CCRT Junior Fellowships For Indian Students

There are numerous opportunities you can get as an Indian student. These opportunities range from scholarships you can as well get free fellowship opportunities like the CCRT fellowship.

If you have completed a bachelor’s program and you’re looking for a free fellowship program to broaden your knowledge, look to CCRT.

The Center for Cultural Resources and Education (CCRT) is offering the CCRT Junior Fellowships for Indian students. These CCRT Scholarships are available for research-oriented projects.

The purpose of the scholarship is to support Indian students who wish to pursue academic research and merit-based research.

Let’s show you what you need to do to win this fellowship opportunity.

Level/Field of Study

The CCRT Scholarship is specifically for applicants in the field of culture and is available for research purposes.

Host Nationality

The Center for Cultural Resources and Education (CCRT) is an autonomous organization under the Government of India’s Ministry of Culture.

Eligible Nationality

Application for the CCRT Fellowships is open to Indian citizens.

Scholarship Award

The CCRT Junior Scholarship will award 200 Junior Fellowships for each financial year having a worth of Rs.10,000/- per month will be awarded to artists in the 25 to 40 age group for a maximum of two years.


For a candidate to be eligible for the CCRT Scholarships, the following criteria must be met:

  • Candidates from India can apply for the scholarship.
  • A Junior Fellowship candidate would not have been eligible for a Junior Fellowship in any of the fields.
  • A Bachelor’s degree/Graduation is the minimum qualification for candidates.
  • Applicants must be between 18 to 25 years on application.

College Admission Requirements: Candidates must have a graduation degree.

How to Apply

All applications for the CCRT Junior Fellowship are done online by clicking on the MOC Schemes Application on the home page of the official website. The link is provided on the application link section.

See the following instruction on how to apply;

  • If you submit final and semiannual project reports in a language other than English/Hindi, applicants may translate the 500-word project into English/Hindi in summary, or send a printout of the application form with the Synopsis project in the chosen language, to the director of the CCRT, 15A, sector 7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075.
  • Each selected application receives a unique registration number from the system.
  • Applicants may refer to this number in any future correspondence with the CCRT and/or the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
  • You have to keep a copy of the completed application form that they must submit at the time of the interview/personal talk, along with their detailed project proposal.
  • Candidates can access their application by indicating their registration number or name and can view or print the details of the application.
  • Note that once you send your application form, you will have no further opportunity to process the information.
  • At the time of the interview, you must report with a NOC/letter of consent from their employer.
  • If applicants work in departments/institutions/undertaking/universities/central/state governments, etc., they must obtain permission to apply for the grant of fellowship for a period of two years.
  • At the time of the interview, they must also provide written assurance from their head of department/institution/company/university, etc.
  • If you encounter technical problems when submitting applications online, please contact NIC Cell, M/o Culture by sending an e-mail to

Application Deadline

Unfortunately, the application portal for the CCRT Fellowship is closed. Nevertheless, when the application is on the deadline is dated for October.

For more information on the CCRT Scholarships, interested applicants should click here


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