APPLY: World Angus Forum 

The World Angus Forum 2024 is currently preparing for its forum which convenes every four years. 

Well, you can attend this world forum by getting an all-expense-paid trip to this conference. Simply see how you can win the WAF competition to qualify.

The Angus Australia Foundation is offering four Angus Youth members the chance to represent Australia as a team and participate in the World Angus Forum Youth Programme and Angus Youth is now calling for nominations for Angus Youth members to join the team and head on the #roadtoScotland

About World Angus Forum 2024

Hosted by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, in Edinburgh Scotland, the World Angus Forum will take place from June 21-26.

The program will take place from Wednesday 21st June to Monday 3rd July and will consist of:

  •  Wednesday 21st – Registration day
  •  Thursday 22nd – Royal Highland Show
  •  Friday 23rd – Activity day in Scotland
  •  Saturday 24th – Stockjudging and activity – Royal Highland Show
  •  Sunday 25th and Monday 26th – World Angus Forum Conference
  •  Tuesday 27th – Agri skills and activities
  •  Wednesday 28th – Farm visits
  •  Thursday 29th – Day with World Angus Forum delegates
  •  Friday 30th – Visit to Scotbeef
  •  Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July – Familiarisation days and youth final at Netherton/HW Angus

General Information

  •  4 people in each team, must be one member of the opposite sex in each team
  •  Maximum of three teams per country
  •  Age limit 18-25, Up to 26th Birthday on 3rd July
  •  Team must remain the same throughout the competition
  •  Total price per team £3000 includes social events, accommodation, food and travel within Scotland

Angus Australia will be entering one team made up of four Angus Youth members. Each team member must be willing to be involved in:

  • Stockjudging
  • General Knowledge
  • Agri-skills and activities

Skills required include:

  •  Ability to handle livestock
  •  Ability to drive machinery
  •  Have a general grasp of farming knowledge
  •  Be in general good health

How to Apply for World Angus Forum 2024

To apply the following guidelines must be met:

  1. Applicants must be current Angus Youth members
  2. Applicants must be aged between 18 & 25 years (up to 26th birthday on 3rds July, 2024.)
  3. Applicants must be available for the entire duration of the competition (21st June – 3rd July)
  4. Applicants must be able to organise their own passport, flights and travel insurance
  5. Within 2 weeks of returning from the World Angus Forum, a full trip report must be submitted to Angus Australia.


  1.  The registration cost per team is £3000. This cost will be covered by Angus Australia. The registration fee includes social events, accommodation, food and travel within Scotland.
  2.  Angus Australia will cover flight costs from a capital city return to Edinburgh.
  3.  Livestock and equipment is provided by Scotland Angus
  4.  Angus Australia will pay all upfront costs. However, each team will be required to source $2,000 in sponsorship to be paid to Angus Australia to assist in covering expenses associated with this event.

How to apply:

If you would like to be a member of the Australian team you will need to:

  • Complete the WAF Youth Competition – Nomination Form (found below), by Wednesday, April 28, 2024.
  • Be willing to raise $2,000 as a team to assist in covering expenses associated with this event.
  • Make a short video introducing yourself and your involvement with Angus Youth and Angus cattle, stating why you think you deserve a place on the Australian team and any specific skills and/or knowledge you would bring to the team.

Videos should be uploaded to YouTube and will be shared via Angus Youth and Angus Australia social media channels if deemed suitable.

All nominations and videos will be reviewed by a selection panel and phone interviews conducted if necessary. The top 4 applicants will be offered a place on the Angus Australia team. Two reserves will also be notified. Please note that the selected team will be of mixed gender.

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