All about Education Scholarships for US Students [UPDATED]

It is very obvious that getting a college degree is not cheap at all. Consequently, many college-bound students see education as an entry whose door is shut. But a big thanks to All about Education Scholarship who is believed to be here to open the door again.

Education has the potency to change a person’s life- and this scholarship opportunity might be that first step for you.

The All About Education Scholarship awards students $3,000 on a yearly basis. But an applicant must be at least 13 years of age and above during the time of application.

Scholarship Level/Field

This scholarship opportunity is available for 13 years old student resident in any of 50 states, who intends to pursue a degree in any field of study in any college in the United States

Host Nationality

The All About Education Scholarship is taken and hosted in the United States.  If you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United States

Scholarship Benefit

The All About Education Scholarship awards students $3,000 on a yearly basis for undergraduate study. The amount awarded is dependent on the merit of the applicant.

Eligible Nationality

An all-about Education Scholarship applicant must be a legal resident of any of the 50 states in the United States or perhaps the District of Columbia. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Number

The number of offers for All about Education Scholarship was stated. Its selection criteria are strictly based on merit.

Eligibility for Scholarship

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  • The All About Education Scholarship program is a contest for only the legal residents of the fifty states in the US and the District of Columbia
  • Candidates must be 13 years of age and above at the time of application.
  • Applicant must be currently enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning (university, college or trade school).
  • Employees (especially current), officers, directors, and agents of sponsor or related companies and members of their immediate family (i.e spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and persons residing at the same address are not eligible to apply.

Scholarship Application Procedures

When you submit an application, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. Sponsor will own your Application and your written response submission
  2. As between you and Sponsor, Sponsor will possess all publishing rights in and to the Application and the written response submission.
  3. Consequently every applicant irrevocably grants, transfers, sells, assigns and conveys to the sponsor, it’s successor and assigns all present and future right, title and interest of every kind and nature, including (without limitation) all copyrights and all rights incidental, ancillary, subsidiary or allied thereto including all derivative rights in and to the Application and the written response submission for exploitation throughout the universe.
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  • Interested applicants should submit a complete scholarship Application online through the sponsor’s website no later than 30th April 2019.
  • The Application is one per person.
  • Applicants must include name and contact information, academic details and background information.
  • Must also submit an original, previously unpublished written response to the scholarship topic “How will a $3,000 scholarship for education make a difference in your life?”(250 words)
  • The written response must be written with English Language and with correct grammar.
  • Once the original Application has been submitted, no substitution of corrected pages or new drafts will be accepted.
  • The written response that is libelous, obscene or pornographic will be disqualified.
  • Every Application becomes the property of the sponsor and thus will not be returned. The sponsor assumes no responsibility for lost, late, misdirected or unintelligible Application whatsoever.

By submitting an Application, it implies that you fully and unconditionally accept and agree to these listed Official Rules and the decisions of the

Sponsor which are always final and binding.

Note: there is no purchase necessary to be made to apply. A purchase, however, cannot increase your chances of winning the scholarship.


The looks for eligible applicants who followed the directions and submitted an application that is well written. A qualified panel of judges will always select one potential winner based on the criteria of their writing ability (25%), originality (25%), creativity (25%), and overall excellence (25%).

Sponsor will select at least one of the submitted applications as the potential prize-winning application for the scholarship.

But in the event of a tie, an applicant with the highest score on overall excellence will emerge the potential winner.

The potential winner is always notified through their email at which point, he or she will be required to signed further documents.

The sponsor shall bear no liability whatsoever for any potential winner who loses their notification whether as a result of interception or not received by the potential winner for any reason.

In its sole discretion, the Sponsor reserves the right to choose no Scholarship Prize Recipient if it does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible Applicants.

Some Portions of the Prize Winning Application may be posted on the sponsor’s website or perhaps used in other marketing materials without further notice or compensation to the winner.


Except in cases prohibited, potential scholarship prize recipients (or their parents or legal guardians if they are minors at the time of application) will be required to complete and return an Affidavit of Eligibility, Publicity/Liability Release, and Copyright Assignment within the 10 days of notification.

If the potential winner fails to come up with these, an applicant with the next highest score will automatically become an alternate potential Scholarship prize recipient.


Every person who enters this program represents and warrants to sponsor as follows:

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  • the written response submission is wholly original with Applicant and as at the date of submission, is not the subject of any actual or threatened litigation or claim;
  • the written response submission does not infringe upon or violate the intellectual property rights of any other entity;
  • the Application, which includes the written response submission is the Applicant’s own origin, previously unpublished and previously unproductive work,
  • the written response submission does not and will not violate any applicable law and meets the submission requirements set forth above.

Every Applicant hereby indemnifies and the Sponsor harmless from and against any 3rd party claims, actions or proceedings of any form and also, from any and all liabilities, damages, expenses, and costs relating to or arising out of any alleged breached of any of the warranties, representation or agreements.


The sponsor shall have no implied or expressed to use any winning application or to otherwise exploit a winning application or perhaps continue the development, production, distribution thereof.

The Sponsor may at any time the use of the winning application for any reason whether with any legal justification or not, and the scholarship prize recipient shall not be entitled to any damages or other relief by reason thereof.


Merely by participating, an Applicant agrees that all issues and questions concerning the validity, construction, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the obligations and rights of the participant and Sponsor shall be exclusively governed and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon without effect to any principle of conflicts of any jurisdiction or law.

An Applicant agrees that any action in equity or at law arising out of this scholarship programme or awarding of the prizes shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in the State of Oregon.

An Applicant, therefore, consents and submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purpose of litigating any such action.

Except in cases prohibited, the Applicant agrees that any and all dispute claims or actions arising from or connected with the scholarship program shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of action.

Any claims and judgment shall be limited to the actual out-of-pocket cost incurred. This, however, includes costs associated with participating in the scholarship.

Under no circumstances shall any participant be permitted to obtain awards for. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages.

Education Scholarships for US Students FAQ

When you submit an application, you acknowledge and agree that:
Sponsor will own your Application and your written response submission
As between you and Sponsor, Sponsor will possess all publishing rights in and to the Application and the written response submission.
Consequently every applicant irrevocably grants, transfers, sells, assigns and conveys to the sponsor, it’s successor and assigns all present and future right, title and interest of every kind and nature, including (without limitation) all copyrights and all rights incidental, ancillary, subsidiary or allied thereto including all derivative rights in and to the Application and the written response submission for exploitation throughout the universe.

You can easily find all types of scholarship on WORLDSCHOLARSHIPFORUM.COM to apply for that suits your taste.

The All About Education Scholarship is taken and hosted in the United States.

An all about Education Scholarship applicant must be a legal resident of any of the 50 states in the United States or perhaps the District of Columbia. 


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