Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary Program For South African Students 

Applications are currently been submitted for the Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary Program For South African Students, only eligible persons will be considered for this program In 2024.

These bursaries will only be awarded to students studying at public universities in Limpopo and North-West provinces: the University of Limpopo, University of Venda, University of North-West.

Scholarship Level/Field

The Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary Program in South Africa is available for undergraduates and postgraduates students who are pursuing a degree in any of the fields of study;

  • Languages and Literature
  • Media Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Education
  • Arts (Digital Arts, Drama/Performance Studies, Visual Arts/Fine Arts, History of Art, Film and Television Studies, Music)

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted in South Africa. If you are an international student and you desire to study in South Africa. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in South Africa.

Scholarship Benefits

The Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary Program South Africa will offer a benefit that accrues up to R7500. The selection committee decides on the actual amount that will be awarded to individual successful applicants, up to a maximum of R7500.

Eligible Nationality

The Canon Collins Thekgo Bursary Program in South Africa is available for students from South Africa. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Scholarship Number

The number of offers was not specified.

Eligibility for Scholarship

Applicants should meet the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please notice that failure to meet each of the prerequisites will probably result in an application not being considered):

  • be a national of, or have refugee status in any African country.
  • be accepted to study at a university in Limpopo and North-West provinces, South Africa in 2018, for a full-time program. Applicants must be in their first year (undergraduate or post-graduate).
  • be able to demonstrate academic merit
  • be studying a course within one of the areas listed above
  • be able to demonstrate financial need

Application Procedures

We are now accepting applications. You can apply by sending your completed application form and supporting documents to

For any queries related to this bursary program, please contact EWSETA directly:
Tel: 011 274 4700

Application Deadline

The deadline for an application for the bursary is August.  Late applications will not be considered. You can begin the application and also source for more information about the scholarship by clicking on the Scholarship Webpage

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