Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leonean Students 

The Chevening Scholarships 2024 is now receiving applications for eligible Sierra Leonean Students who wish to pursue their dreams of studying abroad. It is awarded to individuals with demonstrable leadership potential with strong academic backgrounds.

A Chevening award offers financial support and the opportunity to become part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network.

This article explains Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leonean Students in detail. Look at the table below to see highlights of issues duly discussed in this piece.

About the Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leonean Students 

Chevening is the UK government’s global scholarship program that offers future leaders the unique opportunity to study in the UK. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding professionals from your country and beyond to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any UK university.

Chevening provides fully-funded scholarships, leaving you free to focus on achieving your academic goals and enjoying the experience of a lifetime. You will live and study in the UK for a year. You will develop professionally and academically, grow your network, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

If you have ambition, leadership potential, and a strong academic background, we encourage you to go to grow in the UK as a Chevening Scholar.

The Chevening Scholarships Programme commenced in 1983 as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Awards Scheme (FCOAS) and is funded by the British government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Applications are made online via a web portal in October of each year, except for some sponsored scholarships for which applicants apply via the co-sponsoring organization. Scholarship applicants also apply directly to their preferred universities in the UK, usually for Master’s degree courses. Most scholarships include a living stipend, airfares and the full or partial cost of tuition fees.

The most popular destinations for the study were the London School of Economics & Political Science, University College London, and the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, University of Nottingham, University of Bath and King’s College London.

About Chevening Scholarships in Sierra Leone

Chevening Scholarships in Sierra Leone are awarded to outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year Master’s degree programme at any UK university. They provide a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

Applicants from Sierra Leone can choose any course of study at any UK higher education institution. We particularly welcome applications that relate to UK interests in your country.

Level/Field of study:

The scholarships are available for pursuing the master’s programme in any course of study

Host Nationality:

The scholarship is hosted in the United Kingdom.

Eligible Nationality:

The scholarship is open to students from Sierra Leone.

Scholarship Benefits:

A Chevening award in Sierra Leone includes:

  • University tuition fees (Chevening applies a tuition fee cap of £18,000 to MBA programmes. Applicants will be expected to cover the remaining costs above the £18,000 cap)
  • a monthly stipend
  • travel costs to and from the UK
  • an arrival allowance
  • homeward departure allowance
  • the cost of one visa application
  • a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK

Scholarship Number:

The number of offers was not specified.

Eligibility for Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leonean Students

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended
  • Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry into a postgraduate program at a UK university. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honors degree in the UK.
  • Have at least two years’ work experience (this may be up to five years for fellowship programs, so please refer to your country page for further details)
  • Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 12 July 2018
  • Meet the Chevening English language requirement by 12 July 2018. To find out more about eligibility click here If you applied before the deadline, but have not yet submitted your English language test results or your unconditional university offer, you must upload them to your application by 12 July. 
  • Use the ‘upload application documents’ button above to upload them. Please note that only documents in PDF format can be uploaded and documents cannot be over 5MB in size. If you are eventually conditionally selected for a Chevening Scholarship, it is essential that you have submitted these documents in order to remain.

How to Apply for Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leoneans

Applications for Chevening Scholarships can only be submitted using the Chevening online application system, available through the ‘apply’ button on this page.

You can begin the application by clicking APPLY HERE and get more details by clicking the Scholarship Link

What documents do I need to go to the interview with?

Prior to starting your application for a Chevening Scholarship please ensure you have the following ready:

  • Two references to be provided in a letter format and written in English
  • Valid passport/national ID card
  • University transcripts (undergraduate, postgraduate)
  • Three different UK Master’s course choices

Please note that only documents in PDF format can be uploaded and documents cannot be over 5MB in size.


  • English language (if already met the requirements)
  • UK Master’s university offer (if already met the requirements)

What questions will be asked at the interview?

The interview will be an opportunity to discuss some information you provided in the application form. The panel will ask questions that will enable you to fully explain your personal and professional aspirations and how Chevening can facilitate these goals for you. As part of your interview, your course choices will also be discussed so be prepared to talk about them.

Chevening Scholarships for Sierra Leonean Students Application Deadline:

The application portal for Chevening scholarships is open. Application deadline for Chevening Scholarship is 3rd November.

What are the basic things I need to know before applying for UK student visa in Sierra Leone?

The Tier 4 – Student (Adult) visa is for students who intend to undertake any post-16 education at a United Kingdom institution in a full-time course. The Tier 4 – Student (Adult) visa is flexible and allows students to take part in both short- and long-term courses of at least 6 months in duration.

To qualify, students must have a confirmed offer of enrolment from a licensed education provider (sponsor), be able to maintain and accommodate themselves (or be maintained and accommodated by a host) while they are studying and show that they are able to pay their course fees.

Tier 4 – Student (Adult) Visa Basic Requirements

The UK Home Office has set specific requirements for applicants to apply for a Student visa under the Tier 4 (Adult) category.

Applicants must show they have been accepted into a recognised course of study at an approved UK institution licensed by the UK Home Office. Applicants will also be required to provide evidence that they have sufficient funds (maintenance) available to support themselves whilst in the UK without undertaking employment, other than part time and vacation work permitted for adult students.

Tier 4 – Student (Adult) Visa Entitlements

Successful applicants will be granted a visa in line with the length of their initial course of study.

The Tier 4 – Student (Adult) visa offers the student the benefit of developing an educational base in the UK while being permitted to work between 10 to 20 hours per week during term periods, depending on the course of study. Tier 4 – Student (Adult) visa holders are permitted to work full time during vacation periods without seeking further permission from the UK Home Office.

In some instances, graduate level students may be able to switch into a working visa category that could lead to settlement in the UK.

How do I apply and obtain a UK study visa in Sierra Leone?

To apply for a UK visa in Ethiopia you need to:

Apply online and follow the instructions to:

  • pay your fee
  • book your appointment

You have the option to pay your fee online using a credit card when making your application. Alternatively, you can make payment in cash when attending your appointment at the visa application center.

Your appointment will be at the British Embassy in Freetown – here you will:

  • submit your application form and supporting documents
  • have your photo and fingerprints (known as ‘biometric information’) taken

British High Commission Freetown

6 Spur Road Freetown
Sierra Leone

Step 1: Possible Easy Ways to Win Chevening Scholarship Award

Winning a Chevening has been described by many Winner in the previous year as a Miracle of a Lifetime. The Testimonies keep resounding from other sources. One important thing about the testimonies they shared, was that at a point they did something different from what others did and most they believed that those points and steps are what added to their Excellence in the Application.

Step 2: Be Eligible to The Scholarship:

There is no how you could win a scholarship without been Eligible for it. The first step is to completely digest the Eligibility Criteria. Make sure you meet all the requirements demanded by the committee.

Step 3: The application should be at least two months before Deadline:

In other words ‘apply early’. Chevening scholarship has deadline From August to September each year. The testimonies so far have shown that early application is key to their success. The month you applied doesn’t matter but the fact remains to APPLY BEFORE THE DEADLINE.

Step 4. Be enthusiastic.

A Chevening Scholarship pays all your expenses to study and live in the UK. UK is pleased to inform you that they have four of the top eight universities in the world. And the UK is a great country to live in.

If you can’t show the interview panel that you are enthusiastic about living and studying in the UK fully funded, then I have to question why you’re applying in the first place.

Step 5: Sell yourself:

We compiled this Secret from past winners, and here’s a powerful one from Petite Diva

I was confused about what the scholarship panel wanted from me. I consulted an alumnus of this university that was also awarded a scholarship when he was here and he said ‘you have to sell yourself’.

You have to show that you are worth the award. Some of the guys I interviewed said you need to show all that you have done in terms of experience, previous awards if you have been given, any volunteer work, how good you were during your undergraduate studies (for example if you were in the top 10% of your class when graduating).

I had written the answers I thought were perfect when I asked him, and I was like, ‘wow! I have to hype myself’. It was strange for me because I usually like my work to speak for me.

This you can figure out what we meant by  ” Sell Yourself.”

Step 6: Be Concise:

The Application is no ground for Exchange of pleasantries or pouring your sympathetic situations in writing. The Board expects you to go straight to the point. That was a struggle for me because I like to yap (talk) or write a lot (that is one of the reason I started blogging. Facebook and Twitter’s words restriction was not doing it for me…lol). So having to convey my message in 50, sometimes 100 words, was really hard. I can say I rewrote my answers more than 50 times. I kept writing, editing, rewriting, editing over and over. I wanted to convey my thoughts without losing any part of it. I think that a dictionary or Google is helpful with rephrasing words.

Step 7: All Information Provided Must Be Truth:

All falsified information has totally disqualified you. Never exaggerate any scenario or any of your qualifications. It does not all require that you are expected to fill. But try as much as possible to get the right information across to the board. And there was a question where it was asked ‘how would the scholarship help you?’ One of my reasons was, ‘I won’t be able to afford to study here.’ There was no need beating about the bush. It was the plain truth.

Step 8: Check your spelling and word phrasing:

You are applying for a scholarship in an English – speaking country, you must be an agreement with your tenses. Make sure you re-read every sentence for more than ten times and give every sentence a thought. It is better to take a long time to write your application answers than to make silly mistakes.

With all these steps applied, we guarantee you excellence in your Chevening Scholarship Applications. If this information helped you in any way, feel free to share.

We recommend other scholarship opportunities.

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