Cordes Fellowship in Cancun Mexico

Applications are open for the Cordes Fellowship Program 2024. If you are an exceptional social entrepreneur or nonprofit leader engaged in building sustainable solutions to poverty and injustice globally, the Cordes Fellowship provides an opportunity to take part as a full Delegate at the Opportunity Collaboration in Cancun, Mexico.

Since 2010, the Cordes Fellowship program has provided annual scholarships for 50 of the world’s most promising emerging social entrepreneurs to participate as full delegates in the Opportunity Collaboration (OC), an annual gathering in Mexico of 400+ global leaders building sustainable solutions to poverty and injustice.

The OC brings together social entrepreneurs, innovative nonprofit executives, grant makers, impact investors, corporate and academic field-leaders, and aligned media working around the world to solve common challenges and spark new opportunities.

Cordes Fellowship Purpose

The purpose of the Cordes Fellowship is to open doors, minds, and networks for emerging social entrepreneurs and nonprofit executives; enrich OC with new, emerging leaders; and infuse OC discussions with a diversity of perspectives.

What You Need To Know About The Cordes Foundation fellowship

The Cordes Fellowship provides all-inclusive room-sharing accommodations for 5 days, meals, full access to leadership programs, capacity building clinics, working discussion groups, agenda roles, organizational showcasing opportunities, pre- and post-event networking concierge services, transportation to and from Cancun International Airport (CUN), internet fees, onsite recreation and resort fees.

Most importantly, they will spend five 5 days connecting with over 400 of the world’s most passionate leaders. Come prepared to share best practices, illuminate partnership opportunities or reveal a current passion or innovative idea!

Level/Field of Study

This Fellowship is for Graduate studies. If you are an international student and you wish to study in America, this is a List of Latest Undergraduate Scholarships for America 2024.

Host Nationality

This scholarship is taken in Mexico.

Browse through the list of our scholarship by country to get more scholarship opportunities like this.

Eligible Nationalities

Successful Cordes Fellowship applicants are high-impact, innovative, entrepreneurial for-profit and nonprofit executives with a demonstrated commitment to social justice and poverty alleviation.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Cordes Fellows selected from non-OECD countries (developing economies) receive a $2,950 award (fully covering their OC Global registration) and pay a refundable $250 administration fee, which is returned after the non-OECD fellow attends OC Global.
  • All Cordes Fellows from OECD countries (developed economies) receive a $2,100 award (partially covering their OC Global registration) and pay an $850 registration fee.

Cordes Foundation Fellowship Eligibility

  • Successful Cordes Fellowship applicants are high-impact, innovative, entrepreneurial for-profit and nonprofit executives with a demonstrated commitment to social justice and poverty alleviation.
  • Like all Delegates, Cordes Fellows are catalytic leaders who, by their actions and accomplishments, evidence pragmatic vision, passionate tenacity, multi-sectoral thinking, adaptive leadership skills, non-ideological activism, and a strong ethical grounding.
  • Financial need is a primary consideration. Applicants from both for-profit and nonprofit organizations with adequate resources are less likely to be considered. ( Additionally, please keep in mind that organizations may only receive a Fellowship once and awards are extended to just one senior leader per organization in any given year.

How to Apply For The Cordes Foundation fellowship

  • To apply, please follow the link and submit your application before January 31. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • All 2024 Cordes Fellowship applications submitted before January 31, 2024, will be notified via e-mail regarding the outcome of their application by March 31, 2024. Once notified, Fellows have 30 days to accept the Cordes Fellowship award by registering on the OC website.

Click here to apply.

For more information, visit Cordes Fellowship.

Application Deadline

Applications closed January 31. All 2024 Cordes Fellowship applications submitted before January 31, 2024, will be notified via e-mail regarding the outcome of their application by March 31, 2024.

Once notified, Fellows have 30 days to accept the Cordes Fellowship award by registering on the OC website.


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World Scholarship Forum

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