Applicants are invited to grasp the opportunity and apply for the Commonwealth Digital Challenge 2024: Media-Tech Accelerator. This challenge is just for citizens from any of the commonwealth countries.
Therefore if you are from Commonwealth countries, be excited to sink your teeth in this article because this could be the opportunity you have been looking for. Only eligible persons will be considered.
About Thomson Foundation
The Thomson Foundation’s challenge is an annual competition designed to help tech-savvy young Commonwealth entrepreneurs develop an application, digital idea, or tool to improve the work of journalists, communicators, and communicators. and media organizations in the Commonwealth.
The Fund has been playing an important role in bringing together Commonwealth broadcasters through a program of travel grants and training opportunities for more than 20 years.
However, since the groundbreaking documentary, Elizabeth R, the media landscape has changed dramatically and the fund is now evolving to meet the challenges of the digital media age.
The Foundation has been tasked with renaming and restarting the fund. This is a wise choice as the Foundation has been helping to raise the level of journalism and communication in the world for over 55 years and has trained journalists and media from all Commonwealth countries.
How Much Is the Commonwealth Digital Challenge In London 2024 Worth?
- The winning individual or group will be invited to Britain in November. All paid expenses and assistance will be provided for the development of your mobile application or digital tool.
- It will be followed by 12 months’ mentoring by industry professionals overseen by the Thomson Foundation – the world’s longest-established media development organization.
Scholarship Number
The Commonwealth Digital Challenge 2024 has no specific offers.
Eligibility for the Commonwealth Digital Challenge In London 2022
To qualify for the scholarships,
- Applicants must be citizens of a Commonwealth Member State, with the exception of the United Kingdom.
- The competition will be open to persons aged 18 to 30 at the time of the competition on 3 May.
- The organizers of the contest can request documents to check the age of the participant.
- The competition is open to individuals and groups of up to three people.
- All contributions and presentations must be written in English.
- The first assessment will take place in the week of May 22, and candidates will be available for the presentation of the webinar during this week.
- The three groups/persons selected to participate in the four-month mentorship must be able to travel to the United Kingdom in November 2024, provided that they are potential winners.
- The schedule of virtual mentoring sessions will be set as far as possible for all participants, but will ultimately depend on the availability of the mentor.
- The final winner will be asked in the UK in November. If travel is not possible during this period, the prize will go to the second most selected candidate or group.
Level/Field of Study
Commonwealth Digital Challenge is available for young, aspiring and tech-savvy entrepreneurs from Commonwealth nations who desire to develop a digital tool to solve the challenges of journalists, communicators and media organizations.
Here is a List of eligible Programs with UCAS code 2024.
Host Nationality
All scholarships are taken in the UK.
Eligible Nationality:
The challenge is available for international students from Commonwealth countries.
Application Procedure:
To apply for the scholarship,
First step: launch
Participants will be invited to submit a 500-word statement, in English, describing an editorial or technical problem faced by journalists and media organizations in the Commonwealth, as well as a potential justification for how it can be handled. using a mobile application or digital solution. the intention to develop. The statement should be supported by ONE of the following:
- PowerPoint presentation (or similar) of up to six slides
- An audio file of up to five minutes
- A video file of up to five minutes
- Candidates will be invited to download their video, audio or presentation slides on a file-sharing platform (eg Dropbox, Google Drive), which will be accessible to the jury via a single URL link.
Second step: First judgment
The jury will be composed of representatives of the Thomson Foundation, media organizations and representatives of technological organizations and universities. The foundation of the initial lists among the original nominations will be selected by Thomson Foundation in collaboration with the judges, who will then select six short-listed candidates to proceed to the next stage of the competition.
- The six groups/individuals involved will be invited to present a webinar of their proposal to the Thomson Foundation and its group of independent judges across the Commonwealth.
- This will include a detailed session of questions and answers.
In the opinion of the judges, the top three performers will receive online support and mentorship over a four-month period.
Third step: Development
- The development period, which includes virtual tutoring, will take place from June 3 to September 27, 2024.
- During this time, several mentoring sessions will be organized. Mentoring will depend on relevance for groups, but may include:
- Development
- Process
- Finance
- Pitch
- Technical expertise
- Professional skills
- Funding
- Mentoring will also include free access to the Thomson Foundation’s Journalism Now e-learning program.
The three competing competitors/groups will be invited to present the progress of their ideas during the last week of September, during the final stage of mentoring, and to a leading panel of experts from the sector.
Fourth step: winner
The winning individual or group will be invited to the UK in November, all expenses paid and will be assisted in the development of their mobile application or digital tool.
In order to apply, please fill the application form.
Application Deadline:
The application deadline for the Commonwealth Digital Challenge 2024: Media-Tech Accelerator falls on May 3rd, annually.
- Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Accountancy Fellowship
- $5,000 Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Engineering Fellowship
- Plymouth University Scholarships for International Students in the UK
- Florence Congleton Scholarship Award UK
- Surgery Online Global Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh
- African MBA Scholarship at the University of Birmingham in the UK
- International Hardship Fund at King’s College London
- African Real Estate Society (AfRES) Scholarship for Africans in the UK
- University of Bradford Sanctuary Scholarships for Asylum Seekers
- University of Warwick Albukhary Undergraduate Scholarship
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