Chevening 15,000 Masters Courses for International Students 2024

Chevening is the UK government’s global scholarship programme that offers future leaders the unique opportunity to study in the UK for over 15,000 courses.

These fully-funded scholarships enable outstanding emerging leaders from all over the world to pursue one-year master’s degrees in any subject at any UK university.

If you have ambition, leadership potential, and a strong academic background, please read the information on this page carefully prior to applying.

Chevening has officially enlisted courses for 2020 Chevening Masters Scholarships for international students. There are over 15,000 master’s courses available to Chevening applicants so careful research is really important in order to make the right choice.

You can choose three courses for your application, and to eventually receive a Chevening Scholarship you must get an unconditional offer for at least one of your three choices.

Let’s show you how to easily apply!

What You Need To Know About Chevening Scholarships

The programme creates a network of influencers and decision makers who have a lasting positive disposition towards the UK and its universities, and partnerships enable closer connections to be developed between the partner organisation, the FCO and this extensive Chevening Alumni network.

Level/ Field of Study

This scholarship is for international students pursuing their Masters’ studies in the UK . Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted in the UNITED KINGDOM. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for you Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Eligible Nationality

The Scholarship is designed for International students. The Scholarship is designed Specifically for Applicants who have exceptional leadership and show great academic background.

Scholarship Benefits | Chevening scholarship amount

This is a fully funded scholarship in which the recipient gets Up to £18,000 Chevening Scholarship amount

  • Tuition fees
  • living costs
  • travel costs
  • visa costs
  • contribution to health tests i.e. TB testing where required

Chevening Scholarship Eligibility

  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended
  • Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK.
  • Have at least two years’ work experience (this may be up to five years for fellowship programmes, so please refer to your country page for further details)
  • Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by July
  • Meet the Chevening English language requirement by  July

Choose your three courses carefully as you won’t be able to change them after submitting your application. To be awarded a scholarship, you must get an unconditional offer for one of your course choices by 12 July.

Applicants will need to select three different master’s courses, these can be three different courses at the same institution or the same-titled course but at three different universities. You should choose your field of study carefully and select courses which reflect your current or future career goals.

In order to be eligible, the courses you choose must be:

  • Full-time
  • Start in the autumn term (usually September/October)
  • Taught master’s (i.e. not research-focused MRes programmes)
  • Lead to a master’s degree qualification
  • Based in the UK

The course cannot be:

  • Distance learning
  • Part-time
  • Less than nine months in duration
  • More than 12 months in duration
  • PhD or DPhil are not permitted


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