Brunei Scholarships  for International students -APPLY NOW

Scholarships they say is free money made available by governments, individuals, and foundations for students to either study or further their studies.

Over the past decade, since higher education was introduced in the Sultanate, the Brunei government has awarded thousands of scholarships to both locals as well as non-locals to study in Brunei Darussalam.

Aside from the government, citizens of Brunei who wish to study abroad also are being offered scholarships opportunities in some of the world’s best study locations like the UK, USA, AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, ITALY e.t.c.

Brunei the Abode of Peace, is a sovereign state located on the north coast of the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Apart from its coastline with the South China Sea, the country is completely surrounded by the state of Sarawak, Malaysia.

Based on Brunei’s Islamic heritage and government by the monarchy, its official educational philosophy emphasizes Koranic elements, such as faith and piety, along with loyalty to the Sultan. At the same time, its past reliance on Britain has resulted in educational structures and curricula that draw from that nation’s educational system.

therefore in this article, we will be dishing out Brunei Scholarships 2024 for international students.

Brunei scholarships

Brunei Darussalam scholarship as earlier stated is one of the ways the government give back to its citizens. The scholarship award provides applicants with the opportunity to undertake Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Master’s Degree programs at the following institutions in Brunei and out the country.

  • Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
  • Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA)
  • Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB)
  • Politeknik Brunei (PB)

Apart from tuitions borne by the government, Brunei scholarships will also include the bursaries for accommodation, books, food, personal spending as well as complementary medical treatment at any Brunei Government hospital whilst travel expenses will be arranged by the Brunei Darussalam Foreign Mission at the scholar’s country of origin or the closest Brunei Darussalam Mission to their country.

List Of Brunei Scholarship

Here, is a list of all fully funded Brunei Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships, Internships for international students

Here is the list of the Brunei Scholarships 2024 for international students

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  • Korean Government Scholarship For Brunei students
  • HEC Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024 Government
  • JPKE Scholarships 2024 for Brunei Citizens
  • Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships for Foreign Students 2024
  • KNB Scholarship for Brunei Students in Indonesia, 2024
  • The University of Sussex, Scholarships for Brunei Students in UK, 2024
  • Marshal Papworth Scholarships For Brunei Students In Uk 2024
  • Developing Solutions Masters Scholarships for Brunei Students in UK, 2024
  • UBD Bursary
  • UBD Graduate Scholarship
  • Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Academic Grants for Brunei Students 2024
  • Quest University Scholarships 2024 for Brunei Students in Canada
  • WMF Empowerment Through Education Scholarships for Brunei Students
  • Science & Engineering Merit Extension Undergraduate Scholarships at Curtin University in Australia, 2024
  • Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scholarship in Australia

#1. Korean Government Scholarship For Brunei students

The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) is offered to international students who want to pursue Bachelors(undergraduate degree), Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Korean Universities. The scholarships aimed to provide international students with an opportunity to study in Korea and conduct advanced studies in a higher educational institution in Korea, to develop global leaders and strengthen Korea-friendly networks worldwide.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

This is a fully-funded scholarship for international students to study in Korea.

Application for Graduate is from February to  March 2024 and Undergraduate: September to October 2024 (To open in September 2024).

#2. HEC Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024 Government 

HEC Brunei Darussalam Scholarship 2024 is available for Pakistani students as well as for international Students fulfilling basic eligibility criteria in specified disciplines and other requirements. This Scholarship is fully Free to study in Brunei on scholarship. This is merit-based scholarships & a great opportunity to Study in Brunei for free.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

Tuition fees
Economy class Air ticket to Brunei from the applicant’s country of origin and back upon successful completion of the program
A monthly personal allowance of BND 500.00.
Annual Book Allowance of BND 600.00.
Monthly meals allowance of BND 150.00.
Baggage allowance maximum of BND 250.00 to ASEAN region and BND 500.00 to the non-ASEAN region upon completion of the program only.
Accommodation at the residential college of the university.

Application deadline: This is an annual scholarship which deadline is usually around February each year. Follow the link below.

#3. JPKE Scholarships 2024 for Brunei Citizens  

JPKE Scholarships is open to Brunei students. It provides an opportunity to ‘O’ Level & ‘A’ Level school leavers to pursue higher education in the private institutions to achieve Wawasan Brunei 2035. They also provide financial assistance to qualified students who are not able to afford to continue higher education in private institutions due to high tuition fees.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

The scheme will cover 100% of all tuition fees. No payment is required. Additionally, students will be paid BND45 per month for a transportation allowance.

This is an annual scholarship which deadline is usually around February each year. Follow the link below.

#4. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships for Foreign Students 2024  

This scholarship awards will provide applicants the opportunity to study at the University of Brunei Darussalam [UBD], Islam Sultan Sharif Ali university [UNISSA], Brunei Institute of Technology [ITB] and Politeknik Brunei (PB). Applications are open to citizens of, but NOT limited to, ASEAN, OIC, and Commonwealth Member Countries.

The award is NOT eligible to Brunei Permanent Residents and foreigners residing in Brunei Darussalam.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

The scholars are exempted from paying the tuition fees and other appropriate compulsory fees determined by the university for the duration of the program.

This is an annual scholarship which deadline is usually around February each year. Follow the link below.

#5. KNB Scholarship for Brunei Students in Indonesia, 2024  

This scholarship is available for the students of Developing Countries to pursue a master’s degree at one of 13 prominent universities in Indonesia. The scholarship will be provided for a maximum of 36 months period of study (In case of early program completion, the scholarship will be stopped soon after the student set off for their home country).

The scholarship is awarded for Humanities, Engineering, Social Science, Multi-Disciplinary Studies, Education, Sciences and Agricultural Sciences courses available at one of 13 prominent universities in Indonesia (not every university offers the above study program). 

The scholarship is open to masters to take any courses listed above.

The KNB Scholarship will be covering:-Settlement Allowance of Rp.1.000.000 which will be given upon arrival in Indonesia.

This is an annual scholarship which deadline is usually around May each year. Follow the link below.

#6. The University of Sussex, Scholarships  for Brunei Students in UK, 2024  

The Scholarships are available for International (Non-UK/EU) students. Scholarships are available for pursuing the postgraduate (taught) degree (e.g., MA, MSc, LLM, MRes, Postgraduate Diploma, and Graduate Diploma) in all subjects offered by the University of Sussex.

The scholarship is open to postgraduates to take any course of their choice.

These opportunities have a value that includes 50% of the international student tuition fee.

#7. Marshal Papworth Scholarships For Brunei Students In Uk 2024  

Marshal Papworth Scholarships provide opportunities for students from developing countries to gain the agricultural and horticultural skills needed to achieve a sustainable future for themselves and their communities through two scholarship program which are:

The scholarship is open to masters to take any course of their choice.

MSc & MA Scholarships vary in value from £14,500 to £21,500 depending on location and chosen university/ College. The scholarships are designed to fund the majority of tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.  

#8. Developing Solutions Masters Scholarships for Brunei Students in UK, 2024  

Developing Solutions Masters Scholarships at the University of Nottingham in Malaysia offers Scholarships that are available for students from the developing and third world countries registering for taught master’s programs at Malaysia Campus in areas related to science, technology, and education.

The  Developing Solutions Masters Scholarships Fund will reach out to students who have the potential to make a real difference to the development and prosperity of their home countries.

The scholarship is open to all Masters to take any course of their choice.

30 awards of 100% tuition fee scholarships are available for students from the developing and third world countries registering for taught Masters programmes at Malaysia Campus.

#9. UBD Bursary  

The UBD Bursary is another funding scheme offered by Universiti Brunei Darussalam to Doctor of Philosophy applicants from any programs offered by the university with the vision of refining local minds who will be the next generation of academics in the institution.

Scholarship Link

The scholarship is open to PhD students to take any course of their choice.

Apart from tuitions borne by the government, the scholarship will also include the bursaries for accommodation, books, food, personal spending as well as complementary medical treatment at any Brunei Government hospital whilst travel expenses will be arranged by the Brunei Darussalam Foreign Mission at the scholar’s country of origin or the closest Brunei Darussalam Mission to their country.

#10. UBD Graduate Scholarship  

This scholarship is offered by Universiti Brunei Darussalam to outstanding students who are interested in pursuing their studies in the Doctor of Philosophy level after achieving excellence in their Master’s degree. This is a very competitive scholarship and applicants with academic talents and caliber are highly encouraged to apply.

Scholarship Link

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

Waived tuition fees, including registration and acceptance fees at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
A subsistence allowance of BND 500.00 per month for 36 months.
On-campus accommodation for 36 months.
For candidates not residing in Brunei Darussalam, one round trip economy class air ticket will be provided from their home country upon accepting the scholarship and to their home country upon completion of their studies.
Allowances for field research (BND 1000.00 for Arts and Humanities, and BND 2000.00 for Science candidates).

August intake – 28th February
January intake – 31 July.

#11. Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Academic Grants for Brunei  Students 2024  

Early Career Academic Grants are open to early-career academics employed by ACU member universities, enabling them to participate in a conference held in a Commonwealth country other than their own. Grants are intended to give the opportunity to participate in international conferences to early-career academics without previous international experience.

At the time of application, applicants must be employed in an academic role by an ACU member institution. Applications are open to university staff who are less than ten years from the start of their employment in an academic role and so on.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

The maximum amount of each grant is GBP 2,000. Grants can also be used to cover travel and visa costs, conference fees, accommodation, and subsistence.

The grant must be used to participate in a conference between 1 July and 31 December  

#12. Quest University Scholarships 2024 for Brunei Students in Canada  

The University aims to assist international students who require financial assistance with scholarships.

The Quest program is rigorous, and an important criterion for a scholarship award is the applicant’s academic record.

Quest University is pleased to offer a range of scholarships to students of high academic ability for 2024 entry. All students, regardless of their country of origin, are eligible to apply for scholarships and/or financial aid.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

Full-time tuition for the academic years (two semesters/eight blocks) in 2024 is $34,000 and might vary.

#13. WMF Empowerment Through Education Scholarships for Brunei Students  

The Wells Mountain Foundation, through the Empowerment Through Education (ETE) program, offers a number of scholarships. These scholarships are exclusively open to students from developing countries who are pursuing an undergraduate degree. Up to 30 awards are given annually.

The scholarship is open to Undergraduate students to take any course of their choice.

ETE scholarships range from $300 USD to $3000 USD annually and are provided throughout the undergraduate education of the recipient. The average scholarship amount is $1400. Scholarships may be used for tuition and fees, books and materials, and room rent.

#14. Science & Engineering Merit Extension Undergraduate Scholarships at Curtin University in Australia, 2024  

These Brunei Scholarships 2024 are available to international undergraduate degree students within the Faculty of Science & Engineering available. Who commenced the first year of their program through the Curtin Innovative Merit Scholarship.

The scholarship is open to undergraduate students to take any course of their choice.

ETE scholarships range from $300 USD to $3000 USD annually and are provided throughout the undergraduate education of the recipient. The average scholarship amount is $1400. Scholarships may be used for tuition and fees, books and materials, and room rent.

#15. Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scholarship in Australia  

The Endeavour VET Scholarship provides financial support for international applicants to undertake VET at a Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree level in any field in Australia for up to two and a half years. VET provides occupational or work-related knowledge and skills. The courses are directly related to a trade, occupation or ‘vocation’ in which the applicant participates. These courses exclude degrees and higher-level programs normally delivered by universities.

The scholarship is open to all levels to take any course of their choice.

The scholarship value is up to $131,000. It includes travel allowance ($AUD 3,000), establishment allowance ($AUD 4,000), monthly stipend ($AUD 3,000; up to maximum program duration on a pro-rata basis). Health and travel insurance will also be provided.  It will also include tuition fees up to the maximum study duration (up to $6,500 per semester). The scholarship duration is 1 – 2.5 years.


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