DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship for Ghanaian Students 

Science is constantly advancing every day as more discoveries and innovations continue to evolve. As these developments continue to increase, there is a commensurate increase in the level of knowledge in all program levels. In order to capture this data, the DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarships for Ghanian Students in 2024 gives students an opportunity to be part of the growth.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the Ghana Scholarships Secretariat is delighted to invite applicants who are Ghanaians with a Science background to apply for the DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship in Germany.

The program shall be taught in the English Language over a three-year duration. All applications must be submitted before the stated deadline and only eligible persons will be considered for this program.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Scholarships Secretariat is inviting applications from Ghanaian students to pursue doctoral training programs.

Level/Field of Study

This Training Scholarship is a scholarship made available to Ph.D. students studying in Science related fields

Host Nationality

DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship is hosted and taken in Germany. This DAAD award is organized by the Ghana Ministry of Education.

Browse through our scholarship by subject to find out more scholarship opportunities for Ghanaians, you can also check our study abroad scholarship for students interested in studying abroad.

Eligible Nationality

DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship is only available for Ghanaian Students. You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates.

Scholarship Worth

They normally offer these grants within:

  1. a) Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics and Scientists
    d) Summer course grants

Below are some benefits of this Doctoral Training Scholarship;

  • Preparatory German language course of 6 months
  • monthly scholarship installment
  • adequate travel lump sum
  • annual study and research allowance
  • full health, personal liability and accident insurance cover
  • further individual allowances on application

Eligibility for DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship 2021

  • Must be a Ghanaian citizen resident in Ghana.
  • Must be a teaching staff of a Public or accredited private Tertiary University or Polytechnic.
  • Be a first Degree holder with 2nd Class Upper division or First Class
  • Must hold a Masters degree equivalent to B+ grade or above
  • Should have a National Service certificate
  • The Master’s degree generally should not be over six (6) years at the last time of graduation.
  • Should not be over 45 years
  • Should learn the German Language

How to Apply for DAAD Training Scholarship 2021

The candidates shall submit a complete application comprising:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research proposal (not over 10 pages) including a detailed time table.
  • Should have secured admission with a recognized German University and develop a research proposal with a would-be German Supervisor.

                  THE REGISTRAR


  1. O. BOX M. 75


DAAD Doctoral Training Scholarship 2024 Application Deadline

The DAAD scholarship application closing date is on 31st October 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions

To get DAAD scholarship, you must fulfil the following:
1. Must have completed Bachelor degree not more than 6 years.
2. Must have 2 years of proven work experience.
3. Must be proficient in English or German language

Firstly, do your research about the requirements for the scholarships. Reach out to your professors for help and recommendations.
Then, update your documents and apply.

Yes. DAAD scholarships are fully funded, hence they cover the cost of the program.

Countries like Germany. Norway, Finland. Austria and Iceland offer various free tuition programs for international students. We have made a comprehensive list for you.

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World Scholarship Forum

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