Chevening Scholarships For Tanzanian Students

Applications for the Chevening Scholarships for Tanzanian Students 2024 are officially available. Chevening Scholarships in Tanzania are specially for outstanding emerging leaders to pursue a one-year taught Master’s degree program at any UK university.

They provide a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers worldwide to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

A Chevening award offers financial support and the opportunity to become part of the highly regarded and influential Chevening global network.


Chevening is the UK government’s international awards program aimed at developing global leaders since 1983.

Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations, Chevening offers two types of awards – Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships – the recipients of which are personally selected by the British Embassies and High Commissions throughout the world.

Chevening offers a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers worldwide to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

What You Need To Do Before Applying For A Chevening Scholarship Online

Below are some tips and advice for applicants when using the online application system:

  • Use the Google Chrome web browser, which is recommended for the best experience.
  • When completing your application form, work in a full-size window. This will make the application form easier to read in its original format.
  • Don’t use your browser’s ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons. This will take you out of the system and lose all unsaved work. Navigate through the pages of the application form by using the menu links in the form.
  • Remember your username and password. This saves time when you want to log back into the online application system.
  • Enter information accurately, especially your contact details. Please ensure that you enter a valid email address. If it changes after you have submitted it, please ensure you update it in your application; otherwise, you may miss important updates from the Chevening Secretariat. Also, if you provide a second email address, please ensure it is valid and different from your first one.
  • You can preview all sections of the application form at the start of your session and before you start to complete it to familiarise yourself with what is required.
  • Consider preparing your answers offline. The application form may take some time to complete, so you may wish to prepare your answers offline and then paste your answers into the online form where appropriate. This is particularly relevant if you use a public computer, like in an internet cafe.
  • Application questions have word counts. In the application form, you are required to answer a set of questions. There is a minimum word count of 100 words per answer and a maximum of 500 words per answer, so please ensure you meet these requirements. Answers that are less than 100 words will not be considered.
  • Save as you go! There is no automatic save function on the system, and each session will close after 60 minutes, even if you are still actively editing the form.
  • You do not have to complete the form in one session. Always remember to save your work. Use the ‘Logout’ button (top right corner of the page) and keep a note of your username and password so that you can come back and finish off your application later. You will also be able to access your application via a link you will receive in an email.
  • Do not plagiarise. If content from other sources is used to answer the application questions, they will be considered plagiarised, and your application will not be passed on to the reading committee. We therefore strongly encourage you to thoroughly check your answers, ensuring they are original and not copied from other sources.
  • Please apply in English. Applications must be submitted in English. Any application not submitted in English will be deemed ineligible.
  • Check the size and format of the files you intend to upload and ensure they meet the requirement. The online system will only accept PDF documents no larger than 5 MB. Please ensure that the filename length does not exceed 50 characters.
  • Only submit your application once you’re completely satisfied with it. When you are satisfied with your application, click the ‘Submit button. Please note that once you have done this, you may not modify your application except for the contact details section.
  • Remember, you can only submit one application. We will only accept your first application. To withdraw from the process, you will be asked to provide a reason before the withdrawal is final. If you choose to withdraw your application, you will not be able to start another application until applications open again.


Applicants from Tanzania can choose any course of study, and we particularly welcome applications in the following fields:

  • Construction
  • Environment
  • Good governance
  • Human rights
  • infrastructure
  • Law
  • Media
  • Oil and gas


The UK Government is hosting the Chevening scholarship, and it’s taken in the UK.


This  scholarship is open to Tanzanian students who want to study in the UK


A Chevening Scholarship in Tanzania includes:

  • University tuition fees (Chevening applies a tuition fee cap of £18,000 to MBA programs. Applicants will be expected to cover the remaining costs above the £18,000 cap)
  • A monthly stipend
  • Travel costs to and from the UK
  • An arrival allowance
  • Homeward departure allowance
  • A thesis grant
  • A grant for study materials
  • Study travel allowance
  • The cost of one visa application
  • A travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK

To be eligible for a Chevening Award, you must:

  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended
  • Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to enter a postgraduate program at a UK university. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honors degree in the UK.
  • Have at least two years’ work experience (this may be up to five years for fellowship programs, so please refer to your country page for further details)
  • Apply to three eligible UK university courses and receive an unconditional offer from one of these choices by November.
  • Meet the Chevening English language requirement by November

Application Deadline

Applications for 2024 Chevening Scholarships are now open until 12:00 (midday) GMT on 3 November 2024.



What You Need To Know About Chevening Scholarship Interviews

If you are shortlisted to interview for a Chevening Award, you are invited to attend an interview in the city where the British Embassy or High Commission has representation.

The global interview period for 2024 Chevening Scholarships will run from 1 March to 30 April 2024. Interviews for fellowships may take place at different times. Please refer to your country page for further details.

Booking your interview

You will receive an email with instructions on how to book your interview. Interview slots are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

So, we suggest that you book your slot as soon as possible. Once you have scheduled your interview, you will receive a booking confirmation email, and your slot cannot be changed.

Applicants must attend face-to-face interviews in the country to which they have applied and be prepared to travel to the interview in the first instance.

Only in exceptional circumstances are Skype interviews permitted. This is usually where security restrictions prevent applicants from traveling to the country they applied to or where there is no British Embassy or High Commission.

Such instances are considered case-by-case, and a decision is made following consultation with the British Embassy or High Commission.

Also, you will be informed in your invitation email if your interview can be conducted via Skype.

Before attending your interview

Before attending your interview, you will be asked to upload the following documents to the online application system:

  • Two valid references. This is a crucial stage in the selection process; you must submit these documents before your interview. Two valid references are essential in this process. For further information about references, please see the references page.
  • Biography. Scholars and fellows should upload a short bio that tells us more about you.
  • Copy of your passport photograph(for fellowships only)

Read this: Chevening Scholarships For Tanzanian Students

Preparing for your Chevening Scholarship interview

You will need the following documents to take to your interview:

  • Passport/national ID
  • You should not bring any other documents with you when coming. Additional instructions may be provided in the booking confirmation email.

The Chevening interview

The interview will be a competency-based panel assessment conducted in English.

The interview panel will include representatives from the British Embassy or High Commission, who will use the global Chevening criteria to assess your answers.

You will be asked a series of questions discussing some of the information you provided in the application form.

The panel will ask questions that will enable you to explain your personal and professional aspirations and how Chevening can facilitate achieving these goals. Your course choices will also be discussed, and you will be asked to provide an update on your applications.

What should I expect after my interview?

All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their interview after the global interview period. Please do not contact your local British Embassy or High Commission, as updates on the status of your application cannot be provided before 30 April.

Applicants should not wait for the outcome of their interview to apply for their university courses and should apply for all three courses as early as possible. Also, any unconditional offers received should be uploaded to the online application system immediately.


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