European Commission STARTS Prize to Brussels and Netherlands 

Entries are now been submitted for the European Commission STARTS Prize to Brussels and Netherlands 2024, this program is a funded award and all applicants are reminded to ensure that they comply with the eligibility criteria to avoid disqualification.

About European Commission STARTS Prize

Science, Technology, and Arts (=STARTS) form a nexus with an extraordinarily high potential for creative innovation. And such innovation is considered to be precisely what’s called for if we’re to master the social, ecological, and economic challenges that Europe will be facing in the near future.

The role of artists thus is no longer seen to be just about propagating scientific and technological knowledge and skills among the general public but much more as a kind of catalyst that can inspire and trigger innovative processes.

The artistic practice of creative exploration and experimental appropriation of new technologies has a wide-reaching potential to contribute to the development of new products and new economic, social, and business models.

Accordingly, the STARTS Prize focuses on artistic works that influence or change the way we look at technology, and on innovative forms of collaboration between the ICT sector and the world of art and culture.



Value of Award: 

  • Two prizes, each with €20,000 prize money, are offered to honor innovative projects at the intersection of science, technology, and the arts: one for artistic exploration, and thus projects with the potential to influence or change the way technology is deployed, developed or perceived, and one for innovative collaboration between industry/technology and art/culture in ways that open up new paths for innovation.
  • Grand Prize—Artistic Exploration
    Awarded for artistic exploration and artworks where appropriation by the arts has a strong potential to influence or alter the use, deployment, or perception of technology.
  • Grand Prize—Innovative Collaboration
    Awarded for innovative collaboration between industry or technology and the arts that opens new pathways for innovation.

Eligible Countries


To Be Taken At (Country)

The winning projects will be presented at the Ars Electronica Festival in September 2020 in Linz, Austria, at the BOZAR Electronic Arts Festival in September/October 2020 in Brussels, Belgium, at Waag Society in Amsterdam, Netherlands and at various partners worldwide.


Who can enter?

  • Artists / creative professionals or the researchers/companies involved from throughout the world; STARTS is not limited to citizens of EU-member states.

What can be submitted?

  • Groundbreaking collaborations and projects are driven by both technology and the arts. Purely artistic or technologically driven projects are not the focus of this competition.
  • All forms of artistic works and practices with a strong link to innovation in technology, business, and/or society; furthermore, STARTS is not restricted to a particular genre such as media art and digital art.
  • All types of technological and scientific research and development that has been inspired by art or involves artists as catalysts of novel thinking.

How to Apply

  • A video documentary (approximately 3 minutes in length)
  • Images (JPG, TIF, BMP, PNG) at the highest possible resolution; compressed files (such as .zip or .lzh files) are unacceptable.
  • A clear, detailed description of the artistic concept, the form of interaction, and technical implementation; since specific prerequisites have to be fulfilled for an onsite presentation to take place (e.g. in conjunction with the Ars Electronica Festival), the project’s specifications as to hardware & software and spatial requirements should be as detailed as possible. Moreover, the entrant must specify what he/she can provide on his/her own in order to stage such an onsite presentation, and what must necessarily be furnished by Ars Electronica Linz.
  • A printable portrait photo and a biography of the artist
  • At the entrant’s option, additional material such as images, documents, and drawings (as PNG or PDF) can also be submitted.

Application Deadline: The application for this year closed on 2nd March. However, The next submission will start in January 2024!


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