. However, most schools offer the opportunity to sit in a test center other than ACER if you live more than 200 km from the school. Parents should check with the school.

A supplement applies to candidates in a non-ACER test center in Australia ($80) and all sessions abroad ($150).

Please note that requests from non-ACER testing centers must be made AT LEAST 4 weeks before the test date for all schools.

ACER Scholarship Test Dates

08 February 2024

Australian Cooperative Entry Program
(SA only)

29 February 2024

Cooperative Program
(NSW, Qld, Vic)

07 March 2024

Western Australian Cooperative Program
(WA only)

Alternative Date Program Tests

Candidates who have applied to schools of different dates must take the exam at each school on the dates set for their exam. If several schools are evaluating on a specific date, you must choose a school to register and sit with. Schools that do not use the cooperative program are “independent” and do not share the results with other schools. Schools will announce the dates of their scholarship exams on their websites, or you can check the list of participating schools.

Check if the schools for which you have applied are “Cooperatives” or “Alternative date” in the list of participating schools.

Cooperative Program Tests

Applicants who have applied for a cooperative program can enroll in up to six institutions and take the exam once at their preferred school on the date indicated below. The results will be shared with all schools in the cooperation program they have joined.

ACEP DATES FOR 2024 ENTRY (SA schools only):

Test Date: Saturday, 8 February 2024
Applications Open: September 2024
Applications Close: 11:30 pm ACDT Thursday, 23 January 2024


Test Date: Saturday, 29 February 2024
Applications open: September 2024
Applications close: midnight AEDT Monday 10 February 2024

*Please note: most Victorian schools use the alternative date program. Please check the Participating Schools list for further information.


Test Date: Saturday, 7 March 2024. Applications Open: September 2024
Applications Close: 9 pm AWST Thursday 20 February 2024

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ACER Scholarship Test FAQ

How do i request a Acer scholarship test

To request a test, you must create a parent account in the ACER Scholarship Test online application system and then complete an application for your child for each school you wish to apply for.

How do i apply for schools that are eligible for Acer scholasrhip

Check the schools websites before applying online. Some schools may require additional information or additional forms to complete. It is your responsibility to verify if you have met the requirements of a school before applying.

Cooperative program schools: applications will close at 23:30. ACDT on Thursday, January 23, 2024 (ACEP SA schools only), at 23:00 AEDT (Qld schools). Or midnight (AEDT) (NSW and Vic schools) on Monday, February 10, 2024 and at 9:00 pm AWST On Thursday, February 20, 2024 (WA schools), ACER will not take late applications.

Alternative date program Schools: closing dates will vary. You should check the school website or the online application for individual closing dates. ACER will not make late requests

Each school sets its own application fee. You must complete a separate application and pay a fee for each school you are applying to. Details are available on the schools’ websites.

Each school decides which candidates are eligible to take their exam. Check with each school before submitting the application if you are an Australian resident / passport holder.

If all the schools you are applying for are evaluating on the date of the cooperation, your child will only have to pass the test in one school on the date of the cooperative test, and the results will be sent to all the schools requested.
However, if the chosen schools have different exam dates, each will use a different exam and your child will have to take the exam at each school on the established date.

The results cannot be shared between schools if they are not part of a cooperative program. Check the list of participating schools to see if a school is using the cooperative program or is evaluating on a different date.
No, you will have to choose only one school to apply for it. Schools that do not use the cooperative program are “independent” schools and do not share the results with other schoo

Yes, all cooperative schools that you request will have information about their other cooperative applications and their order of preference. If you have applied to several alternative schools, these schools will not be aware of the other requests you have submitted.

How to get online practice and PDF practice test for ACER scholarships

Online and downloadable practice tests are available for purchase via the Practice Materials tab in your Parent Account. There are no past papers available for sale. 

Online practice tests: log in to your main account. Click on the Ecological Practice Equipment tab and then the See Test link on the right side of the screen. Please note that online practice tests cannot be downloaded and must be completed on the net.

Downloadable PDF practice tests: Log in to your main account. Click on the Green Practice Equipment tab and then on the download link on the right side of the screen. You can then print this booklet.

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