COIT Clean Meme Scholarship Contest 

COIT Service is delighted to invite applications for the Clean Meme Scholarship Contest. This scholarship is just like other scholarships in USA aimed at supporting undergraduate and graduate students at any accredited college or university in the USA or Canada.

The successful applicants will receive up to $1,000.

The record has it that this scholarship has helped a lot of undergraduate and graduate students achieve academic success. In applying for this scholarship, you must create a meme that demonstrates the psychological benefits of cleaning. The meme should be visually appealing and easy to read.

This post provides you with detailed information about COIT Clean Meme Scholarship Contest and how you can successfully apply.

You can scroll the table of content below to get an overview of all this post entails.

About COIT Clean Meme Scholarship Contest 2022

This graphic design-centric scholarship challenges you to create a meme that shows us a humorous take on the psychological benefits of having your space cleaned.

You might focus on the kinds of messes that people try to handle themselves, but need someone with more experience to fix. Your meme should be designed for posting on social media and can be 1, 2 or 3 frames total – it’s your story, so tell it your way.

We will give extra attention to clever submissions with a real sense of humor. The most important criterion, though, is a fantastic graphic design.

The meme should be easy to read and visually appealing- something worth sharing!

Scholarship Worth

COIT Scholarship worths the following;

  • First Place: $1000
  • Second Place: $500
  • Third Place: $250

Level/ Field of study

This scholarship is for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in any subject.

Host Nationality

COIT Clean Meme Scholarship Contest can be taken at an accredited college or university in the U.S. and Canada.

Eligible Nationality

This scholarship is for all nationalities.

Host Nationality

To be eligible, candidates must be enrolled in either an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university in the USA or Canada. International students are welcome.

Application Instruction

To apply, please follow the submission rules below:

  • Create a meme as described above. It may be sent via email in any of the following formats: AI, EPS, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TIF. Do not send a Word document. (Tip: Microsoft Word is not intended for graphic design. If you aren’t sure what to use and still determined to apply, try downloading and learning GIMP, a free, open-source version of Photoshop.)
  • Post your design on your personal Facebook AND Twitter accounts, using the Hashtag #CoitScholarship on both
  • Email your submission by 11:59 pm (PST) August 31, 2024,

Application Submission Deadline

COIT Clean Meme Scholarship Contest deadline is 31 August annually.

Website and Application Link


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