Danish Government Scholarship at University of Southern Denmark 

The University of Southern Denmark offers the Danish Government Scholarship – supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science – to certain applicants in recognition of the important investment that overseas students make during their education.

If you are an international student seeking scholarships to study abroad, grab this scholarship opportunity at the University of Southern Denmark. The application is offered to all students except those that are out of the EU/EEA country.

The most important intention of the organization is to fortify the origins and also make students improved.

In SDU, scholarship alternatives are offered for international full-degree graduate students and governmental Agreements for Exchange and Guest students.

The scholarship consists of 2 parts: a full tuition fee waiver and also a grant, to help pay for living costs amounting to DKK 6090 a month before taxes.

The University of Southern Denmark welcomed the first students on the campus at Odense in September 1966, and matters have been growing by leaps and bounds since.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarships are available for pursuing Masters and Ph.D. programs in all fields of study in the universities

Host Nationality

The Danish Government Scholarship is taken and hosted in DenmarkInternational Scholarships are available for International students wishing to study abroad in any country. You can also check our scholarship by country category for more scholarship updates. I will recommend you check 15 Important Tips on Winning a Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

Candidates from a non-EU/EEA country and be eligible to pay tuition fees. The scholarship will be awarded to the best qualified of the eligible applicants. I also recommend this: TOP COUNTRIES THAT PROVIDE FREE EDUCATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS

Scholarship Worth

Total tuition fee waiver and also a supply of DKK 6090 a month before taxes.

Danish Government Scholarships can be used to cover travel, visa, accommodation, food, and other living expenses. The scholarships are for one person only. Additional amounts for accompanying family members are not available.

Participants may be liable to pay tax on their scholarship in the Kingdom of Denmark. Therefore, scholarship recipients should contact the local tax authorities for an individual assessment.

In the event that the Danish tax authorities decide that a scholarship is taxable, the Agency for Science and Higher Education has no power to overturn the decision.

Eligibility for Danish Government Scholarship 2022

To qualify, the candidates should be after the specified criteria:
Nominees in the non-EU/EEA country and also be eligible to pay for tuition prices. The student will be given for the best qualified of those eligible applicants.

How to Apply for the Danish Government Scholarship 2022

All candidates that are given a study place will be considered for the student.

Follow the link below to apply for the Danish Government Scholarship at the University of Southern Denmark 2022

Danish Government Scholarship Application Deadline

September intake: 1 February
February intake: 1 September

Danish Government Scholarship at the University of Southern Denmark 2024 Application  Link

Scholarship link


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World Scholarship Forum.

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