Apply for Fulbright Scholarship for International Students  – USA

Over the years finances have posed a surmounting challenge to students who desire to study abroad. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem as the Fulbright Scholarship program for international students in the U.S.A. has been introduced.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year.

The Fulbright Scholarship program which is sponsored by the U.S Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) under policy guidelines collaborates with bi-national Fulbright Commissions and Public Affairs sections of U.S Embassies abroad.

What is the Fulbright Scholarship?

The inception of the Fulbright program was aimed at sustaining international relations basically through student exchange.

This plan has caused the fostering of bilateral relations through which both the government and citizens of other countries work with the U.S. to possess joint priorities and narrow the program to meet mutual needs.

In spite of what wars and political tussles have caused, the Fulbright scholarship program still has a focus on engaging and promoting international partnerships.

For the scholarship to maintain its course, a board which comprised of 12 persons instituted by the leadership of the United States to collaborate with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S Department of State, Public Affairs Section of U.S Embassies abroad, the bi-national Fulbright Commissions and Foundations was set out to oversee the administration of the program.

The State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has the responsibility of preparing a budget request to the Congress who makes the decision on the allocation of funds to partnering countries.

Basically, the number of grants available for the student’s program is dependent on the availability of federally-appropriated funds.

The Department of State possesses the authority to alter the number of awards, participating countries, terms of the agreement, etc. For this cause, don’t feel bad if you don’t get enlisted after applying as there could be many contributory factors to it.

Since the inception of the program over sixty years ago, over 350,000 students have participated in the program. Approximately 8,000 grants are awarded annually as the program currently runs in over 160 countries of the world.

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is administered by bi-national Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by these offices.


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Level/Field(s) of study:

Fulbright Scholarship Program encourages applications from all fields, including interdisciplinary ones.

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Host Nationality:

The scholarship is taken in Universities and Academic Institutions in the U.S.A.

How To Get A Fulbright Scholarship

Application instructions:

All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by bi-national Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. 

Therefore, foreign students must apply through the Fulbright Commission/Foundation or the U.S. Embassy in their home countries.

However, there are application components when it comes to this program. The components fall under;

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  • Study/Research
  • English Teaching Assistant
  • Special Programs

Required Documents When Applying For Fulbright Scholarship Program

To finalize your application on becoming a beneficiary of this program, there are certain documents that will be demanded to depend. Some of these documents include;

  • Biographical Data
  • Program Information
  • Statement of Grant Purpose
  • Affiliation Letter
  • Personal Statement
  • Foreign Language Forms
  • Recommendations
  • Transcripts
  • For select countries – Critical Language Enhancement Award Statement
  • Supplementary Materials
  • Ethical Requirements

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) and the country-specific websites for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

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How Much do Fulbright Grants Pay?

Generally, the grant funds tuition, airfare, a living stipend, health insurance, etc. The Fulbright Program funds the study in its entirety.

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Fulbright Scholarship Deadline

The deadline for application into the Fulbright Scholarship program varies by country. Therefore, it is advised you check information pertaining to your country to get information on the deadline before proceeding to apply.

Fulbright Scholarships FAQs

Fullbright scholarship is very competitive as only 8,000 grants are awarded annually to applicants in over 160 countries.

In order to win a Fulbright scholarship, the applicant must provide the required documents according to each country and apply accordingly.

No, you can’t apply for more than one Fulbright scholarship in a year. However, a reapplication in the upper year is possible.

There are over 8,000 scholars whose applications were successful. This figure changes depending on the availability of federally appropriated funds.


Fulbright Foreign Student program is a dream come true for students who had always wanted to study in the US.

I hope this information is helpful to you for the application process.

Best wishes!!!

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